WHY I LOVE CBD OIL - Dr. Leonard Coldwell...doing a Mic Check on Dr. C, and oh wait...where is Dr....

Post on 26-Mar-2021

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And no, you will not get high




What is CBD and will you get high? CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol which is one of the major cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. CBD is an extraction (or a particular compound found within) the cannabis plant. Now, cannabis a different than marijuana, which contains THC, the ‘illegal’ stuff that has been studied extensively for a multitude of ailments and has actually shown promising results.

Now, since good ole Uncle Sam does not make money on the God-given, nature-given plant that cannot be patented to make money on sick people, marijuana- it is simply ILLEGAL! Outright dangerous, I tell you! *note sarcasm* Now, thankfully, the world has woken up to some degree and marijuana is legal in some places. My primary concern regarding the legalization for marijuana is that we have thousands of VETERANS that would rather treat themselves without the risk of opioids, and/or psychoactive drugs that CANNOT, just because Uncle Sam said so. This is such an outrage for me because our Veterans have risked THEIR life for this great country and then are denied marijuana because of some bureaucratic, lobbyist (most likely from BigPharma), DESPITE the findings of countless studies?! 22 VETERANS COMMIT SUICIDE EACH DAY! EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT THIS!!!! Then, you have people with cancer, which alone is a 300 BILLION DOLLAR PER YEAR INDUSTRY. The cancer industry is not such a lucrative market because people are out there taking tinctures of Marijuana, believe me!

I digress...so what we are allowed is CBD oil. Although CBD oil does not offer, in my opinion, as many benefits as marijuana, CBD does have many benefits. Studies have found that CBD oil helps cardiovascular health, reduces risk of diabetes, obesity, cancer, bone disease, helps maintain brain health due to CBD’s neuroprotective properties, helps to neutralize glutamate toxicity, helps to protect the skin, provides anti-inflammatory properties and can help people with anxiety, stress, and pain. Whew- who doesn’t want some of that!?

Ok, now you are probably wondering what on Earth I use CBD oil for. Well, aside from the fact that I believe it is great supplementation, I do not take every single day. I had a few breakthrough- ah-ha moments with CBD. The first, was when we were in Germany during a 14 day seminar tour. Jet lag, 12 hour days (in heels), hotel food, probably not drinking enough water....I was a mess! Luckily, I had some CBD oil and I noticed if I took a dose at lunch and dinner, my feet were not achy and swollen at the end of the day, I was very relaxed and balanced even through chaotic times...and by chaotic times I mean doing a Mic Check on Dr. C, and oh wait...where is Dr. C?! Taking photos, greeting our guests, setting up cameras, etc etc!. There are usually a million things going on behind the scenes of an event that come up last minute, and I think most people would probably pull their hair out. BUT, I found something that worked for me and that is CBD oil. Throughout our trip, I


What is CBD Oil?

remained balanced and clear-minded in times of stress, and I could even sleep, despite the Jet lag, and non-stop thoughts about preparing for tomorrows event. I will say the best part was that I did not cringe at the thought of putting heels on the following day. Now, wearing the right shoes/heel height does go a loooong way, but there have been times when I was literally nauseated at the thought of putting heels on for the day. Sometimes, the aches were just too intense! All my ladies reading this right now know EXACTLY what I mean! And it really is a shame because if you change your shoes, sometimes your ENTIRE outfit must change accordingly-what a drag! I do find, though, the CBD oil helps!

The next breakthrough, was after eating at a restaurant and barely being able to drive home due to the enormous amount of MSG (monosodium glutamate) in the food. Aside from being disoriented, I had the worst migraine the next day, and MSG-induced depression...I seriously thought the world was ending, which is the complete opposite of my general outlook on life! I could not even function...I felt braindead! I tried answering emails and realized I was just staring at the screen and could not formulate answers...after 30 minutes. I am surprised I didn’t find a puddle of drool on my desk- it was that bad! This was the worst feeling ever...I felt totally helpless...like all I wanted to do was hop into another body just to escape this feeling. The sad part is that MSG is in just about everything! At least at the grocery store, I can read a label and decide if the ingredients pose a

risk or not, but restaurants do not come with an ingredient list. It’s a game of Russian Roulette. I imagine if they did have an ingredient list, though, business would go waaaay down! I guess by instinct I grabbed the bottle of CBD oil and took a dose. About an hour later, the headache diminished and I stopped feeling so depressed...the MSG was by no means completely neutralized but I was much better. And if you are sensitive to MSG and have gone through similar things, then you will know when MSG hits you, you will do ANYTHING to get 1% better! Since CBD oil has neuroprotective properties, this can really help balance out glutamate toxicity. In this particular case, I took a new dose every few hours until my symptoms completely disappeared.

My next ah-ha moment, was with our oldest dog. She likes to play like a 1 year old, but has the tendency to over exert herself. One day, after playing, she was limping really badly and I could tell she was in pain. I figured, well if it is good enough for her mommy, then it is good enough for my puppy girl! I put a couple drops in my hand- not even in food- and she licked them up in a snap! The earthy taste of CBD oil did not hold her back whatsoever! I gave her the drops at bedtime, but I noticed she fell deeply asleep and was very relaxed. The next morning the limping was 80% better and she did not have such pain in her face. As a mommy, I was so happy! I actually have to make sure I do not grab the


bottle when she sees it, because she quickly made the association that the bottle is for her!

So, I have given a few examples of why and how I use hemp, but I truly believe the applications are endless, and there is so much yet to be studied! I personally feel that the fight for legalization of marijuana and the like will actually uncover a conspiracy of BigPharma and maybe the FDA. I guess only time will tell, but in the meantime I wanted to share my insights and hopefully it can help improve your life! Let me know how CBD has helped you! Write to me at ibms@startmail.com or DIRECTLY via the Members Only Website.


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