Why a Millennial Should Attend SAPPHIRE NOW 2014

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Why a Millennial Should Attend SAPPHIRE NOW 2014

75% of the workforce will be composed of millennials by 2025. Woah!

BPW Foundation’s Gen Y study published in April 2011

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You have the opportunity to influence and build our world’s next great inventions

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So what are you doing today to fuel that next “big idea”?

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How do you even build a case for a new invention?

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A couple of ways….

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1. You have to see what the current state is to set benchmarks

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Every great invention was created upon the identification of gaps in a current market, product or service.

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Disruptions happen when there are gigantic gaps to fill (like AirBnB for example).

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2. See where the market is going.

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By consuming content, learning from colleagues, and talking directly to customers, you will begin to form a point of view around gaps in the market.

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The more you learn, the greater the probability of correctly identifying the course that you set as a leader.

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And guess what? You can get started on your journey to building the next great invention in Orlando, Florida, June 3-5. There you will learn about….

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1. The latest technology to meet the demands of your current and future customers

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2. Meet some of the smartest people in the world from SAP, partners, and customers

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3. The Future of Business to make sure you are staying ahead of the trends

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So what are you waiting for?

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We leave you with this…….

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Will you be the next Nolan Bushnell? You know…The guy who fired Steve Jobs.

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Register for SAPPHIRE NOW 2014(online or in person!)

Join us in Orlando, June 3-5 in person or online, and help participate in the world’s next great invention: