Wild Flam-Ingos Year 1 chapter 2

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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The Wild Flam-Ingos

Year 1: Chapter 2

An OWBC by Shan

Welcome to The Wild Flam-Ingos!!

The Wild Flam-Ingos is an OWBC following the lives of Flammy Ingo and her lovely hubby/man-maid Remmington.

Last chapter we saw Flammy glitch, insult Joe's “Carr”, get chased around Crypt O'Nightclub by Crumplebottom and find herself in a relationship with a grilled cheese sandwhich.

What's in store for Flammy this chapter? Well, you'll just have to read on to find out.

Again, I apologize in advance for the photo quality, I forgot to change the camera settings. Yikes!!

All rules/regulations/mini-challenges for the Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge can be found at Boolprop.net, the official home of the one and only Boolprop Fighttheaddictionfalse.

“So, the toilet was pretty nasty this morning.”“Yup.”“Babies?”“You had better pray to Palmer that it's not.”“Baby?”“Possibly.”

“There better only be one of you in there!”

One can only hope Flammy.

Flammy doesn't let a little thing like pregnancy keep her from her lover Mr. Grilled Cheese.

One of the few plumbbob pics I plan on allowing but only because it's here to show how miserable Flammy is while pregnant. Poor dear is constantly in the red need wise.

“zzzzzz”“Hmm....the Llamas finally won.”“zzzzzz”“It does say they are looking to retire their coaching staff due to the down turn the last three seasons. I wonder if they'll find somebody.”^snore^

With a baby on the way, I set up a corner of the bedroom to be a nursery.

Baby Time!

“Augh! Why did I let you talk me into this?!?”“zzzzz”“Remmyyyyyy!!!!”

Uh...ya'll are gonna love me for this, buttt I forgot to get pics of the babies. So...um...yeah...babies.

A couple days and several missing pictures later, It's Birthday Time!!!

First up is Miss Bridget. Bridget has Flammy's red hair, Remmy's skin and eyes.Personality is:6/2/9/3/8

Then we have little Bastian. Bastian has Flammy's red hair and eyes, and Remmy's skin.Personality:8/10/10/3/1

Remmy is so good for his eternally pregnant wife, even setting out two plates of grilled cheese for her at a time. And reaping the aspiration benefits.

Flammy does the unthinkable and gives birth in the damn bathroom. ^grumble grumble^

Bringing us little Octavia! Octavia has Flammy's skin and eyes and Remmy's apparently blonde hair.

A quick cuddle....

And it's back to work!

This is not a fun house to be in need wise.

But it's good to know that Remmy is just as attracted to Flammy as ever.

Even going so far as flushing the toilet while she's in the shower. Yeah, I don't envy him right now.

I know, I know...stupid ceilings keep getting lost on the way to the party around here.

^sigh^ Yup, out again. Apparently the radio is interrupting her “alone” time with Mr. Grilled Cheese.

This is the moment where one must wonder...

Is it the sandwhich's?Or the husbands??

The world may never know.

“Palmer, I promise, if you let this be the last time, I will devote every waking moment to your praises. May this be the last time.”


Normally, I would just sell and rebuy the fridge buuuut they have so much grilled cheese in the left overs for the kids I might as well just stock up.

“Oh by the grace of Palmer, Remmy, there's a giant diamond in the sky.”“Uh...Flammy, how are you holding the baby?”

Yup. For those of you counting at home, this is pass out number 4 for this chapter!

While Mommy naps...

You really shouldn't be surprised by this anymore Flammy.

In a last ditch attempt to get Bridget and Bastian out of the red aspiration levels, Flammy and Remmy spend an evening toddler skilling!

Birthday time in the OWBC house!!

First up is little miss Bridget.

Standard birthday plop down.

“Flammy, is Bridget supposed to have sparkles coming out of her butt?”“By the blessings of the Great Palmer, she is blessed with the goodness of the grilled cheese my love.”


^sigh^ Challenge sims I tell ya...They all have some weird disease that brings shock at the sight of hands and birthing in bathrooms.

“Be gone dastardly dirt! Be gone you filthy evil!”

Up next is Bastian.

Obligatory close up before sparkle farts picture.

