Wild Cattle Creek State Forest - Compartments 328, 329 ...€¦ · HARVEST PLAN No. 3964-Wild...

Post on 15-Aug-2020

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-, ..


Bindaui NP

·-5,000 ,/

IMeters , ~··-I


lMap Sheets: 1:25,000 Moonee Beach 9437-1 S 1:100,000 Dorrigo 9437 Scale: 1:100,000

North East Region - Coffs Harbour MA

Locality Map

Compartment(s): 328-331 Wild Cattle Creek - 488

/{ ~ji GOA lnf~

Datum: GCS_GDA_1994 Projection: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56

480000 485000 490000 495000

480000 485000 490000 495000


~ Harvest Area Sealed <5I' HelicopterlandingArea

Plantations All Weather, Unsealed + Safety Points State Forest

c=J National Parks Dry Weather, Unsealed

Four Wheel Drive .. Flora Reserves

Haulage Route Built Up Area Created By: Ph!Up McKenzie

Croa/od: 29103120 f1 Printod: 2710312012

HARVEST PLAN No. 3964- Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331



Wild Cattle Creek State Forest - Cpts 328, 329, 330 & 331

1. Certification

This plan has been prepared in accordance with the Integrated Forestry Operations Approval issued under the Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998 and addresses significant aspects and impacts in the planning process. The Standard Harvest Plan Conditions for Native Forest Operations in North East Region apply to this operation.

Date: txt/0~{ r:,Philip McKenzie

Endorsed b : Harvest Planning Team Leader

Date: Steve Pickerin

Date: 0~/00( Jr3

Date: Craig Busby

Note: Approval includes the Harvest Plan Operational Map (HPOM) version 1.

2. Descri~tion of Proposal

Selective harvesting of regrowth native forest stands, using Single Tree Selection.


Proposed Details Roadworks Yes Roadworks Plan (attached) Post harvest Burning Yes Plan to be prepared separately Rehabi I itation No

C_328_329_330_331 - 1 ­

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HARVEST PLAN No. 3964- Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

3. Area Identification and Yield Estimates

Region North East Region

Management Area Coffs Harbour

State Forest Wild Cattle Creek

State Forest No. 488

Pricing area MZCNH

Other Tenure Details State forest only

Cpt 328 Cpt 329 Cpt 330 Cpt 331 Total

Gross Area (ha) 221 222 229 282 954

Net Harvest Area (ha) 95 17 84 153 349

Estimated Yield (m3/ha) 31 31 31 31

Volume (m3 ) All Product 2952 528 2610 4381 10472

Products Total (m")

HQL 2222

HQS 973




LQL 7264

TOTAL 10472

4. Forest Description

Forest Type: (See Forest type map) • The harvest unit is dominated by Type 37- dry blackbutt on the tops of the ridges.

• Brushbox Type 53 and Tallowood Type 47 located on the moister lower slopes.

• Plantation (type 218), predominantly Flooded Gum & Blackbutt of various different age c lasses is excluded from this plan, with the exception of small section of predominantly Flooded Gum plantation in compartment 331 along the Bobo River.

Harvest History: • Compartment histories indicate that the area has an extensive harvest & silvicultural

history dating back to the late 1800s.

• The most recent harvest events include a thinning operation in 1996 and a selective logging operation in compartments 330 & 331 in 2003.

• Large areas of the compartments have been planted with Black Butt & Flooded gum plantations. Records indicate that the plantations were first established in the early to mid sixties. More recent plantations were established after a major fire in the mid nineties.

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HARVEST PLAN No. 3964- Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

Stand Description: Mixed Aged, BBT regrowth

• The BBT forest type is generally in good condition. There are two distinct age classes present- mature trees and regeneration 25-30 years old. Previous harvest operations have left a higher percentage of LQ but it is anticipated that the bush will cut approximately 1/3 (HQL, HQS, Poles, Veneer) and 2/3 LQ.

Mixed Aged , Mixed Species regrowth • The mixed hardwoods stands are generally poorer than the BBT stands. Brush box forest

dominates the hardwoods and is found in association with Tallowood, Sydney Blue Gum & Flood Gum in the overstorey and viney scrub and mesic elements in the understorey. Yields are likely to be lower than in the BBT.

Even aged Flooded Gum • There is an area of 12 Ha of predominantly flooded gum plantation in compartment 331

established in the mid 60s along the Bobo River that has been included in this plan as FMZ zone 4 and is available for harvest. The stand is of mixed quality but there are veneer quality stems available.

Site Quality • Generally excellent site quali ty w ith site height 35-45m

Stand health • The stand health is of good quality with relatively little defect.

5. Silviculture and Harvesting Prescriptions

Notwithstanding the prescriptions detailed below, a ll conditions of the IFOA, including General and Species Specific conditions of the Threatened Species Licence and the Environment Protection Licence are to be applied, where they are described in this plan or in the respective licences.

Objectives: • Maximise the recovery of merchantable timber from the mature age/size cohort within the

constraints of the harvest plan

• Create suitable conditions for a regeneration event.

Stand Description Mixed age Blackbutt

Mixed aged Mixed Species

Even aged FLG stands

Inaccessible areas

Treatment- current ops STS STS Heavy STS Nil Est.% of NHA 73% 19% 4% 4% Expected BA Removal(%) 40% 30% 60% 0%

Future Ops 15-20 years Thinning (sapling

size cohorts) Thinning (sapling

size cohorts) Thinning (sapling

size cohorts) Nil

• Retain seed trees

• Mechanical disturbance

• Enrichment seeding/ planting

Single Tree Selection prescription: • Tree removal and ground disturbance must also maximise regeneration opportunities.

