Wholesale Supplements - Cold and Flu Season

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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(https://customhealthlabs.com/blog/blog-coldandflu-season/) - The weather is beginning to change and people are starting to stay inside more. Welcome to Cold and Flu Season! Keep reading to find out more about ways you can prevent getting a cold or the flu and what you can do to keep it short.


Cold and Flu Season

The weather is beginning to change and people are starting to stay inside more. Welcome to Cold and Flu Season! Keep reading to find out more about ways you can prevent getting a cold or the flu and what you can do to keep it short.

Cold and Flu Season

Colds and flus are common respiratory viral infections that become widespread during this time of year. They are most often transmitted from hand-to-hand contact but just because you are exposed to the virus, doesn’t mean you are guaranteed to get a cold or flu.

Cold and Flu Season

eating too much sugar, particularly fructose, and too many grainsVitamin D Deficiency, as a result of insufficient sun exposureNot getting enough restInsufficient exerciseUsing ineffective strategies to address emotional stressors

Cold and Flu Season

So it is important to remember several things this time of year to keep healthy. Try to cut back on high calorie and processed foods.

Cold and Flu Season

Get out on the sun when you can to increase your Vitamin D levels. If not, try to take a supplement.

Make sure you are getting enough sleep. 7-8 hours for adults.

Cold and Flu Season

Fall is a great time to get outside and exercise. See this article for some great ideas.

Find something you love to do to take a break and relax from the stress of daily life.

Cold and Flu Season

There are also common vitamin and minerals that have shown to help reduce chances of getting a cold or flu and lessening the symptoms.

Cold and Flu Season

If you are wanting to not be slowed down this season by a cold or flu, make a few of these changes to your lifestyle and see what they can do for you!