I totally didn't use this as your only chance to see Bastian as a toddlehead....never....:shifty:

The sparkles seem to come from his belly. I must wonder, what is Flammy putting in those grilled cheese sandwhiches?

Uh...You totally don't see that wall back there peaking into the other room...


^insert facepalm here^

Everybody say “AWWWWWWW”

Don't forget Octavia!

Hey look, I remembered this time!!

Post makeover, just pulled Bridget's hair off her shoulders.

Gave Bastian some adorable little curls!

These kids love to smustle. In fact, they smustle so much that I'm putting together a smustle album for the family in time for the heir poll!! So make sure you stay tuned.

I turned my back for five minutes and Octavia escaped from her crib! I've never had a toddler do that before.

“I'll be these two, you can be that one and Big Voice can narrate.”“Big Voice? Are you ok Bridget?”“Wait, you don't hear it? It keeps yelling at mom to wake up from her grilled cheese.”

This time the big voice is just hoping it's not more than one.

Bridget is excited for a new little one to torture. Bastian on the other hand doesn't seem to care yet.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god. Is that a baby??”“It's sooo cute!”

And joining the Ingo family is little Opal.She has blonde hair, Remmy's skin and green eyes.

While baby Opal is being born, Octavia is happy just picking her nose.

Family that eats together, hopefully doesn't sacrifice the newborn to the Grilled Cheese gods.

“Not again!”

With the snows of winter letting up some, I realized I haven't shown off the Ingo family home! Not so bad from the outside.

First floor. It's getting better, but still pretty darn bare.

And the upstairs.

Help me Rosanna dear!! I beg of thee, I'm in desperate need.

Since there is only one Octavia, Remmy sits down to tackle the toddle skills I'm willing to go near, talking and walking.

He doesn't get very far before deciding that a nap is in order.

At which point Flammy takes over.

That isn't to say the loving couple aren't still crazy over each other.

“Oh Palmer!”“Pregnant again dear?”

Mashed grilled cheese appears to be the delicacy of the day around here.

Dude!! You're supposed to be our friend!

Bastian wasn't afraid to go get it back!

Ummm...ouch?“Bastian, get out of my spleen!''

For a romance sim, Flammy is a decent mom.

Even if it includes the kids napping on the couch more than sleeping in their beds.


Get the fire department! She's exploding!!

Octavia grew up rather well for being neglected.

With the kids playing cops and robbers in the background, I remembered one birthday today.

Opal aged up to toddle age!

And Flammy proceeded to give birth in the kitchen.

At least it's not the bathroom.

Say hello to Baby Ronan, named by and after the lovely Rosanna over at Boolprop.net.

Ronan has blonde hair and green eyes.


Flammy, Noooo! Not in front of the kids!!

Finally the pressure of little ones snapped her.

Bringing the help of the lovely doctor Quack Palmer.

Of no relation to Sir Palmer the Duck I am assured.

Poor Bridget watched the whole thing.

Have you ever Rawred so hard your teeth ripped out of your jaw?

“Oh mom, I still love you, even tho you are crazier than a giant yellow duck. Now, will you play redhands with me?”

I hereby decree Ronan's official name to be Ronan the Pooper. Either that or Sir Poops-A-Lot.

With the warming of spring, the kids enjoy the sun.

Opal is not taking to the neglected life very well.

But does take to her big sister very well!

Flammy shows off her bikini body to a passerby.

And the children continue to smustle and scare the living daylights out of each other.

While Flammy continues to stink up the family's toilets.

Yup, just life as usual here on the Ingo Ranch.

Ronan poops even more while Flammy tries to figure out what is causing the rank gasses leaving his tiny little butt.

Constantly stinky babies does not mean that the romance is dead.

But sticking your wife thru a wood wall usually does.

Bridget and Bastian grow up again. Bastian needs to start growing up in a decent hair cut.

Opal aged to childhood.

Ronan became a just as stinky toddle being.

And Flammy decided to give birth while trying to take the trash out!

And thus ends chapter 2 of The Wild Flam-Ingos!! Stay tuned for more!!

Remember you can find all the chapters of this and more over at the Boolprop fighttheaddictionfalse forums at Boolprop.net!! Come see us!