Why a black baby's hair changes

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Why Black Babies Hair Change

In 1961 a man named Willie Morrow wrote about negro hair and its scientific differences. FACT: Afro textures are so distinctively scientific from straight hair; straight hair in fact needs microscopic examination to be identified as human, Afro textures do not.

NOTE: Our information is accurate according to scientific findings consistently expanding over 62

years of research and examination.

SO, why does a black baby’s hair change?

A mother’s amniotic fluid keeps the hair in a smooth state even through keratinization. The DNA dictates the amount of stages of maturity the hair will go through until maximum coil is reached.

A mother in Polynesia, combs her daughter’s maturing hair that has begun to coil. FACT: Afro-textures of African descending people will change approximately four times before reaching their adult hair. As the African ancestral kin gets less African, the skin gets lighter, the hair gets less curlier with less morphotic (growing tissue as a unit)stages.

There are specific instructions in the DNA that symmetrically coils and fractals these patterns over and over again.


1. Lanugo: a feather soft keratin. 2. Vellus: A more mature hair with a

wider diameter. 3. Terminal: The fullest maturity;

adult hair fuller diameter.

NOTE: African descending children’s Vellus transformation into terminal hair (adult) is a much longer process than European descending children.

In order to create the adult coil, Afro-texture’s terminal stage is extended and cuticles hardened by

the fat density within the dermis.

Teenagers into Adults AND THEIR HAIR

It is found in our research that African descending children’s hair is in full adult stage by the age of 13.

Afro-textures are dominant Pheno-types, (showing differences) though coiled hair has a wide variation of curl patterns due to racial diversity, the dermis that houses afro-follicles are also maturing at the rate of the coiled process.

A black baby’s hair develops from a soft feathery hair texture into strong spiral coarse coils; a metamorphosis that takes up to 13 years.

AGES If you are trying to style your child’s hair in a straight style … i.e. flat ironing... AGE: 0-3 Forget it, WHY?: Curly hair that still is not terminal will not flatten out and stay that way under most circumstances. AGES 3-9 Well, you’ll have better results, but will still not have great success, your child’s hair is not quite conducive yet for heat and straight styles.

NOTE: Using chemical processors to early before your child’s scalp has developed adult hair

increases his or her chances of not having healthy hair over the span of his or her life.

Successful styles while hair is transforming 9-13


Puffs N Plats are so simple, because they are low maintenance. When plats are scarfed at night after checking the tension, they should last for 3 days or so. Same goes for boys.

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