Why population control?

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This is what I presented to a number of Bureaucrats in 2008-2009 on Why Population Control / Population Optimization is necessary. This presentation is the tip of the iceberg problem we face today.


Population Control in Indiais it really needed?

Mahek ShahB Tech, IITM

1Sunday, December 6, 2009

Presentation Briefing…

Statistics: The current situation…

Analysis: Glimpse into the larger Impact...

Conclusion: The need of the hour…

2Sunday, December 6, 2009

World Human Population

in thousands

3Sunday, December 6, 2009

Population Statistics…

India is currently at second spot, with more than 1 billion population, only behind China…

Population of India is expected to cross population of China by the year 2045…

Population of India to touch 1.5 billion in the year 2045…

India has become the top most contributor to the world population increase in the past three decades… a whopping 20% of the total world population increase is due o India…

4Sunday, December 6, 2009

Population Density…

5Sunday, December 6, 2009

0 crores

125 crores

250 crores

375 crores

500 crores

625 crores

750 crores

875 crores

1,000 crores

0 1000 1750 1900 2000 2050(proj.)


an P




Growth Rate(per century)World Population(in crores)



6Sunday, December 6, 2009

Population Explosion…

World population has increased from a mere 791 million in year 1750 to an astronomical figure of 6060 million in the year 2000…

In year 0 A.D. the world’s population stood at 0.3 billion, in year 1900 it reached 1.65 billion and in 2000 we have crossed the 6 billion mark…

The growth rate per year has shot up from a mere 0.0388% in 1800A.D. to 2.53% in year 2000…

The world is adding an average of 20.6 million people every year since 1750 of which 12.4 million have come from India and China…

7Sunday, December 6, 2009

Population Explosion…

It took India only 34 years to double its population from 500 million to one billion… (1965-99)

By year 2016, the population of India will be more than the population of all developed countries combined together…

Seven Indian states make there way into top 25 most populous states or countries… for example: population of UttarPradesh is only behind china, US and Indonesia

India’s 7 Most Populated states (as well as maximum contributors): UP*, Bihar, Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh, Bengal, AP and Tamilnadu

While India surely boasts about its cheap labor, the days have come when this so-called asset is now fast becoming a liability…

8Sunday, December 6, 2009

Energy Crisis…

India’s primary Energy percent Annual Growth for the next two decades is expected to be 4.6%...

In last two decades itself the energy consumption in India has more than tripled…

The carbon dioxide emission from India is only around 4.5% of the global emissions.

On the basis of current energy mix and the present day technologies for electricity production, the CO2 emissions from India alone could become as much as half of the present level of global emissions in a few decades from now…

9Sunday, December 6, 2009

Energy Consumption…

For Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) the per capita consumption of primary energy increased from 1.13 tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) to 1.20 toe from 2002 to 2006.

In China, the increase over the same period was from 0.83 toe to 1.3 toe.

In India, where the population is almost twice as large as LAC, the per capita consumption increased from 0.32 toe to 0.37 toe over the same period.

On the contrary, in the US, the per capita consumption of primary energy fell from 7.94 toe to 7.77 toe between 2002 and 2006. (Population of US is half of LAC)

10Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oil and Energy…The average annual growth rates of the per capita consumption of primary energy between 2002 and 2006 are also of immense interest…

For Latin American Countries it was 1.78%, India 4.27%, China 14.04%, while for the US it was -0.53%.

Likewise for Oil the average annual growth rates of per capita consumption were for LAC -0.26%, India 0.36%, China 9.34%, and the US 0.12%...

With the rising middle class of India and China, the world can expect a energy crisis well ahead of it’s initial estimates…





LAC India China US

Primary Energy OilAverage annual consumption growth rates

11Sunday, December 6, 2009

Climate Change… ??

Weather is the day-to-day state of the atmosphere, and is a chaotic non-linear dynamical system.

On the other hand, climate — the average state of weather — is fairly stable

and predictable.

Climate includes the average temperature, amount of precipitation, days of

sunlight, and other variables that might be measured at any given site.

However, there are also changes within the Earth's environment that can affect the climate.

12Sunday, December 6, 2009

Climate change… Larger impact?

If the temperature variation increases by 1 degree centigrade (average for the world) the chances (probability) of flash floods, prolonged drought in certain regions, non seasonal rains and cyclones will increase ten-fold…

Long term impact – Devastating • Crop damage due to increase in frequency of non-seasonal or cyclonic rain

• Seasonal patterns will slowly become haphazard making it difficult for agricultural cycle to function smoothly

• All this will eventually lead to shrinking world supplies of grains and much frequent imbalances in grain inventories…

13Sunday, December 6, 2009

To summarize…

While the country keeps wasting its resources to fight terrorism, riots, mob violence, unemployment, etc., the real source and mother of all these problems is not being tackled with same rigor and firmness.

Human population growth & explosion, at current pace, is a million times more dangerous problem than any other that this planet has or will ever face…

14Sunday, December 6, 2009

Conclusion... The need of the hour...

Immediate plans to check human population growth rates world wide.

Stronger population control policies in India...

More public awareness on perils of Over-sized population

Highlighting the possibility of massive ecological disasters because of massive size of human populations.

Emphasizing on conservation of lands, forests and other reserves which have been drastically threatened and have declined considerably in size in last two centuries.

15Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thank you

and seriously think about it...

16Sunday, December 6, 2009


The data gathered and analyzed in this presentation is from:


Free material available on the Internet.

Published reports of professors and scientists from various universities and from a few independent analysts.

Indian central government and state government websites.

Note: Most statistics of energy consumptions have been recently revised upwards.

Presentation made by:Mahek Shah


17Sunday, December 6, 2009