Why Media Industry Earns?

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Businesses need to reach their consumers to tell them who they are and how are they

better than the competitors

But, consumers aren’t interested in listening to boring, selfish and pushy businesses!

Instead they are interested in entertaining, useful and informative stuff!

they read newspapers and magazines

listen to radio

stare at idiot box for hours

do almost every next thing online

Or just go hang out and

bump into billboards!

Businesses pay for consumer’s eye balls & ears and buy some space at these interesting

places to reach them


Buy This!

Every time a business wants to reach out to a certain number of consumers with a new

message, it has to buy reach

Reach: 10,000 People Cost Per Reach: 20 Bucks

Total Cost = 10,000 × 20 !!

Businesses worldwide

spend mindboggling

budgets just to sell what

consumers don’t really


Instead, hang on. Make

something that consumers

really need. And let

consumers find you.