Why you should offer work experience

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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I am not sure whether senior management realise but our

Thanks for raising this. Can you tell me more? I would be

happy to discuss directly.

Anonymous Anonymous

There are over 30 people in IT who can access 2 million

client emails.

Thanks – I will look into


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We ask referees 10 scale applicant.

We get input from 4 referees.

Referee Answers Referee Anonymity Everybody Wins!

We only show an average response. If it’s less than 4 the mark is not shown.

Employers get candid answers, Referees get no worries,

Good candidates get jobs.

Why you should offer work experience

My Story

What the Individual gets out of it

What the Organisation gets out of it




My StoryI was lucky enough to get 3 work experience placements including a year at IBM. This is me (at the back) suited and booted ready for a day’s work.

What I LearntI went from student to employee very quickly and found that I was doing something that I loved. I wouldn’t have got that from my course alone.

Giving Something BackHaving learnt so much I wanted others to have the same opportunity. This is Chris, an apprentice that worked for me, being filmed by the BBC.

My Story

What the Individual gets out of it

What the Organisation gets out of it




Idea of Working LifeCasual jobs don’t equip you for a career. Work experience helps an individual work out whether a particular career is right for them.

ConfidenceBeing in any work environment brings an understanding of responsibility.

PaymentYou must pay the individual, even if it is a token amount. This will mean a great deal and make the experience worthwhile.

My Story

What the Individual gets out of it

What the Organisation gets out of it




It Feels GoodYou’ll get a warm fuzzy glow from giving an individual a step up.

Get Something DoneIt is an opportunity to get that project off the ground that you had been meaning to start.

Extended InterviewIt's a way to check out potential employees. If they are right offer them a job for when they graduate.

Cost EffectiveStudents cost less than a full time employee but they are not a replacement.

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I am not sure whether senior management realise but our

Thanks for raising this. Can you tell me more? I would be

happy to discuss directly.

Anonymous Anonymous

There are over 30 people in IT who can access 2 million

client emails.

Thanks – I will look into


1 2 3 4

We ask referees 10 scale applicant.

We get input from 4 referees.

Referee Answers Referee Anonymity Everybody Wins!

We only show an average response. If it’s less than 4 the mark is not shown.

Employers get candid answers, Referees get no worries,

Good candidates get jobs.

At WorkInConfidence we are all about providing a way for staff to

reach out to you to raise ideas, issues and concerns in a safe

environment by providing their feedback anonymously.


www.workinconfidence.comUnderstand your staff better to

unlock their true power and potential