• Single Tree Selection must remove no more than 40% of the basa l area across the net harvest area.

• Trees with dbhob <20cm must not be selected for harvesting under STS (1.5.1 0 I FOA).

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HARVEST PLAN No. 3964 - Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

• BA removal may exceed 40% in some localized areas, but will be balanced by non harvest areas and tree retention across the tract.

If heavy STS is implemented, seed tree retention , mechanical disturbance and enrichment planting may be required. Seed trees should be

• as tall as possible (-30-40m), • have good form , • be in the size range 40-?0cm dbhob and • generally be spaced at 1.5x tree height but not more than 2x tree height (trunk to trunk). • Trees in retention areas may also serve as seed trees. • Seed trees may also fulfil tree retention requirements of the TSL.

Mechanical Disturbance • Ensure ground disturbance is sufficient to create suitable seedbed for regeneration • SFO to map and recommend any areas requiring additional disturbance • Encourage knocking over of as much non-vigourous unmerchantable material as possible.

Enrichment Planting/Seed ing • Seed is to be collected during the harvest operation and dispersed over suitably disturbed

and/or burnt areas, preferably during the wet season (January/February).

• Enrichment planting to be conducted as determined by the Harvesting Forester.

• Seedlings planted must be of the same species present prior to harvest with the objective of ensuring that species proportions following planting are sim ilar to pre-harvest proportions (IFOA Cl. 37).

c 328 329 330 331 - 4­

HARVEST PLAN No. 3964- Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

6. S~ecial Conditions

6.1 Unmapped rainforest

There is likely to be unmapped rainforest in the harvest area. Continue searching during mark up and retain in accordance with Forest Practices Circular 2005/2.

6.2 Seasonal Harvesting and Burning Restrictions Yes

• In compartments 328, 329 & 331 logging is to be excluded from harvesting 1 January to 31 March inclusive, for slopes ;;:::25°.

• Compartment 330 is to be excluded from harvesting 1 December to 30 April inclusive, for slopes ;;:::20°.

Condition 36/37 of Schedule 4 of the EPL applies. During the months of February- December burning may be carried out by top disposal only.

6.3 Noise & dust

Where there are residences in close proximity to an operation or haulage route that are likely to be affected by noise & dust (as determined by the SFO), mitigation measures to lessen the impact on those residences will apply. These measures are to be determined on a site specific basis by the SFO and should be discussed with the Harvesting Team Leader.

6.4 Critical Boundaries

The harvest unit is wholly within State Forest. All other critical boundaries such as FMZ & rainforest are as indicated on the map.

6.5 Haulage Considerations

• Haulage is planned to access the Orara Way via Timmsvale Road & Dorrigo- Coramba Rd. This route is not suitable for 8-doubles.

6.6 IFOA Required Approval Of Forestry Activities

Approvals have been obtained for the following activities. Locations as shown on the HPOM.

Activity Crossing/Location Feature Type Conditions

Routine road maintenance & Log haulage.

331/2 Rd, 331/4 Rd & various locations along Timmsvale Rd.

HCVOG & Rainforest

Apply all relevant conditions of the EPL.

Snig track maintenance and use.

IFOA crossing 1 Riparian habitat protection zone.

Minimize the size of snig track, no debris to be placed against standing trees, place debris outside filter strip and drain to EPL standard on completion of snigging.

IFOA crossing 2 Riparian habitat protection zone, Rainforest & HCVOG

Minimize the size of snig track, no debris to be placed against standing trees, place debris outside filter strip and drain to EPL standard on completion of snigging.

• NOTE: Any additional crossings of Rainforest, HCVOG and Riparian Protection Zones require prior Regional Manager (or Office of the Environment and Heritage) approval before can be undertaken.

• It is the responsibility of the SFO to identify any additional areas that need to be crossed, the location of any such crossings without approval and to contact the Planning Unit to obtain the necessary approval.

6.7 Short Term Haulage Roads

• Short term Haulage Roads are shown on the operational map. Conditions relating to the use of these roads are contained within the Roadworks Plan.

c- 328- 329 -

330- 331 - 5 ­

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HARVEST PLAN No. 3964- Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

i7. Forest Management Zoning Conditions

The following Forest Management Zones and conditions apply:

FMZ Type Notes

Zone 2 Special Management

Rainforest and High Conservation Old Growth (HCVOG). These areas must be protected as marked on the map.

Zone 3A Harvesting Protection

Protects High Conservation Old Growth Forest (HCVOG), rainforest, sections of steep topography and pockets of forest isolated due to other protection zones. These areas musf be protected as marked on the map.

Zone 38 Special Prescription

Visual protection along steeper sections of cpts 328 & 331, adjacent to the Bobo river. Harvesting operations must aim at retaining the visual amenity of the forest.

• Minimise snig tracks within visible forest areas . • Retain understory as much as practicable to provide a visual

screening . • Or other methods as determined by the Harvesting Forester.

Zone 4 General Management

Available for harvesting in accordance with the conditions of this harvest plan.

Zone 5 Hardwood Plantation

Not available for harvesting under this harvest plan.

