William De Yaxley PP Implementation Plan De Yaxley PP Implementation Plan ... Self assessment of...

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William De Yaxley PP Implementation Plan (10/07/2015) Edited and reviewed 280317

Co-authored by Daniel Sobel, Kay Corley (Executive Head), Gayle Ludgate (CoG), Emma Mcarthur (Governor),

Malcolm Stocking (Phase leader of years 3&4 and literacy leader), Shona Milne (Phase leader of years 5&6 and

numeracy leader), Sue Cooper (Senco), Daniel Doud (Head of School)

Objective Action Who When What does success look like Follow-up


1 Governors’ guide for PP – distributed Governors to read section 1 of the HANDBOOK

CoG to galvanise KC/EMc

Governors meetings

See minutes – challenge identified in


All governors have read guide and are aware of responsibilities. Governors meeting HELD

Governor minutes Governor SEF

Standing agenda item on FPP Governor committee

- Governor SEF in place, and action plan for reviews in place

- Implementation plan and anything that is in it

- Prep governors with Ofsted Prep questions

Minutes of meeting held and report completed. Governors fully briefed and able to answer Ofsted questions – see section 7 - What are the issues - What are you doing about them - What is the impact?

Governors’ next steps which arose from meeting – See Governor SEF.

Objective Action Who When What does success look like IMPACT

Follow-up REVIEW

2a Convene stakeholders + create document detailing the unique setting of your school – anchor everything in this context When you demonstrate the unique setting of your school and how your community have engaged with you through this process then this becomes a non challengeable approach.

Meeting to discuss issues identified in PP cohort – representatives of governors, parents, YW, police, religious leaders, secondary feeder schools, , MP, Social services, Early intervention team, GP, EWO Share section 5.5 and discuss barriers to individualising http://www.headteacher-update.com/best-practice-article/creative-uses-of-the-pupil-premium/86120/ Pupil Voice

Kay to ask the other village schools + Parent forum Issue: How and when Could draw on IE to present and facilitate

Kay to send out invite for late November meeting. Meeting should take 1-2 hours Post on website – see below

List of ideas for discussion More in-depth understanding of issues and how to tackle them KC/SC to create success boards around school to put up messages of success

Discuss at SLT for implementation

Evidence of stakeholder involvement on website.

Greater partnership working with parents

Need for increased transition to manage parental expectations and raise aspiration around – independence

Sources of evidence include:

Food bank

Yaxley Gazette

School Face Book and Twitter engageme


Objective Action Who When What does success look like IMPACT

Follow-up REVIEW

2b Staff meeting and discussion process about PP

Inset Resources to be used as vehicle for developing staff consistency, engagement with broader student issues, supporting differentiation and personalising learning. Training in utilising the info in the provision map and How they feedback with soft data Train staff in using the 1 page summary doc (section 3.4) to use this (not as a tick-box but as the basis of a “discussion around the child”)

Sue to lead

10 minute update at end of December 15 + updating staff re individual students to track through pupil progress meetings

All staff feeling they have: - a more in-depth understanding of

the issues - a valuable contribution to make

about how we address these issues - suggestions the decision makers

haven’t thought of

SC to create Pupil Asset files and reports for tracking all PP vulnerable groups in terms of Progress and Attainment Done Impact of the above has been Good to Outstanding:

Working with individual teachers at PPM’s to further encourage and develop personalised approaches to individual pupils in school

Objective Action Who When What does success look like IMPACT

Follow-up REVIEW

3 PP to include broader factors Self assessment of impact on PP students:

Family liaison 5/10 8/10 C & Sta’ders 3/10 7/10 Aspiration 7/10 9/10 SEN 6/10 9/10 Differentiation 5/10 8/10 Other schools 3/10 8/10

(reviewed ((reviewed 29/03/16) All areas show improvements

Add all these factors in summary to the website See diagram below Present to all staff as part of INSET Demonstrate progress and process so far and what is to come Use these to guide SIP, CPD, planning and continuous review

Kay to discuss this further with Daniel for SIP template

Raise awareness of all staff Ensure they have an understanding that everybody is on the journey - appreciating PP student have a

wider range of factors that impact on how they are doing

All areas of impact on PP pupils shows improvement since the initial date of this PP Implementation Plan

Regular update Part of all hard/soft data produced All staff to know the details of their students

4A Produce an overview of the characteristics of PP students - are there any overlapping features? What do our PP students look like?

