Why important to create a website for Mobile ?

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Why Important to Create a Website For Mobile?

Mobile user day to day increase all over the world .

The Increase Of Mobile Adoption Rate

If you still don’t believe that mobile usage is increasing, let’s take a look at this info graphic about the mobile usage in 2015:

 Mobile Is Convenient To Everyone

The mobile adoption rate is increasing every year ever since Google included the websites that are optimized for mobile as “mobile-friendly” on the mobile search results. 

Improve Engagement And User Experience

Many websites are already making their sites mobile-friendly, are you sure that you don’t want to keep up with them?

 Keep Up With The Industry

Now that you know why a mobile-friendly website is so important for your SEO, you should read Madhyam Technologies post to find out how to make your website mobile-friendly.

As pointed out, if you want more conversions and sales for your business, it is a must to have a mobile-friendly website. In this year of 2016, having a mobile-friendly website will be extremely important compared to 2015 as Google is using mobile-friendly sites as a ranking factor. This means that if you do not have a mobile version of your site, you will be missing the Google ranking.

Contact us for take our services here http://www.madhyamtech.com

Thank You Resource of content:- http://seopressor.com/blog/

Conclusion: Be Mobile Ready