Zone7 Non forest Use

There is a gravel pit in the North East corner of compartment 329 (not show on map). It is not located within the Net Harvest Area.

Zone 8 Further Assessment

These areas are to be rezoned FMZ 4 with management by prescription (Standard Harvest Plan Conditions for Native Forest Operations in North East Region apply) . These areas include:

• Modelled IHC 4 areas- assess actual slope in the fie ld and exclude areas >30 degrees in accordance with condition 3 of schedule 4 of the EPL.

• Mapped drainage features -identify in the field and apply EPL and TSL conditions based on actual field location,

• modelled drainage features - modelled streams are to be inspected by the SFO. Appropriate prescriptions (Schedule 4 of the EPL) are to be applied if required and noted on the harvesting operational map.

8. Cultural Heritage Conditions

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

No special conditions apply.

Non Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

No special conditions apply.

c 328 329 330 331 - 6 ­~

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HARVEST PLAN No. 3964 - Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

l9. Flora and Fauna Conditions Refer to Technical Guidance Note 2005-3A March 2005 for conditions (TSL Booklet)

Mark-up Conditions

The SFO must search for threatened species and mark-up the block as per Conditions 5.1 (General), and 5.2 (Koala) of the TSL. The Tree Marking code is shown in the Standard Harvest Plan Conditions for Native Forest Operations in North East Region.

Tree retention Conditions applying:

Prescription TSL Condition Hollow bearing and recruit trees Regrowth Zone 5.6 c & d Greater Glider density > 1 per ha? No- 6.9 d does not apply Stag Retention 5.6 e Significant Food Resources 5.6 f Protection of Retained Trees 5.6 g

Species Known or Likely to Occur • Recent and reliable records exist within, or within close proximity of the

compartments for the following threatened species. These species require species-specific or site-specific prescriptions if further records or habitat features are identified during mark-up.

SPECIES GROUP COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME Amphibians Giant Barred Froq Mixophyes iteratus Mammals Rufous Bettonq Aepyprymnus rufescens

Yellow-bellied Glider Petaurus australis Koala Phasco/arctos cinereus

Birds Glossy-black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus /athami Powerful Owl Ninox strenua Masked Owl Tyto novaehol/andiae Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa

Flora Orara Boronia Boronia umbellata Milky Silkpod Parsonsia dorrigoensis

Site-Specific Conditions, Exclusion Zones & Modified Harvest Areas

Table 1: General Conditions

TSL Condition TSL

Condition No.

Record Details Prescription Summary

Koala Mark-up Searches 5.2.2 5 KOAL

records in and within

100m of cpt boundaries

These compartments contain preferred forest types, marking-up must be conducted at least 300m in advance of harvesting operations. In the event that a koala or scats (as noted in 5.2.2(i)) are found, a koala star search will be conducted to determine koala use area/s.

Tree Retention 5.6 (f) 6 GLBC

feed trees in cpts C_328,


Retain and protect glossy black cockatoo feed trees.

c 328 329 330 331 - 7 ­

HARVEST PLAN No. 3964 - Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

Subtenanean Roost Protection 5.14.2 2 mapped mine

sites in C_328 C_329

No exclusion zone if open pit < 3m deep

10m exclusion zone where no bats found.

50m exclusion zone if bats found.

1OOm exclusion zone on all caves, rock overhangs, tunnels and disused mineshafts (>3m deep) until inspected by Ecology to determine status of roost. Notify Harvest Planner of location.

Burning 5.16 Threatened species have

been recorded in these cpts.

The habitat requirement of threatened species must be taken into account when instigating hazard reduction burns to promote and maintain an understorey mosaic, significant areas of dense understorey vegetation and to minimise impact on large fallen logs.

Ground Habitat Protection 5.17 (a) Nil Records­continue search

To the greatest extent practical, protect ground habitat from SFA. Ground habitat includes understorey vegetation, ground cover vegetation, leaf litter and fallen timber.

5. 17 (b) CWRV+ small

mammals reptiles

Commercial Firewood collection is not permitted

5.17 (d) Larger CWRV

Firewood licences state that timber with hollows and/or over 40 em diameter must not be collected or damaged.

Table 2: Species-specific Conditions

TSL Condition TSL

Condition No.

Record Details

Prescription Summary

Giant barred Frog (Mixophyes iteratus)

6.3 1 MIX ITE

record in cpt c 329

Exclusion zone of 30m on both sides of all streams within 200m of record as mapped.

Powerful Owl (Ni11ox sh·e11ua)

Masked Owl (l'yto llovaelwllalldiae)

6.9 4 POWL records

within 2km of cpt



records in and within 2km of cpt boundaries

Landscape approach as specified in 6.9.2 wi ll be used.

Condition 5.13 may be applicable to protect any roosts or nests found.

Search gully lines and heads of gullies for roost and nest sites.

Koala (Phasco/arctos cinereus)

6. 14 5 KOAL

records in and within

100m of cpt boundaries

Evidence of koalas was found in the compartment, but pre-logging surveys did not detect intermediate or high use areas. Compartment mark-up 5.2.2 must be completed.

