Why Your Distibution Cycle is Killing Your Content

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Why Your Distribution Cycle is Killing Your Content

“Content is King, But Distribution is Queen and

She Wears the Pants” - Jonathan Perelman, Buzzfeed

The road to a “paperless” business is littered

with:Shared drives (SharePoint) / Intranet Portals

Cloud Storage and CMS (Box and Dropbox)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Emailed content


More sources, formats and audiences lead to

increasingly more

Content Silos.

More silos means less time for salespeople to

spend time with prospects.

Instead they spend their time…

Searching through folders and documents to find the

right content

Curating materials for presentations they

never give


Trying to remember what happened 3 meetings ago

Shouldn’t salespeople spend time, you know,


Selling is even harder when differentiation

is made or broken on the front line.

The key factor is the quality of the sales experience.

And you have a lot of competition.

To keep that conversation moving,

you need to:

Be flexible and adaptable

Leverage the most relevant media

Tailor as you talk

Or you can kill that conversation by:

Stopping a presentation to browse file folders

Showing outdated content

Presenting content meant for another customer

Content that is not accessible or presented properly has no reason to exist.

No matter how Good it is

You need to give your salespeople

distribution toolsthat are as adaptive as they are in their selling approach.

That content should be:



Quickly and easily distributed to on-the-go salespeople

How can you revive the prospect experience?

Mobile. Sales. Enablement.

For effective mobile sales enablement,

organize content with a customizable interface.

Lower meeting preparation time.




Prevent pre-presentation disasters (like outdated or

inaccurate content)

Choose the story right for one customer.

Or this customer.

Interact with content in a tailored fashion.

You can transform mobile devices into the ultimate

selling machines by leveraging effective sales content through


Access materials online or offline


Tailor collections for individual presentations.

Access talking points, capture notes, and share meeting

recaps from within the presentation.


Navigate between video, audio, PDF, etc.

is a customer interaction and sales enablement solution for sales reps seeking to harness the power of their mobile devices and leverage effective sales content.

Give our solution a spin today!


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