Why you should quit smoking

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Why You Should Quit SmokingSunday,

October 5th


Cesar Vargas

Why You Should Quit Smoking

• In 2012, 18% of Americans, 18 and older, were current smokers

• Smoking is addictive

• Tobacco contains more than 7,000 chemicals

• There is Approx. 5 million deaths annually due to tobacco use


Why You Should Quit Smoking

• Although the amount of smokers has declined, the rate of young adult smokers has remained steady

• Smokers on average die 15 years sooner than non smokers

• Most lung cancer deaths are due to smoking

Facts cont.

Why You Should Quit Smoking

Why Quit?

• Save money $$$

• It's good for the people around you

• You'll be able to breath clean air

• You'll decrease the risk of heart disease and heart at-tack

Why You Should Quit Smoking

Smoking is Unattractive

Why You Should Quit Smoking

Why You Should Quit Smoking

There are many ways to quit smoking such as quit-ting cold turkey, nicotine patch, nicotine gum, gradu-ally reducing the amount of cigarettes.

How to Quit

Why You Should Quit Smoking

1. Put it on paper

2. Enlist support

3. See a specialist

4. Take it slow

5. Avoid Smoking Triggers

Steps to Quit Smoking:

Why You Should Quit Smoking

6. Try a stop smoking product

7. Manage your stress

8. Take it one day at a time

9. Celebrate your success

Steps to Quit Smoking:

Why You Should Quit Smoking

Benefits of Quitting

Why You Should Quit Smoking

Thank You