Yellow-bell ied Glider 6.17 8 Exclusion of 50m on dens. Retention of all sap feed trees. (Petaurus australis) YEBG

call detection records in cpt C_328, 329,

330, 331

Within I OOm of dens, sap feed trees and observation records, 15 mature I late mature feed trees must be retained. Within 200m of call detection site, 15 feed trees must be retained. Retained trees must be of same species as tree with den, feed marks or observation or should be species that shed their bark in long strips.

c 328 329 330 331 - 8 ­

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HARVEST PLAN No. 3964 - Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

Parsonsia dorrigoensis 6.27 11 PARS DORR records in cpt


Harvesting is permitted in populated areas. species is managed under a threatened monitoring program.

No burninQ in areas with records

This flora

Table 3: Default Species-specific Conditions in lieu of survey

TSL Condition TSL

Condition No.

Record Details

Prescription Summary

n/a All survey requirements have been completed. No default prescriptions will need to be implemented.

Table 4: Other Ecological Considerations

Issue, Feature or Record Presence Assessment and Management Recommendations EEC: Lowland Rainforest in the NSW North Coast and Sydney bioregion.

Likely to be present- continue

search within NLA.

Identify and mark in field to exclude specified forestry activities. Contact FNSW ecology unit for guidance if required.

In addition to Forest Management Zone Exclusions, the following exclusion zones occur and are shown on the operational map

Riparian Protection (TSL Condition 5.7) Ridge and Headwater Habitat (TSL Condition 5.8)

Boundary marking cond itions for each exclusion zone are described in the tree marking code (see Standard Harvest Plan Conditions for Native Forest Harvesting in North East Region).

10. Fisheries Licence Conditions

Refer to Technical Guidance Note 2005- 02 March 2005 (Fisheries Licence Booklet)

Class 1 Aquatic Habitat (Eastern Freshwater Cod) has been identified as occurring within these compartments. Conditions of the Fisheries Licence apply.

Condition 7 of the Fisheries Licence applies

Condition 7.9 of the Fisheries Licence apply to snig track crossings of mapped and unmapped drainage lines. • Crossings must be approved and marked in the field prior to use • Crossings may only be used where it is not reasonably practicable to use another route or site. • Conditions 8.3 and 8.4 of the Fisheries Licence apply to crossings.

• A pre-logging aquatic habitat assessment of the site of each proposed crossing is required prior to use. Consu ltation with the harvest planner is required prior to construction and use.

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HARVEST PLAN No. 3964 - Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

11. Soils and Water Protection Conditions Refer to Technical Guidance Note 2005- 1 C (Environment Protection Licence Booklet) & Standard Harvest Plan Conditions for Native Forest Harvesting in North East Region

Site-specific EPL conditions ­

Elements Conditions

Unmapped Drainage Lines EPL applies- no UDL harvesting permitted.

Drainage Feature Protection See HPOM for widths

Inherent Hazard Class 2

Dispersible Soils NO

Mass Movement NO

Log Dumps Refer relevant conditions for IHL

Snig Tracks Refer relevant conditions for IHL

Roads See schedule 5 of EPL Booklet

Non-Haulage Roads May be used for extraction within net harvest area or as otherwise approved

EPL applies

Remove debris on completion of operations

[12. Legal Conditions This operation must comply with:

• Standard Harvest Plan Condition for Native Forest Operations in North East Region

• Licence Conditions issued by Forests NSW under the Forestry Act (1916)

• State Forests of NSW Forest Practices Code- Part 2 Timber Harvesting in Native Forests February 1999 and Forest Practices Code Part 4 Forest Roads and Fire Trails (February 1999).

• Integrated Forestry Operations Approval issued under part 58 of the Forestry Act 2012 (IFOA) including the associated licences:

• Threatened Species Conservation Licence (TSL) issued under the Threatened Species Conservation Act ( 1995)

• Licence issued under section 220ZW of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 (FL)

• This operation is a non-scheduled operation under the Environment Protection Licence issued under section 55 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. Roading and harvesting operations are not licenced. All EPL conditions will apply to harvesting and roading operations.

113. Attachments

• Attachment 1: Locality map

• Attachment 2: Harvest Plan Operational Map

• Attachment 3: Forest Type Map

• Attachment 4: Site Safety Plan prescribes describes safety requirements and Medical Emergency Evacuation Plan for this harvesting operation.

• Attachment 5: Roading plan prescribes roading requirements for this harvesting operation .

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HARVEST PLAN No. 3964 - Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

14. Pre-Operational Briefing I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Harvesting Plan for Compartments 328, 329, 330 &330 in Wild Cattle Creek State Forest and that I have been briefed on the conditions of the Plan. I understand the supervision and operational control requirements as outlined in the plan.

Position Name Signature Date

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HARVEST PLAN No. 3964- Wild Cattle Creek SF, Compartments 328, 329, 330 & 331

Appendix 1 SFO Forms ­


LOCATION SF: _________ CPT NO: ___ • This diary should record general daily events, SFO movements, Operations visited which are

not otherwise recorded in detail elsewhere.

Date Event Initial

c 328 329 330 331 - 12­

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ROADING PLAN- Wild Cattle Creek State Forest, Compartments 328-331



State Forest Wild Cattle Creek; Compartments 328-331


Philip McKenzie Approved By: Craig Busby Prepared By: Harvest Planner Regional Manager

Signature Signature

Date Date

Duration of Approval

The above approval is valid until 12 months after signature.


