Why did Citadel buy BlackBerry?

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Why Buy BlackBerry Ltd?

Emerging Markets

The company is shifting its focus away from the United States smart phones, and looking towards lower-priced entry points in emerging markets.

Emerging Markets

BlackBerry just came out with it’s new Z3 phone in Indonesia, a country which was once referred to as “BlackBerry Nation”

At $190, the price point is much more affordable than its Z10, which ran nearly $750.

The performance of the Z3 abroad will be viewed as a bellwether for new CEO John Chen

Niche Markets That Need Security

BlackBerry’s greatest strength is its status as the premier provider of secure communications.

Niche Security Markets

BlackBerry became the first company to receive Full Operational Capability rating to run on the Department of Defense and the U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency networks.

The company also make a recent investment in NantHealth, which could signal a move into secured communications for health care service providers.

But Let’s Keep This In Perspective

BlackBerry could end up shifting its focus successfully into emerging and secure network niches, but the opportunity could also attract competition.

That’s probably why, even though it’s a $23 million stake, Citadel’s investment in the company accounts for only 0.03% of all of its investments

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