Why Lord?

Post on 24-May-2015

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Why as a ‘believer’ do I find it so hard to believe your promises? Act 9; 22

Why as someone whose name is ‘engraved on the palms of your hand’ do I feel forgotten? Isaiah 49; 15- 16

Why as a ‘servant of God’ do I refuse to serve those most in need? 1 Cor. 7; 22

Why as one ‘whose sins are forgiven’ do I find it difficult to forgive those who hurt me? Luke 6; 37

Why as ‘Christ’s’ am I so unchristian in my ways? 1 Corinthians 3; 23

 Why as one ‘beloved of God’ do I feel so unloved and unwanted? Romans 1; 7

Why as an ‘adopted child of God’ do I act like an orphan? Galatians 4; 7

Why when I’m called to be a saint do I act like the devil sometimes?

Why as an ‘heir of God and a joint heir with Christ’ do I walk as a pauper? Romans 8; 17


Why as one who has been ‘called into liberty’ do I feel so much in bondage? Galatians 5; 13

Why as one who has been ‘given eternal life’ do I fear death? 1 John 5; 11

Why as the ‘light of the world’ do I shine so dimly? Matthew 5; 4

Lord I believe; Help my unbelief… help me to stop doubting you and to simply trust you.. always

With ever grateful thanks; my Father and my God

A Studio 18 Production © 09 David Robinson