Wi vi- wifi that see through walls...

Post on 06-May-2015

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Wi-Vi: See Through Walls With Wi-Fi



What can Wi-Vi do?


Design Methodology






Through Wall RADAR

Eliminate “Flash Effect” by isolating signals reflected off the wall from the signals reflected off the objects behind the wall. Isolation can be achieved in Time or Frequency domain which requires UWB (Ultra-Wideband Widths) of the order of 2GHz. Difficult to capture the reflections. Narrowband RADARs use Doppler Shift to detect moving objects behind the wall but can be done only in free space with no obstruction or with low attenuation standing wall

Wi-Vi Wi-Vi stands for Wi-Fi Vision.

Demonstrated by Dina Katabi, a professor in MIT’s

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer

Science, and her graduate student Fadel Adib.

Wi-Vi uses Wi-Fi OFDM signals in the ISM band (at 2.4

GHz) and typical Wi-Fi hardware.

Wi-Vi limits itself to a 20 MHz-wide Wi-Fi channel, and

avoids ultra-wide band solutions used today to address the

flash effect.


Wi-Vi is essentially a 3-antenna MIMO device: two of the

antennas are used for transmitting and one is used for


It also employs directional antennas to focus the energy

toward the wall or room of interest.

It is relatively a low-power, low-cost, low-bandwidth, and

accessible to average users.

What can Wi-Vi Do?

Detect the Number of Moving Humans in a Closed Room.

Determine the Relative Locations of Moving Humans.

Enable Communication through a Wall without Carrying a

Wireless Device.

Identify Simple Gestures from Behind a Wall.


Transmit two waves that cancel each other when they reflect

off the Static object but not the Moving object.

Wall is Static Disappears

People tend Detactable to move

Wi-Vi Setup

Applications Police avoids ambush Firefighters check for humans

Personal Security Gesture Interface from behind a wall

MIMO Nulling






y = h1 x + h2αxα = -h1 / h2

Static objects( wall, furniture, People move, therefore their Etc.) have constant channels. Channel change.y = h1 x + h2(- h1/ h2)x y = h1

’ x + h2’(- h1/ h2)x

= 0 = 0


Direction of reflection

Direction ofmotion

Results A prototype of Wi-Vi using USRP N210 radios software

was implemented and evaluated in two office buildings by

Fadel Adib and Dina Katabi, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology (MIT), Results are as follows:

Wi-Vi can detect objects and humans moving behind opaque

structural obstructions. This applies to 8" concrete walls, 6"

hollow walls, and 1.75" solid wooden doors.

Contd…Wi-Vi depends on the amount of movement. To achieve a

narrow beam the human needs to move by about 4

wavelengths (i.e., about 50 cm).

Table. Accuracy of Automatic Detection of Humans

Detection Accuracy of Wi-Vi for Different Types of Obstructions

Advantages Wi-Vi requires only few MHz of bandwidth and operates in

the same range as Wi-Fi. It operates in ISM band.

Wi-Vi can perform through-wall imaging without access to

any device on the other side of the wall.

Wi-Vi employs signals whose wavelengths are 12.5 cm.

Extend human vision beyond the visible electromagnetic

range, allowing us to detect objects in the dark or in smoke.


Display has very low resolution.

We cannot detect humans behind concrete walls thicker



To achieve a narrow beam the human needs to move by

about 4 wavelengths (i.e., about 50 cm).

Future Scope

Wi-Vi could be built into a Smartphone or a special

handheld device.

Can be used in search-and-rescue missions and law



Wi-Vi, a wireless technology that uses Wi-Fi signals to detect

moving humans behind walls and in closed rooms. In contrast

to previous systems, which are targeted for the military, Wi-Vi

enables small cheap see-through-wall devices that operate in

the ISM band, rendering them feasible to the general public,

without carrying any transmitting device.



Fadel Adib and Dina Katabi, See Through Walls with Wi-Fi,

ACM SIGCOMM'13, Hong Kong August 2013.