William Dean Public School Bluey’s...

Post on 01-May-2018

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William Dean Public School

Bluey’s Bulletin TERM 1 WEEK 9 Thursday 24th March 2016

Yarramundi Drive, DEAN PARK NSW 2761

Phone : (02) 9626 5200

Fax: (02) 9837 1151

E-mail: williamdea-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Principal: Maria Dichiera


We would like to congratulate a number of students who have received excellent sporting achievements.

Kasra S, Jayden M and Yiannis S have been selected for the Blacktown PSSA Zone Football (soccer) team and Rusty T has been selected for the Blacktown PSSA Zone Rugby Team.

Ziahni L and Taylan Z recently competed at the Blacktown PSSA Swimming Carnival and qualified to represent the Blacktown PSSA Zone team at the Sydney West Swimming Carnival.

We would like to wish all the students the very best in their upcoming events.


Last night we held our Easter Disco. The children had a wonderful time showing us their groovy dance moves and wonderful Easter costumes (some of us particularly enjoyed the yummy Easter Eggs).

This morning we held our Easter Hat Parade. It was great to see all the fantastic hat creations. Thank you to all the families and friends who came to watch the parade.

We would like to thank Mrs Azzopardi, Ms Ryan and Ms Hong for all their hard work coordinating these events.


Please join us for our next community breakfast on Wednesday 30th March in the school courtyard from 8:30 am. This breakfast will be in collaboration with the Dean Park Community Centre as we aim to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation World’s Greatest Shave. There will be a donation box at the breakfast table for all community members that would like to make a donation. The students are also asked to come to school with their coloured hair or in

a creative style for a gold coin donation. Following the breakfast, a number of senior boys have volunteered to have their head shaved for the cause. Please see notes that have been sent home previously for more information.


Thank you to all the families who have made the time to meet with the teachers next week. If you have not returned your time sheet, please make sure you make a time to meet with your child/children’s teacher. Three way interviews are a wonderful opportunity for the students and teachers to share the learning that has occurred during Term 1.


Thank you to all the families that have paid the voluntary school contributions for 2016. These funds assist the school to purchase student resources. The voluntary contribu-tions are $45 for one child or $85 for families with more than one child and can be paid at the office by cash, cheque or Eftpos for your convenience. Credit card payments can also be taken over the phone.


The 2015 ASR and school plans are now posted on the school’s website. We hope you take the opportunity to look through both documents. The ASR is a summary of the programs, achievements and targets that were addressed throughout 2015. The school plans summarise the strategic directions for 2015-2017 and outline some of the processes and programs that will be used to support student and school improvement.

Please contact the school office if you would like a paper copy of the ASR.


As in previous years, staff have elected to

attend additional SDD sessions throughout the year instead of the last two days of school. It is difficult to book guest speakers on scheduled SDDs as they are often booked well in advance. We are currently negotiating with guest speakers to present staff with additional strategies to support student wellbeing.

As these sessions are out of school hours they will not interfere with any school days and it will not require parents to have students at home for any additional days.

Please see me if you have any concerns with this proposal.


Please note that tomorrow, Good Friday 25th March and Easter Monday 28th March are public holidays, students are not required to come to school. The students will need to return to school on Tuesday 29th March.

The last day of Term 1 is Friday 8th April. Students will return to school on Wednesday 27th April.

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, students and families for all your support during this very busy Term. Term 2 will be another busy term. Some major events coming up include school cross country (Thursday 28th April) and NAPLAN for Year 3 and Year 5 (10th, 11th and 12th May).

This will be the last newsletter for Term 1.

We would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday.

Regards Maria Dichiera

It is hard to believe that we are in our last couple of weeks for the term, time seems to have gone so fast. The children in

Stage 2 have worked very hard and have enjoyed learning about Australia and monitoring the temperature.

The children have also been experimenting with setting learning goals for themselves and have experienced great success in

striving to achieve them.

With only a couple of weeks left, there is a great deal happening. Last night, many children attended the Easter disco and

thoroughly enjoyed themselves, dancing, purchasing all sorts of treats and enjoying a hot dog for dinner. A good time was

had by all who attended (even the teachers).

Today children participated in our hat parade, before a few days break to eat lots of chocolate and recharge their batteries

for the last couple of weeks.

Next week we have our 3 way interviews. Thank you to all those parents who have returned the note. We would encourage

you to come along with your child so that they can share what they have been learning with you. It is a great opportunity to

chat to the teacher. Children are always so proud when you are able to join them at school. We look forward to meeting you


Next term, Year 3 and Year 5 will sit the NAPLAN tests. The dates for these tests are 10th to the 12th May. A separate note will

be sent home in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you to those parents who have sent in boxes of tissues and have purchased a clipboard and headphones. These are the

essential items used regularly by the children. Could we ask that if you have not yet purchased these items, that you do so in

the holidays so that children will have them to start Term 2.

Finally, we would like to wish all families a Happy Easter and a very enjoyable holiday. We look forward to continuing another

busy term in a few weeks.

Mrs Krause Mrs Hermann Mr Daglis Mrs White

Relieving AP / LTE LTZ LTD LTW


I give permission for my child _______________________________________________ of LT _____ to participate

in the Dance Fever Multisport 10 week Athletics Program commencing Wednesday 28 April.

I have enclosed $23 to cover the cost of the program

Please give details of any known medical condition or medication required during participation in the program


Parent / Carer’s signature _______________________________________________ Date: _______________



On Friday 11th March Stage 3 students participated in a community project called “Back

to the Bush” at the Western Sydney Parklands. They all worked in a very hot and humid

42 degrees to plant over 100 trees in the local community. It was wonderful to see all the

students demonstrate a beautiful community spirit.

