Why Drupal CMS?

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Drupal is a feature rich Content Management System. Lean about the advantages of using Drupal. Also contains the real world sites which are made with Drupal.


Why Drupal?

Open Source CMS

Drupal is a versatile open source CMS, hence you modify, share and distribute content. Drupal allows you to add an array of modules to supplement a basic Drupal package. Customizing a basic pakage is not just easy but well supported with vast variety of modules and mambots that give your website the extra thrust.

The Technically Novice!

Drupal is your friendly and welcoming CMS. With easy guidance and a tremendous online support of several valuable tech intellects, Drupal development is easy to use and can be astutely managed by non professionals who have limited or no knowledge about coding and programming.

Software as a Service solution [SaaS]

Drupal performs as a magic wand as it not jus operates as a reliable and flexible CMS support but also acts a vital software as service solution for all your website development needs. Hence, Drupal is perfect for small business and equally scalable for any large enterprise.

Extremely Structural Flexible

Drupal provides a refreshing lease of breath for web designers with its well defined codes, which provide structural flexibility and ease for designing and developing, while the system resources use is wisely managed. This interactive usable environment not just makes the best use of resources but also makes abundant room for extensive flexibility and interactive features.

Security is Most Commendable

Drupal security is undisputable as it has a dedicated team of brilliant techs and developers who continuously work on refining the security, maintenance and testing for malware, security flaws and areas of vulnerabilities have not only sharpened the performance of Drupal but assert its credibility. The security support team works to resolve your security issues, review codes and resolve security loop holes incessantly.

Extensive API Support

The foremost commendable fact is that Drupal has an invaluable plethora of online support not just in form of well documents designers and developers but also thousands of modules that are made available freely. Sales force Drupal API, YouTube Drupal API, Google Apps Drupal API, Constant Contact Drupal API, Facebook Drupal API, Twitter Drupal API, Ubercart Drupal API, Google Analytics Drupal API , and Adsense Drupal API are one of the best well documented API that Drupal endorses.

Faster Execution & Swifter Operations

Drupal Development is simply fast, as it installs its core right out of the box and establishes an easy to use platform to make visual, content and module updates and valid third party integrations. This enables quicker operations and maximum utilization of operative resources.

Fundamental High Quality

With its highly accommodating and easy to execute developmental features Drupal helps small businesses to get noticed, drive traffic and share important content. Adds improved value to site with vast aspects of modules, mabots and many others.

Cross Browser Compatibility

Drupal built sites are widely compatible with various browsers such as Mozilla, IE, Chrome, Safari etc, you can experience the interactive features of the site unhindered in all kinds of browsers.

Credible Support Base

Drupal is not just savvy but walks the talk with a wide mammoth and ingenious assistance of several competent and certified Drupal themers and designers, who diligently support you online from the set up to completion of a module. This makes you believe Drupal is the panacea for all website development.

High Scalability

Drupal’s versatile developmental feature is to allow add-ins of third party modules to enlarge Drupal’s productivity. Such that, user administration, publishing work-flow, news aggregation, Meta data functionality etc are available for future requirements unhindered.

Your Storehouse of Striking Templates

Drupal has a wide database of well designed and highly effective templates for all types of web pages from business, blogs to eCommerce. Several striking and unique templates are available in abundance at users disposable.

No Worrying Over Broken Links

Now you can do away about broken links in your site. Drupal executes trustworthy permalinks to content database enabling users’ unrestricted access without fear of broken links. This also boosts your page ranking and increases page views.

Google Ajax Search Module

Drupal’s clever Google Ajax Search Module allows addition of inline searches over a number of Google services [web search, local search, video search, blog search and News Search]

Platform Flexibility Guaranteed

Drupal is designed from the scratch as a multi-platform performer; it can be installed in Apache or Microsoft IIS, can efficiently run on Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows and Mac OSX.

Empowering All Devices

Drupal is compatible for all mobile devices from your iPad, Tablet, iPhone to other savvy hand held mobile innovations in the market. You can view Drupal built websites in various techno gadgets without any alterations as similar to your desktop.

Search Engine Friendly

Drupal sites are fast to use and can handle hectic web traffic. The websites created in Drupal are not just rather easy to use but are extremely SEO friendly, therefore giving your website the extra momentum.

No Price Tag

Drupal is FREE, no cost of ownership, no proprietary licensing fees. This is the icing on the cake of all the ecstatic innovations that Drupal is providing to sites around the world. Drupal is not just taking your website building process to the next level but also ensuring that you do so without being billed a nickel.

Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites

www. corp.aol.com

Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites


Drupal Powered Websites


That’s why we love Drupal!

We are also building our first story based social network with Drupal!


Lets talk, if you want to know what all the things we do with Drupal at SWEET!

(91)-988.575.3885 drupal@sweetinteractive.com