Why You are Loosting Money if You Don't Have A Blog

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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See why you are loosing money if you don't have a blog, how to start a blog, make money and profit from blogging


Why You are Loosing Money if You Don't Have A Blog

It's about more than your MLMBy: Kelvin & Amber Jones

By the end of this presentation:

-How to stand out from the crowd

-How to brand yourself 

-Build Instant Credibility / Online Presence -How to have people join you without even knowing what company you are in

-Apply to ANY business

-How anyone can get started


This is one of the few, if not ONLY industries that you control your income. 

Why would you NOT want to learn everything you can. 

There is a price for success in this industry. Sacrifice. 

This is the very info I built my foundation of success so....

Remember the book, "Where's Waldo?"

So your in XZY Company... SO WHAT?!

Put yourself in your prospects shoes. Ask yourself: 

-Why should someone join me?

-What makes me different than the millions of others in my company?

 -What value can I bring to the table?


By having a blog...

I have people that call me to learn more about my business

When I call them back, they feel like they know me

Added posture when talking to leads

Helped me put lead generation & recruiting on "auto-pilot"

Don't Sweat.... it's pretty easy to do

  -Be human

-Be resourceful

-Be a problem solver

-Be a giver

Be Human.....

Why So Powerful:

-When people see you are a normal person, they feel, "I can do this."

How to be human:People are NOSEY... so let them be!!!!

People don't want to see a replicated site, they want to know that you are human and are a person just like them.

Pictures, audio, videos are the best way to do it!!!

Be Resourceful....You DON'T have to be a guru!Why so Powerful:

-You provide value, without worrying about creating content

-Builds INSTANT credibility

How to be resourceful:

-Increase your knowledge

-Sharing info you thought was interesting

Be a Problem Solver...

Why so powerful:

-You are solving a problem, instantly provides value

-builds trust

-shows that you are not out for the quick sale

How to be a problem solver:

-Make a list of you challenges you have over come, document and share

-Share vids, audio, articles

Be a giver....

Why so powerful:

-Builds credibility

-Shows value before going for the sale

-builds a know, like, turst relationship

How to be a giver:

-Create training, ebook, pdf, video to give away

- Use "premade" info to give away, PLR, training resources etc.

#1 way to put it all together...

The best way to do so is a blog.  Blog: a personal website that you control 100% of the content that goes on it.

If you don't have a blog currently you are WITHOUT A DOUBT LOOSING MONEY AND LEADS!!!!!! PERIOD END OF QUESTION!!!!

Why is a blog so powerful?

-Shows you are human

-Shows you are resourceful

-Shows you have value

-Shows how you are different than the other millions of reps in your company

Which website would you go to?

Some Examples


Blog FAQ's

Q: I'm not good at writing, or computers, how can I keep up with it?

A: If you can type an email, copy and paste, you can have a blog. We will be having a training series step by step to help you along the way.

Q: Can't I get a free blog, whats the difference?

A: Yes you can get a free blog, however, you are NOT in control of it and can be shut down at anytime. Plus, if you are trying to recruit leaders / internet marketiers, and us a  free blog, it will make you LOOSE credibility

But I don't know how to get started....

 You can get a "done for you blog" as well as an income opportunity and a chance to work with us personally here:

