Will Code.org Be the Key to a New Future?

Post on 28-May-2015

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Code.org is encouraging students of all ages to start learning code now. By 2020, there will be 1 million more code jobs than students. How can you help?


Will Code.org

Be the Keyto a New Future?


is a website

dedicated to the belief that:

Every student in every school should have the opportunity

to learn to code.

The organization already has more than

585 thousand supportersIncluding public figures like:

The architectsOf the modern internet

Artists…Business Owners…


And More…

4 Reasons Why Kids (or Anyone)

Steve Jobs said that programming a computer teaches you how to think. As our business has grown over the last two and a half years, we’ve had to learn a lot of coding ourselves. (We’re natural English writers –

not Java writers.) We can tell you

firsthand that learning code has stretched our minds. Our critical thinking skills are definitely

ramped up after we’ve completed another round of coding!

Should Learn Coding Now!


So why is it so important?

4 Reasons Why Kids (or Anyone)

There are

expected to be 1 million more

coding jobs than students by 2020. That’s a $500 billion opportunity that students need to start preparing for


in order to capitalize.

(Currently, there are only 400,000 computer science students.)

Should Learn Coding Now!


4 Reasons Why Kids (or Anyone)

Computer science is the

highest paid college degree. It’s not all about the money. But, it sure helps.

Should Learn Coding Now!


4 Reasons Why Kids (or Anyone)

Coding will make you a

more valuable


no matter what field you pursue. Our

writers at CEM don’t have to know code to do their job. Some of them do know code; some don’t.

Should Learn Coding Now!

#4However, the ones that


know at least the basics of code will

have more success as freelancers. I’ve experienced this firsthand. When you know the programmers’

language (or anyone’s

language, for that matter), you have some common ground to stand on for a discussion!

If you’re even the least bit interested in online business, computers, and our shared future, then I’d like to encourage you to

sign up at Code.org.

They’re looking for anyone and everyone that knows code, wants to learn, or could bring it to the classroom. So, jump right in!

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