1. Cover Page

2. Operational Map

3. Castings

4. Roadworks Plan Text/Prescriptions

5. Locality Map

6. Safety Plan HAMEEP

7. Harvesting Plan

8. Harvesting Notification List (Operations Team and Roading Supervisor

Leader Only)

\\Cofs-fs\data\DataStore\Ops _Planning\Native _Harvest\C _328_329_330_33 1 \Docs\Roading\C _328­33 1 ROAD WORKS PLAN 2012-l.docx - 1 ­

- -

ROADING PLAN- Wild Cattle Creek State Forest, Compartments 328-331

1. Objectives

Roadworks are required to service both native forest harvesting operations within the above compartments. These compartments are scheduled for harvest in 2014.

The operational map shows the location of the proposed works.

Attachments: Financial Analysis Spreadsheet gives full details of costs, benefits, material & plant requirements

2. Specifications and Legal Conditions This operation must comply with:

• Standard Harvest Plan Conditions for Native Forest Operations in North East Region.

• Licence Conditions issued by FCNSW under the Forestry Act (1916).

• FCNSW Forest Practices Code- Part 2 Timber Harvesting in Native Forests February 1999 and Forest Practices Code Part 4 Forest Roads and Fire Trails (February 1999).

• Integrated Forestry Operations Approval issued under part 58 of the Forestry Act 2012 (IFOA), including the associated licences:

- Threatened Species Conservation Licence (TSCL) issued under the Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995).

- Licence issued under section 220ZW of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 (FL).

- Environment Protection Licence No. 4017 (UNE) issued under section 55 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (EPL).Licenced Operation

• Technical Guidance Notes for Roadworks.

• FCNSW Forest Practices Code - Part 1 Timber Harvesting in FCNSW Plantations 2005 and Forest Practices Code Part 4 Forest Roads and Fire Trails (February 1999).

• Plantations and Reafforestation Act (1999). • Plantations and Reafforestation (Code) Regulation (2001 ), subject to the conditions

described in Attachment 1 of the Authorisation for the timber plantation.

3. Special Conditions

Feature Conditions

Cultural Heritage No

Threatened Species See harvesting plan. Minimise disturbance within protection zones.

Dispersible Soils Hazard No

Mass Movement Hazard No

Seasonality Yes.

• Compartment 328, 329 & 331 logging is to be excluded from harvesting 1 January to 31 March inclusive, for slopes :::::25°.

• Compartment 330 is to be excluded from harvesting 1 December to 30 April inclusive, for slopes ~20°.

Engineering Design No

Environmental impacts i.e. Dust, Noise, Water, Visual


National Park No

Private Property No

Permit To Enter required No

\\Cofs-fs\data\DataStore\Ops_Pianning\Nativc _ Harvest\C _328_329_330 _33 1 \Docs\Roading\C _328­33 1 ROAD WORKS PLAN 20 12- l .docx - 2 ­

- -


ROADING PLAN- Wild Cattle Creek State Forest, Compartments 328-331

Quarries and Gravel Pits No

Underground/Overhead Utilities No

Safety Issues (includes hazards, public use of roads)

Timmsvale Road is frequently used for recreation purposes, be aware of potential for local traffic. Use appropriate road closure & signage.

Short Term Haulage Roads Short Term haulage Roads are shown on the operational map. They are currently vegetated

and stable. These roads may be used for haulage, subject to the following conditions:

• Roads must be left vegetated until immediately prior to use • Drainage is installed to EPL specifications within 5 days of completion of haulage

operations (crossbanks) • Rollovers or other EPL compliant drainage are installed where road grade is less than

3 degrees • EPL compliant drainage is installed 5-30m either side of any drainage line crossing • Minimise disturbance to vegetated, working table drains • Temporary drainage is installed in the event of ongoing rainfall or cessation of

operations for more than 2 days.

• Road Drainage spacings may exceed those specified in Schedule 5 of the EPL where:

mitre drains cannot be constructed (eg side cut road); road grade exceeds 3 degrees

Consideration to be given to implementation of additional site specific conditions as appropriate such as:

• Utilising outfall and other forms of drainage (modified rollovers) • Installing energy dissipaters in table drains ; and • Installing silt mesh /trapping on drain outlets if native vegetation filtering is


4. General Conditions

Remove trees in accordance with FNSW Safety Standard 1.3.9; and

Remove vegetation within 3m of the road prism only where required to maintain safe sight distance and passage of trucks.

Note: Clearing is generally permitted within 3m of the road prism for all roads. Ground disturbance and tree debris may impact outside this 3m either side of the road prism as is required to effect clearing within 3m of the road prism. Conditions 5, 6 and 47 Schedule 5 of the EPL must apply.

5. Works Schedule

See attached road maintenance worksheets.

\\Cofs-fs\data\DataStore\Ops _Pianning\Native _Harvcst\C _328 _329_330_331 \Docs\Roading\C _328­331 ROAD WORKS PLAN 2012-l.docx - 3­

Road Maintainence/Upgrade

Road Name 331/4 Category Temporary

Location Length (m) 400


0- Works >30Slopes D .5 Q)

Mass Movement D .t

Den Dispersible

Widening ~ Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

-2l Curve Widening Where required.- "' c a., Grade Lowering DQ)

E 0. ::IQ)

Di'a Realignment Q.

