Why Growth Hacking is the Next Big Thing for Marketing

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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growth hackingGolden Drum, October 16. 2015, Portorož


hello, i am Ana.


… and these are the things that inspire me.

digital branding

knowledge networks organizational


new org formsorg

structure & media

distributed cognition

actor-network theory

org management

media management

media studies

media business

social psychology

cognitive psychology

technology studies

economic sociologydesign


behavioral economics


my goal is to help clients disrupted by technology to better understand how to successfully use it to connect

with their customers and achieve business results.


i have a holistic approach to problem-solving and agnostic approach as to what the solution should be.


spot opportunity for creating unique

source of value.

spot opportunity created by

external disruptors

spot opportunity in the long-range



i am here to talk about growth hacking.


why is this question relevant?


ten years ago, today’s fastest-growing brands of did not exist.

ana @andjelicaaa & jana @janasavic

The biggest marketing innovations do not come grom

marketing agencies.


Marketing innovations come from those who have neither the marketing

budgets nor its know-how.


don’t tell me that you’re funny, tell me a joke.


the 1% rule.


Sir Brailsford is a growth hacker.


So are Airbnb, Uber, Instagram and Spotify.


Instagram’s “Suggested” is an example…


Or Dropbox’s “Invite Your Friends”


Or Apple’s “Sent from my iPhone”


User acquisition, retention and referrals are designed into the product experience

architecture from a get-go.


Still, there’s nothing that creates scale like network effects.


To get enough users on board to create network effects, the most famous modern brands have all “piggybacked” on other,

pre-existing social networks.


Airbnb piggybacked on Craigslist.


Paypal piggybacked on eBay.


Snapchat and Whatsapp piggybacked on our phone books.


Thanks to piggybacking, these brands didn’t have to create network effects

from zero.


In the world of traditional marketing, massive spend on distribution often

compensates for bad products.


what channel is Netflix on?


product + distribution = modern marketing


proizvod exp system policyproduct

if modern marketing were an animal, it would be …


the first step toward modern marketing is to redefine it.


Modern marketing sits at the intersection of business, technology & creativity.


Modern marketing is the worst thief there is.


Modern marketing has a love affair with the consumer.


Modern marketing swears by a good story.


Modern marketing is in the service business.

Modern marketing is in the service business.


“It’s easier for companies to come up with new ideas than to let go of old ones.”

Peter Drucker


thank you.you can find me on https://medium.com/@andjelicaaa