Review data held on SIMS and create overview for PP group – see table below Put on website

Sue to summarise and put on website. Sue to discuss the data with DS – PP Review (27/03/17)

Update accordingly in line with half termly data drops (September for new cohort) SC to edit each half term – in line with data drops/PPM’s

Objective Action Who When What does success look like IMPACT

Follow-up REVIEW

5A Find out the barriers to learning for PP students and put in place support to help overcome these specific issues.

PPM’s enable case studies/ profiles to be created which are shared with teaching staff. Collate what we are already doing! Collate pupil voice around aspiration and share with staff and use for planning Utilise parent and pupil voice in all impact measures – see Parent SEF

Malcolm and Shona KC/SC

PP profiles outlining aspirations, barriers to learning and ways forward. Put snippets and quotes on website = student voice

Annual review to check barriers and make adjustments to support and interventions - ONGOING

Highly targeted plan which is hard and soft data based and engages all of the school community: #This is why we judge our practises to be Good to Outstanding #Case studies are available for individuals This practice is firmly embedded, as are individualised approaches to removing barriers to learning Attendance is an improving scenario – with individual offenders of poor attendance being systematically approached following the agreed policy and procedure Whole school attendance has improved from 94% in 20114-15 to consistently around 95% and when the core group of significant poor attenders are removed from the data to above 96% overall

Objective Action Who When What does success look like IMPACT

Follow-up REVIEW

5B Attendance factors Melanie Ayling November 1

Create a success board to acknowledge publically the increase in overall percentage Newsletter updates parents weekly - in place Whole School improvement over time – 94% - 96% in two years

SC – To profile PP/SEN and all PP vulnerable groups As above

6 punctuality and overall engagement

Meeting and notes to show ideas as to what would make a difference for these students Overall very good Issue: same ones again and again! Produce your own capped score by removing the few students who repeatedly have issues

Melanie SC

School using a range of incentives that have a positive impact on attendance, punctuality and engagement. Improvements noted historically – moved from 94+ to 96+% (2014-17) Class of the week for attendance in place Published on the Newsletter

Annual review to update relevance completed 27/03/17 SC – Pupil voice Anonymised feedback on website BD: To update FB page weekly with attendance figures... SC to cross reference PP/Poor attendance

Put on website Celebrating the focus on key welfare issues and that you are aware of them and doing something about them – see success board: March 2017 – 88% of PP pupils are making sufficient or better than sufficient progress at this stage of the

Review strategies end of summer term

year 74% of PP pupils are making good or better progress at this stage of the year

Objective Action Who When What does success look like IMPACT

Follow-up REVIEW

7 CONTINUE TO... Raise awareness of PP student gap amongst staff – especially TAs

See diagram below and utilise to enable staff to self-evaluate Continue doing what you are doing Enable teachers to see the bigger picture, linking personalised learning /differentiation with hard data results Enable TAs to see the bigger picture

Ongoing in pupil progress meetings

Staff are being proactive in targeting PP students and supporting access to the curriculum.

Termly updates on Pupil Asset TA’s are significantly more engaged, because of attendance at PPM’s, Performance Management procedures, SENDCo involvement and Line Management Weekly Briefings

8 Justify expenditure See web site SBM Our focus has shifted to identification of individual issues and impact of our actions

See website for progress and updates

9 Produce case studies PP / SEN

Write 5+ soft data impact case studies - develop practice of producing case studies for existing students. Section 3.4

Sue Cooper Book day training to include

End November

5+ confident and proud case studies Impact of case studies: SC to compile

Governors aware

360 as well and invite infant school

11 Be able to immediately access PP info that is useful

Collate all PP information into one file Print out website page

File in place. All staff familiar with contents.

SC Updated termly.

13 Create a whole school overview of the interventions

Table in 5.7 Sue Sue to work with DS in November

Publish SC -Update annually

Interventions report every term. 6 week view

14 Every intervention has entry/exit criteria and measure of impact. Compare intervention list to the needs of the actual student cohort.

Include both a soft data and hard data impact criteria. Match intervention list to student needs, add interventions that target actual See table in 5.7

Revisit at SEN review

Interventions listed with expected outcomes for each intervention. Impact can be RAG rated to show whether intervention had desired effect.

