Widespread use of robo signers has led to a large number of illegal foreclosures

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Widespread Use of Robo Signers

has Led to a Large Number of Illegal Foreclosures

Every day more and more reports come out about the widespread use of robo signing techniques used by big lenders such as GMAC, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo.

They have employed robo signers at a very large scale to sign off on thousands of foreclosure documents without any sort of examination, making them illegal foreclosures.

These big banks are not only predatory lenders, but the widespread use of robo signers has also made them into nothing but illegal foreclosure factories who don’t have any interest on following the rules created to protect homeowners from illegal foreclosure and mortgage fraud.

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They just want to push as many foreclosures through as they can. This blatant disregard of the law has forced thousands of hardworking homeowners out onto the street and has damaged not only the housing industry but the entire American economy greatly.

For those not familiar with the term robo signing, it is at its core merely a technique used by predatory lenders such as Bank of America to push documents through faster.

People will falsely represent themselves as being loan officers when they are not, and will sign off on legal documents without a notary being present and without any examination at all of said documents.

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This technique is not new, but became incredibly prevalent when theHousing market collapsed, and banks struggled to be able to process thelarge amounts of foreclosures they were dealing with in a timely (orlegal) manner.

Just to give you an idea of how widespread the problem of robo signinghas been, one GMAC employee who admitted to being a robo signerconfessed that he had signed off on documents for over 10,000foreclosures a month without even looking at them.

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With that many being processed by simply one person, the amount of illegal foreclosures that went through using this technique is staggering.

By having a securitization audit performed on your home loan documents you can learn if you were a victim of this practice and then take legal action against the bank.

Once they are threatened with legal action, many banks will stop foreclosure proceedings in order to review their procedures. This is much more preferable to a bank than to be sued especially if you have evidence from a securitization audit to back up your claims.

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This is why if you need foreclosure help, you should not hesitate to contact Tila Solutions to give you the foreclosure help you need.

For over a decade, Tila Solutions has been looking out for the homeowner with their forensic loan audits and securitization audits.

If you need help stopping foreclosure, a Tila Solutions Consultant is available by telephone at (702) 508-0335.

Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at robo signers.

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