Why can’t i learn how to sell online

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Dave ShirleyOn

Why can’t I learn How to Sell Online

Contact DaveShirleyConsulting@Gmail.comhttp://successathomebusiness.com/successcoach/https://www.facebook.com/david.shirley.5268

Step 1 Market Research, prior to attempting to sell onlineFirst, you must know your product.  What does it really do?  Why would someone want it? Then Who Wants it? 

That’s Called finding your Avatar or Perfect buyer.  That also requires some Demographics’ research to identify who the buyer is… where they live, where they work, are they home owners or renters?  Do they have children?  What Age?  How old is your buyer? And the list goes on.

This is Important, so that you correctly place the ad for the product in front of the person who will or most likely will buy it!Once that is done, you need to identify the keywords that describe your product, and the keywords that your buyer would most likely be typing in to search for your product or Solution.

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The CapturePart of the process, is also capturing the information of the shopper so that you have several attempts to show him your value is the Solution he or she needs.  Most of the time we use a Capture page for the purpose.  This page has a title area, a body and a Form.  This form serves the purpose of collecting our shoppers information.  It also can direct the shopper to the next page of our Sales Process or Funnel.

Once the shopper Subscribes, they will be directed to your product or solution.

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The Sales pagePart of learning how to sell online, is creating your Product Sales Page. 

This is not much different than your normal shopping.  You watch TV and see a add (Advertisement), then you decide if that’s something you want or need. 

After that, you drive to the Store (Lead Capture), you then walk in the Store and buy ( Sales page).   Your Store (Sales Page) needs to be neat and perfect!

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Congruency!  is Necessary to make Sales Online!

Another important aspect is Congruency. 

This simply means, your Keywords must match your Advertisement which must match your Capture page, and those need to match your Sales page!

Some other things needed are follow-up emails, and a mode of purchase  and delivery system.

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Of course, there is a lot more to it than I have listed here.  The best way to learn about how to properly Sell online is to take a Assessment Test.  You can do that by going to this link, it’s also FREE!>>http://TheEntrepreneurLife.com/mits/dshirley/freequiza

That’s Best Plan, take the Assessment quiz, then Join Results 513 for the necessary training you need to be at 100%.  You will learn all the things we talked about above and more!

- Market Research, Keywords, Your Avatar, Capture Pages, Sales FunnelsAll this and more!Why not, take my Advice and Learn Correctly How to Sell Online!Dave ShirleyTake the FREE Quiz!http://TheEntrepreneurLife.com/mits/dshirley/freequiza

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