PPM’s half termly data drops:

Pupil Asset

Pupil Progress meetings

TA Accountability (Performance Management target setting is outcomes based)

Individualised approaches ensure that every child has an entry and exit criteria applied

Wave 2 at WDYA is a

very individual approach to specifically meet the needs of each child

We believe this makes our practice in this area Good to Outstanding

15 Develop a whole school provision map to show what interventions have been accessed and how much this has cost as well as including impact with hard and soft data.

Create tool to log interventions - create easy to use system logging every intervention accessed. Example provision map is on the Inclusion Expert website

Sue to continue Revisit at SEN review

Sue to work with Jill O’Connell at SEN review on this

Be able to track the interventions accessed by students and help account for spending and resulting impact.

Quality First Teaching is a basic expectation

Wave 2 is applied when additional support is required

This is an ENTIRELY INDIVIDUAL approach

We do not subscribe to generic packages, but rather a bespoke approach based on individual need

Updated throughout the year This provision has been streamlined to ensure those pupils who need over and above Quality First Teaching ONLY

17 Aspiration development - look at ways to develop higher aspirations in PP students. look at ways to develop higher

Possibly make this a key goal for the school: Speak with staff about this and use template

Kay to discuss with SLT and continue

ongoing List of ideas for discussion More in-depth understanding of issues and how to tackle them

Include aspiration talks when meeting with PP students.

aspirations in PP students: whole school, prior school, broader than school, community owned, pervasive, persistent, insistent from whole school vision to classroom curriculum to intervention to work with families

below to keep on agenda CoG and governors Parent forum includes by Governors

Engage stakeholders about this

Investigate developing an annual careers convention for KS2 pupils:

Bring your Dad/Mum/Brother etc to work day….

Create a work place “Market Place”

Local Business People and Inspirational people – POSH, Charity, Chuirch, Deaf/Blind etc

Link the world of work to curriculum areas and thematic planning – examples include:

Enterprise projects linked to summer fete

Worship Council money raising ventures

Supporting the food bank and addressing poverty locally

Revisit these issues regularly and keep on the radar through the staff briefing

Create plan including activities that will raise aspirations

20 –discuss with Daniel Sobel SEN Transformation – Use PP Budget, Use of TAs, paperwork system, etc. Done 27/03/17

21 Continue to personalise learning: Ensure differentiation and in-class strategies are outstanding and include bespoke interventions

Connect to SEN review Attached to high profile approaches in school

Feedback from teachers and students as well as hard and soft data

Ongoing as part of SLT discussion, SDP, TOC, DRV, HTPM, Performance Management, PPM’s Review and expand accordingly

22 Pre and over learning across the school

Initial work with 1 or 2 teachers and then review impact

TAs Provision review Possibly some training? Connect to SEN review

Embedded practice and fully in place across the school

23 Language rich school focus Language development ideas for: Home Curriculum Interventions Whole school

Embedded and fully in place – see Classroom environments, planning and children’s work for evidence

24 Significantly increase engagement with parents with learning and aspiration and curriculum (draw on point 26 – TAs)

Identify gap and start liaising with those parents in a positive led manner See table below – continue to explore

Ongoing Parent forum to lead

We judge ourselves to be Good to Outstanding in this area. We have substantially increased and improved how and when we engage with parents. Evidence includes:

Parental SEF writing process and document

Home learning support workshops

Reading Cafes


Mums and Dads in school days

Parent Forum

Facebook and Twitter

Interim reporting

Pupil Asset

Newsletter updates

26 TA training and deployment As a result of SEN review

ongoing Fully in place and embedded

28 develop classroom teacher understanding and action

Utilise the Inclusion Expert 360, provision map and section 3.4

As above, proposed training for Sue + infant school

Following DS work with Sue Wider use of 360 assessments

All staff have been trained in the 360 review tool

Provision map in place and reviewed termly

SEN annual review completed (Jan 17)

Training for specific areas of need delivered including – Autism awareness, Dyslexia friendly classrooms, dealing with

challenging Behaviours

Pre and Post Assessment

Pre and Over teaching

Learning environments and scaffolds

Tools for learning


30 Do the following or similar process or training sessions with infant school

Plan for next academic year and additional transition to include moderation of current Year Two’s – SC to liaise

Meeting attended on 31/03/17 for initial discussions about taking this further KC emailed HT to request KS1 teachers to attend DEMAT moderation sessions in April and June 2017