Reopening D

Q) Clear veg/debris ~ Along road length Maintenance Length (m)

0s:: "'s::

Repair surface ~ Along road length Q)

Crown/Crossfall ~E Where required.·;u ::;;

Gravel D Gravel Length (m) Ill

~ ... Remove trees >20 em Removevegetation only in accordance with general condition 4£! m ~ In accordance wirth general condition 4CQ Remove trees<20em

Q; '"C Batter Repair/Upgrade D"(ij '"C

"' 0a:

Culverts D Size: Sets:

Mitres ~ Q)

~C) ROD/Spoon Sets:m .!iii m Belts/Channels D Sets:.... Cl

Drop Downs D Sets:

Silt Trapping D Comments:

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 1 of 14

Road Name 328/1 Category Temporary

Location From Timmsvale Rd to dump 5. Length (m) 200


Works >30 Slopes 0 .s .E Mass Movement 0 Q)

.ot= en Dispersible 0

Widening ~ Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

Q) Curve Widening Where required.'C- <U c s, Grade Lowering 0Q)

E c.. ::;)


0~ Realignment a.

Reopening 0

Clear vag/debris ~ Along road length Maintenance Length (m)Q) <.>

~ Along road lengthc Repair surface<U c

~ 'iii

Crown/Crossfall ~ Where required. ~

Gravel 0 Gravel Length (m) en

~ .... Remove trees >20em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4 ~ m Ill.._ Q)

Remove trees <20em ~ In accordance wirth general condition 4

"C Batter Repair/Upgrade ~ Where required.'iii "C m 0 a:

Culverts 0 Size: Sets:

Mitres ~ Q)

~C) ROD/Spoon Sets:m .5 m Belts/Channels 0 Sets:....


Drop Downs 0 Sets:

Sill Trapping 0 Comments:

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 2 of 14

Road Name 328/2 Category Short Tenn Haulage

Location From Timmsvale Rd to dump 7. Length (m) 550

iwoRKS YE~


' Works >30 Slopes D

.E -= Mass Movement D <II -~ en Dispersible D

Widening D Location Upgrade Length (m)

Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil <IJ Curve Widening- "0

"' c: 5, Grade Lowering D<II E c..

::1<IJ Da; Realignment a.

Reopening D Clear veg/debris ~ Along road length Maintenance Length (m)

<IJ '-'

~ Along road lengthc: Repair surfacero c: <IJ

~1:: Crown/Crossfall Where required.·c;; ::2:

D Gravel Length (m)Gravel en

~.... Remove trees >20 em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4!! ltl

~ In accordance wirth general condition 4m Remove trees <20 em.._ <II

"t:l Batter Repair/Upgrade ~ Where required.·u; "t:l ltl 0a:

Culverts D Size: Sets:

Mitres ~ <II

~C) ROD/Spoon Sets:ltlc:

"c;j Belts/Channels D Sets: 0 Drop Downs D Sets:

Silt Trapping D Comments:

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 3 of 14

Road Name 330/1 Category Temporary

Location FromTimmsvale Rd to dump 13. Length (m) 200


J2 Works >30 Slopes 0

.E Mass Movement 0 Cll

:t= en Dispersible 0

Widening ~ Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

- -l!l Curve Widening Where required. "' c: 6, Grade Lowering 0Cll

E c.. ::::>


0~ Realignment a.

Reopening 0

Clear veg/debris ~ Along road length Maintenance Length (m)B

~ Along road lengthc Repair sutiace"' c QJ

Crown/Crossfall ~'E Where required. 'iii :E

0 Gravel Length (m)Gravel Ill

~ .... Remove trees>20 em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4! cu

~ In accordance wirth general condition 4a:l Remove trees <20 em--Cll "C Batter Repair/Upgrade ~ Where required.'iii "C cu 0 a:

Culverts 0 Size: Sets:

Mitres 0 Cll

0C) ROD/Spoon Sets:cuc:·n;

Belts/Channels 0.... Sets:0

Drop Downs 0 Sets:

Silt Trapping 0 Comments:

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 4 of 14

Road Name 330/2 Category Short Tem1 Haulage

Location From Timmsvale Rd to dump 10. Length (m) 350


.s Works >30 Slopes D

..5 Qj

Mass Movement D .'l::l Den Dispersible

Widening D Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

- ~ Curve Widening Cll c 0, Grade Lowering DQj

E 0. ;:)


D~ Realignment a.

Reopening D Clear vegfdebris ~ Along road length Maintenance Length (m)

~ ~ Along road lengthc Repair surface"' c

.2! Crown/Crossfall ~ Where required.c ·a; :::l:

D Gravel Length (m)Gravel (/)

~ .... Remove trees >20em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4! t1l aJ Remove trees <20 em.._ Qj

~ In accordance wirth general condition 4

"C Batter Repair/Upgrade D' iii "C t1l 0a:

Culverts D Size: Sets:

Mitres ~ Qj

~Cl ROD/Spoon Sets:t1l .!: t1l Belts/Channels D Sets:....


Drop Downs D Sets:

Silt Trapping 0 Comments:

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 5 of 14

Road Name 331/1 Category Tcmporaty

Location From Timmsvale Rd to dump 14. Length (m) 300


.2 Works >30 Slopes D

= Q) Mass Movement D

~ Den Dispersible

Widening ~ Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

Q) Curve Widening Where required.on- <U.:::: 0, Grade Lowering DQ)

E c.. ~ Q)

D~ Realignment Q.

