Why to Embrace A Challenge - Motivate Teams

Post on 26-Dec-2014

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Presentation to encourage team members to focus and face challenges which at times seems very difficult to solve. From www.singhjaiveer.blogspot.com



From “Whatever” to “Whatever it takes”


What is a Challenge

A Problem to solve?

Exchange problems for “Opportunity”

What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger

Why you should embrace a Challenge?

•It takes you further

Why you should embrace a Challenge?

•It increases your joy

Why you should embrace a Challenge?

•Makes you tough

Why you should embrace a Challenge?

•Keeps you growing

You Can Do More or Better, What you have been doing now, Think & Explore

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell.

3 Seconds: The Power of Thinking Twice by Les Parrot.

References to explore more ……



Global IT Engagement Manager having 16 years of industry experience (Academics from IMT, India, Carnegie Mellon University, Harvard Business Publishing, PMI USA)

I occasionally write about enterprise program/ project management, IT governance, collaboration, web 2.0, enterprise 2.0, BI, SaaS, cloud computing, disruptive technology innovations/ leading examples, technology implementation as business differentiator, leading teams and share thoughts on various management books/ articles which I read time to time.

Jaiveer Singh

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