Why Join UNISON?

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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What have unions ever done for us?

The Weekend

Sick Pay

Protection from Discrimination

Better Terms and Conditions

Health and Safety Protection

UNION MYTH BUSTERsMYTH: If you strike you don’t get paid. FACT: We have strike fund to help those low paid workers who may get into difficulty when we take long term action.

MYTH: We can go on strike “at the drop of a hat”. FACT: The UK has one of the most restrictive trade union laws in Europe, and this is likely to get worse with the new legislation the government is threatening to put through around strike ballots. At present we have to give at least 7 days notice to our employer for a strike to be legal.

MYTH: Unions are destroying the economy. FACT: There is a strong link between strong trade unions, low inequality and strong collective bargaining agreements that reduce the gender pay gap. Union representatives actually SAVE employers money.

UNION MYTH BUSTERsMYTH: Unions just organise strikes.FACT: We don’t just organise strikes – we provide learning for our representatives and members, support social injustices and bargain for better policies and procedures on your behalf. Check out Unison’s website (www.unison.org.uk) for more information.

MYTH: Unions are subsidised by the Government.FACT: We are not subsidised by the government. We do have paid facility time for our representatives but we also save employers money. Research by the Labour party showed that when you include the private sector, facility time costs £431m annually. But it also showed that facility time saved anything from £476m to £1.1bn. (Quote from Ellie Mae O’Hagan, The Guardian, 13.11.14)

So what have UNIONS done for us?

Our aim is to protect working class people! Here are some examples of what unions have done for us…

Paid Holidays

Paid Sick Leave

Eight Hour Days

Ended Child Labour

Fought for Equal Pay

Better Health and Safety Regulations

Fought Workplace Discrimination

Women’s Rights

So Why Join a Union?

What if you are pushed too hard at work? Or you are struggling with a disability and your manager is being inflexible? Or maybe you don’t have the

right skills to do your job?…

What do you do?

“The trade union movement represents the organised economic power of the workers... It is in reality the most potent and the

most direct social insurance the workers can establish.”Samuel Gompers, Union Leader (1850 – 1924)

You could keep quiet and put up with it.This may sound like the easiest option, but it could lead to stress as the situation continues or gets worse and could cause you to go off sick; with the ultimate worse case scenario being that you lose your job.

You could go to your manager and complain.This may work but it could also change little or worse make you look like a trouble maker.

Or.. You could get all your colleagues together in order to gain more credibility and be more protected, by submitting a group grievance with the help of the union.This action would be taken more seriously and is the basis of a Union Movement and what it is all about.

So Why is it in Your best interest to be in a union?

In a unionised workplace, You are: More likely to earn more year on year More likely get equal pay Entitled to more holiday leave Provided with better and more frequent

training Entitled to more maternity & paternity leave

Less likely to be injured at work, but if you are you will receive better compensation.

Less likely to be discriminated against Helping to keep public services public Less likely to be dismissed from your job


We are the biggest union at NUH with nearly a third of employees being UNISON members.

We have 5 seats on Staff Partnership group which negotiates, on your behalf, with Trust Directors

and the Chief Executive.

We have approximately 30 representatives at both sites supporting all NUH Staff, as well as staff working for private providers that

support NUH.All of our representatives are volunteers, are elected into post and

are committed to improving the workplace.

A Word From Our Members

“I used to work in the private sector and got my days changed with no notice – I

had no where to go as there was no union to speak on my behalf, this made

me want to join Unison as soon as I changed jobs”

“I joined Unison because at a time when living standards are low and the

government wants to cut vital services, we need to stand together and fight for

what is right and just.”

“I became a UNISON rep to fight the many threatened redundancies during the merger of City Hospital and QMC.  Was jumping up and down outside QMC main entrance with

a banner and someone said – you ought to be a rep”

“I joined Unison during the “Agenda for Change” process. I found the Union invaluable in explaining what the agenda for change process meant for employees like me and since

then it has continued to keep me informed about other negotiations  / changes, that are going on within the trust

that could affect me. It is also reassuring to know that there is advice and support out there (should I need it) for the “little person” like me not fluent in HR/ management

jargon, who is fighting our corner to try and ensure that all employees enjoy a pleasant, productive, working life.”

A Word From Our Members

“I was worried about bullying and accusations made against me at work. I knew that unions were in place to protect staff from unfair

treatment and wanted to get some 'back up' in case I did have

to go to a meeting with management. I chose UNISON because they were the biggest

union at my workplace and I saw a lot of them on stalls and


A Word From Our Members


Apply Online www.joinunison.org Call Us 0115 919 4428 Recruitment and Communications Officer075 35 81 5867 Our NUH&AS Websitehttp://www.unison-nuh.org.uk/