Why Are You In The Wrong Place?

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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A message to give you meaning in your life.


Are you



Life is full of why’s! It starts with the young, not long after birth, and

it never ends, even to the death bed. Many

ask the question, why?

The child asks: Why was I born? Why are you my parents? Why must I wash and clean my teeth? Why must I eat my food? Why must I go to school? Why do I need to go to bed? Why? Why? Why?

The teenager asks: Why must I get out of bed? Why must I do my home work? Why must I be in by midnight? Why cannot I do what I want? Why must I get a Saturday job? Why must I listen to you? Why? Why? Why?

The young adult asks:Why must I study? Why must I go to work? Why must I live a good life? Why cannot I drink, smoke or take drugs? Why must I live in this house? Why must I tell you where I am going? Why? Why? Why?

The adult asks:Why must I put up with this job? Why must I put up with this house? Why must I put up with this car? Why must I put up with this marriage? Why must I put up with this life? Why? Why? Why?

The older adult asks:Why am I getting older? Why am I feeling sick all the time? Why are my bones and limbs aching? Why are my friends dying? Why can’t I go back to bed? Why am I dying? Why? Why? Why?

From birth to death we keep asking the question, why? Because life is full of why’s. Can I ask you TWO more why’s? 1. Why are YOU in the wrong place? 2. Why are YOU staying in the wrong place?

I am going to ask YOU, two questions asked of the disciples of Jesus, both questions where asked by angels, of the disciples.

Well, I cannot get an angel to ask you my questions, but I pray the God will ask them for me.

If these questions come from a man today, nothing will change in your life,BUT, if these questions are asked of God.Everything in your life could change today.


“Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen!”

There is no life among the dead; there is no life in a cemetery, so

there is no advice, direction or guidance

among the dead.

The Bible says “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins” Ephesians 2:1. Being dead could mean, “Having no existence,

having no purpose, having no direction.” You can be alive,

breathing, yet still be dead, because you are not going anywhere, for

your whys and questions of life, are not being answered.

Because today YOU could be in the wrong place!

Let us quickly look at this question asked by the angels

of the disciples of Jesus. “Why do you seek the living

among the dead?”

The news of Jesus' resurrection changed the attitudes of people; the resurrected Jesus made a big difference in the lives

of first-century disciples. Before the resurrection, the disciples were fearful,

disillusioned, disappointed, and depressed, but the risen Christ

transformed their lives. For without the resurrection of Jesus,

our faith is in vain.

Why are YOU in the wrong place? Because YOUR answers to life are not among dead things, but in the

Living Lord Jesus Christ. So, why are YOU in the wrong

place? Looking for a dead Christ, who was crucified on Good Friday,

when He is alive? Jesus is raised from the dead and

alive for ever more.

If you desire to learn of the reality of the resurrection of

Jesus. Open up your heart, mind, and life to Him. For He is alive!

For the Bible tells us so! For the Spirit tells us so!

For I know in my heart and life it is so!