Reopening D


Clear vag/debris ~ Along road length Maintenance Length (m) 0

~ Along road lengthc: Repair surface<Uc:

~ Crown/Crossfall ~ Where required. ~

DGravel Gravel Length (m) tJl

~ .... Remove trees >20 em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4£:! (II

~ In accordance wirth general condition 4al Remove trees <20 em.._ Q) "'C Batter Repair/Upgrade ~ Where required. ' iii "'C (II 0a:

Culverts D Size: Sets:

Mitres ~ Q)

~C) ROD/Spoon Sets: (II

.50 (II

Belts/Channels D Sets: .... 0

Drop Downs D Sets:

Silt Trapping D Comments:

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 6 of 14

· Road Name 331/2 Category Temporary

Location From Timmsvale Rd to dump 15 &dump 24. Length (m) 950



Works >30 Slopes 0 -2 ..5 Mass Movement 0 Cll

:t:: (J) Dispersible 0

Widening ~ Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

- -21 Curve Widening Where required. co c s, Grade Lowering 0Cll

E a. ::l


0~ Realignment a..

Reopening 0

Clear vegfdebris ~ Along road length Maintenance Length (m)Cll

~ Repair surface ~ Along road lengthco c Cll

Crown/Crossfall ~'E Where required. ·;;;:=

0Gravel Gravel Length (m) U)

~.... Remove trees >20em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4Cll :t:: l'CI

~ In accordance wirth general condition 4m Remove trees <20 em-Cll "0 Batter Repair/Upgrade ~ Where required."iii "0 l'CI 0 a:

Culverts 0 Size: Sets:

Mitres ~ Cll

~OJ ROD/Spoon Sets:l'CI c ·n; Belts/Channels 0 Sets:,_

c Drop Downs 0 Sets:

Silt Trapping 0 Comments:

Start Date: Finish Date: Soi l Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 7 of 14

Road Name 331/3 Category Temporaty

Location From Timmsvale Rd to dump 18. Length (m) 750


Works >30 Slopes 0 ,f.! ..5 Mass Movement 0Q)

.t: en Dispersible 0

Widening ~ Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

Q) Curve Widening Where required.- 'C «< c s, Grade Lowering 0Q)

E 0.. ~ Q)

0~ Realignmenta.

Reopening 0 Clear veg/debris ~


Along road length Maintenance Length (m) 0

~ Along road lengthc Repair surface«< c

~ Crown/Crossfall ~ Where required. ·;;; 2

0Gravel Gravel Length (m)

~ Remove trees >20 em ~ Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4! ca ~ In accordance wirth general condition 4m Remove trees <20 em...._

Q) "C Batter Repair/Upgrade ~ Where required. 'iii "C ca 0a:

Culverts 0 Size: Sets:

Mitres ~ Q)

~C) ROD/Spoon Sets: ca c·;u

Belts/Channels 0 Sets: .... Cl

Drop Downs 0 Sets:

Silt Trapping D


Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 8 of 14

Road Name 331/5 Category Short Term Haulage

Location From Dump 1 8 to Dump 19. Length (m) 600

!woRKS . .


Works >30 Slopes D .g .E Mass Movement D

CIJ .1::::: DC/) Dispersible

Widening D Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

.2J Curve Widening- ., 1:: 0, Grade Lowering DCIJ E 0..


D~ Realignment a..

Reopening D

Q.l Clear veg/debris ~ Along road length Maintenance Length (m)

'-' ~ Along road lengthc:: Repair surface.,

c:: Q.l

~'E Crown/Crossfall Where required.·;;; 2

Gravel D Gravel Length (m) (/)

~ .... Remove trees >20 em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4! «<

~ In accordance wirth general condition 4Ill Remove trees <20 em...._ CIJ "C Batter Repair/Upgrade D'(ij "C «< 0a:

Culverts D Size: Sets:

Mitres ~ CIJ

~C) ROD/Spoon Sets:«< c::·;u

Belts/Channels D Sets:0 Drop Downs D Sets:

Si ll Trapping D Comments:

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be with in 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 9 of 14

Road Name 331/6 Category Short Term Haulage

Location From Savages Camp Rd to dump 23. Length (m) 500


Works >30 Slopes D .E .= Mass Movement D C1J

:1::! Den Dispersible

Widening D Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

.... ~ Curve Widening <ac::: e, Grade Lowering DC1J

ffi a. ::l

> Realignment D(Q Q.

Reopening D

Clear veg/debris ~ Along road length Maintenance Length (m)C1J (.)

~ Along road length c: Repair surface ~ (I)

~'E Crown/Crossfall Where required. ~

DGravel Gravel Length (m) Ill

~ ... Remove trees >20 em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4 ~ (Q

~ In accordance wirlh general condition 4ID Remove trees <20 em-C1J "C Batter Repair/Upgrade D"iii "C (Q 0 a:

Culverts D Size: Sets:

Mitres ~ C1J

~en ROD/Spoon Sets:(Q

.5 (Q

Belts/Channels D... Sets:Cl

Drop Downs D Sets:

Silt Trapping D Comments:

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 10 of 14

Road Name Minyun Trail Category Permanent

Location From Timmsvale Rd to dump 12. Length (m) 300


Works >30 Slopes D0--= Mass Movement Dell

.1::::: Den Dispersible

Widening D Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

<ll Curve Widening'0- (ll t:: 0, Grade Lowering Dell E a.


D~ Realignment a.