Mrs Lakeman Mrs Kraljevic Mr Daglis

Relieving AP / LTL LTK LTD



It’s been a fantastic start to the challenge this year- with over 70 students already on the way to meeting

their reading goals. The challenge is open to all children from Kindergarten to Year 6 and is divided into

three categories:

The reading challenge runs from 4th March to 19th August 2016. All children who successfully complete

the challenge will receive a certificate from the NSW Premier’s office.

Logins can be obtained by simply filling in the form on our school app (under FORMS) and a username

with password will be provided as soon as possible. Hard copy reading logs can be printed from the PRC

website or you can simply pick one up from Ms Porter.

Look for books with the following stickers on the spine or front of the book. We have dedicated sections

in the Library for our junior participants and an easy to find selection of PRC books for our seniors.


Late submissions will result in delays when receiving their award.


Remember book club is due by 1st April. Due to the Easter break we have extended the normal ordering time. All recent online LOOP orders and cash orders have been processed and are on there way.

Challenge K-2

Challenge 3-4

Challenge 5-6

30 picture books

20 picture/chapter books

20 picture/chapter books



Week 7 Week 7

Jamie-Leigh Y Isaac M LTD LTO

Sha-Rae H Dean M LTE LTR

Matthew G Evie O LTK LTS

Janece M Shua G LTL LTW

Talisha H Arisha R LTM LTZ

Ben S / Franchesca C LTN

Week 8 Week 8

Ayden M Maddison L LTD LTO

Paige B Gabriel J LTE LTR

Yashini R Vishesh K LTK LTS

Isabella S Jacob M LTL LTW

Kiarra W Bailey H LTM LTZ

Dean M LTN

“Safe Respectful Learner” awards are presented to a student from

each class at Monday morning assembly.

Congratulations to the following students who have recently

received an award.

Congratulations to the following students who have received Principal’s Awards.


Week 6 “Enthusiasm towards learning”

Jamie-Leigh Y Emil D LTD LTO

Dominic G Aidan W LTE LTR

Tuhoe P Yuvraj D LTK LTS

Reece P Jackson F LTL LTW

Shante S Saumya M LTM LTZ

Antonio D LTN

Week 7 “Demonstrating responsible work habits”

Simon D Talia H LTD LTO

Carlos P Brianna M LTE LTR

Ella H Autumn T LTK LTS

Isabella S Abigail V LTL LTW

Kiarra W Noemi R LTM LTZ

Sienna A LTN

Week 8 “Excellent participation during class discussions”

Talan R Eli M LTD LTO

Jairus B Ashlee K LTE LTR

Elkie E Legin T LTK LTS

Riya P Tavian L LTL LTW

Brendyn S Molly F LTM LTZ

Zachariah F LTN

Each month students have the opportunity to be named “Bluey of the Month “.

This award is now allocated on a class basis and not a stage basis which enables more children the op-

portunity to win the award. Each class will receive 3 awards throughout the year. To be a candidate for

the award students must display the following attributes:- Be hard working, dedicated, helpful, polite,

encouraging, kind, thoughtful, confident, enthusiastic and participate in activities.

Congratulations to the following Bluey of the Month Winners.






Talia H

Kiara W

Andrez M

Gabriel R



Unfortunately this year there has been two separate occasions in NSW schools where students have been injured by a car after alighting from their bus on the way home.

Both students walked in front of the bus and into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

Thankfully neither student was seriously injured, however the situation could have been much worse.

The road safety message for all students is:

Wait until the bus has gone and then use a safe place to cross the road.


On Monday 7th March we held our AGM.

Congratulations to the following Office Bearers for 2016

President—Gina Svinos

Vice President—Kelly Doolan

Secretary—Zara Evans

Treasurer—Nicole Wheeler

We look forward to another successful year, working

together to better serve our students and community.

The canteen lease is due for renewal on June 17, 2016.

The school, in consultation with the P&C, has elected to call for tenders for the License of School Canteen Operations.

The call for tenders will be advertised in the local paper in the next few weeks.


Our Community Group meet Wednesday mornings in the Community Room from 9-11am. Children are

welcome. We have a great play area.

Our next Community Breakfast is on Wednesday 30th March from 8.30am in the Courtyard. This breakfast will

be run in partnership with Dean Park Community Centre who will be raising funds for the Leukaemia

Foundation Worlds Greatest Shave. All children are invited to come to school with crazy hair and bring a gold

coin. We also ask that families attending our breakfast bring a gold coin to donate. All donations made during

breakfast will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win a prize.

I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Easter, celebrating with family and friends.

Thank you to Dodo Sydney Family Show for

donating wristband passes for our Easter raffle.





9 21ST March

Harmony Day

22nd March 23rd March

9-11am Community Group 5-7pm - Easter Disco

24th March

9-11am Playgroup


25th March

- Good Friday

- Public Holiday

10 28th March

- Easter Monday

- Public Holiday

29th March

Parent Teacher Interviews

30th March

9-11am Community Group Parent Teacher Interviews

31st March

9-11am Playgroup

2pm Assembly - LTD

Parent Teacher Interviews

1st April

S3 Mr Stink


Parent Teacher Interviews

11 4th April 5th April 6th April

9-11am Community Group

7th April

9-11am Playgroup

ANZAC Day Ceremony

8th April

Last day of Term 1