Reopening D

<ll Clear veg/debris ~ Along road length Maintenance Length (m)

(,) c Repair surface(ll c ~ Along road length <ll

~c Crown/Crossfall Where required.·n; 2

DGravel Gravel Length (m) t/)

~ .... Remove trees >20 em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4:Ill ra

~ In accordance wirth general condition 4m Remove trees <20 em.._ ell

"C Batter Repair/Upgrade D'iii "C ra 0 a:

Culverts D Size: Sets:

Mitres ~ Q)

~Cl ROD/Spoon Sets:ra t::·;u

Belts/Channels D Sets: 0 Drop Downs D Sets:

Silt Trapping D Comments:

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be with in 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 11 of 14

Road Name Savages Camp Rd Category Permanent

Location From Telephone Rd to dump 22. Length (m) 400


0 Works >30 Slopes 0-= Mass Movement 0

Cll -~ en Dispersible 0

Widening 0 Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

.... ~ Curve Widening c: ~

Grade Lowering 0Q.l 0'1

~ 0..

=> ~ Realignment 0

0.. Reopening 0

Clear veg/debris 0 Maintenance Length (m)Cll u

0c Repair surface"' c Q.l

Crown/Crossfall 0'E ·;u :E

0Gravel Gravel Length (m) U)

0... Remove trees >20 em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4 ~ ca Ill Remove trees <20 em-Cll

0 In accordance wirth general condition 4

'0 Batter Repair/Upgrade 0' iii '0 ca 0 a:

Culverts 0 Size: Sets:

Mitres 0 Cll

0en ROD/Spoon Sets:ca .5 ca Belts/Channels 0 Sets:...


Drop Downs 0 Sets:

Silt Trapping 0 Comments: To be maintained under road maintenance plan C_332_333_336_337_339 plantation.

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 12 of 14

Road Name Telephone Rd Category Pennanent

Location FromTimmsvale Rd to Savages Camp Rd. Length (m) 1300

jwoRKS -


.2 Works >30Slopes D

.E Q)

Mass Movement D :t:: Den Dispersible

Widening D Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

-2! Curve Widening- «S c a, Grade Lowering DQ)

E c.. =:1


D~ Realignment a.

Reopening D

C1l Clear veg/debris D Maintenance Length (m)

u Dc: Repair surface«Sc:


Dc Crown/Crossfall ~

D Gravel Length (m)Gravel 1/)

D.... Remove trees >20 em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4C1) = (1J D In accordancewirth general condition 4m Remove trees <20 em ._ C1)

"C Batter Repair/Upgrade D'iii "C

(1J 0a:

Culverts 0 Size: Sets:

Mitres 0 Q)

0en ROD/Spoon Sets:(1J

.5 (1J....

0 Belts/Channels 0 Sets:

Drop Downs D Sets:

Silt Trapping D Comments: To be maintained under road maintenance plan C_332_333_336_337_339 plantation.

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 13 of 14

Road Name Timmsvale Rd Category Petmanent

Location Main access road into WildCattle Creek. Length (m) 6000


.E Works >30 Slopes D

1::: Mass Movement D-Cll .~ Den Dispersible

Widening D Location Upgrade Length (m) Formation Width (m) Upgrade Spoil

<I> Curve Widening- '0.., 1::: 0, Grade Lowering DCll E a.


Diii Realignment c..

Reopening D Clear veg/debris D Maintenance Length (m)


DI:: Repair surface.., I::

~ Crown/Crossfall D·n; ::::E

D Gravel Length (m)Gravel Ill

D.... Removetrees >20 em Remove vegetation only in accordance with general condition 4 £! <ll D In accordance wirth general condition 4lD Remove trees <20 em(i; "0 Batter Repair/Upgrade D"iii "0 IV 0 a:

Culverts D Size: Sets:

Mitres D Cll

DOl ROD/Spoon Sets:IV 1::: ·c;

Belts/Channels D Sets:.... 0

Drop Downs D Sets:

Silt Trapping D Comments: To be maintained under road maintenance plan Timmsvale Road.

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 14 of 14

Crossing Works Crossing Name X-A Road Name 331/4 Location See map

Drainage Feature Unmapped drainage feature Stream Permanency Intermittent Existina Crossina I Size I Stabilitv Status I Crossina Reauired ISize (mmfml Future IBed level crossing INA I Stable (maintenance) I Existing INA IPermanent

Crossing Works Approaches and Road Drainage

Pavement/Structure Two loads of clean rock. Approaches Crown &mitre.

Reshape Bed/banks Nil Temporary Drainage NA

Disposal of Spoil NA 5-30m Upstream Left Install rubber flap.

Inlet Clean 5-30m Upstream Right Existing crest.

Outlet Clean Practices where no 5-30

Stabilisation Nil OutletControl

ErosionControl Natural vegetation TableDrain

Start Date: Finish Date: Soil Stabilisation Date (must be within 5 days):

Date Event Initial

Friday, 23 August 2013 Page 1 of2

ROADING PLAN- Wild Cattle Creek State Forest, Compartments 328-331

6. Pre-Operational Briefing_

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Roadworks/Harvesting Plan for Compartments 328-331in Wild Cattle Creek State Forest and that I have been briefed on the conditions of the Plan. I understand the supervision and operational control requirements as outlined in the plan.

Position Name Signature Date


T:\Ops_Pianning\Native_Harvest\C _328_329_330_331 \Docs\Roading\C _328-331_ ROAD WORKS PLAN 20 12-l.docx - 4 ­