Willow and Ginkgo

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Well my English teacher Mrs. Corona assigned our whole class a poetry project and we got into groups of three each member was responsible for their own work and I was responsible for the PowerPoint. So hope you like it!


Willow and GinkgoBy: Eve Merriam

Project By: Rakib Chowdhury, Angela Mamun, and Tabib Chowdhury.

The willow is like an etching, Fine-lined against the sky.

The ginkgo is like a crude sketch, Hardly worthy to be signed.

The willow music is like a soprano, Delicate and thin.

The ginkgo’s line is like a chorus,With everyone joining in.

The willow is sleek as a velvet-nosed calf;The ginkgo is leathery as an old bull.

The willow’s branches are like silken thread;

The ginkgo’s like stubby rough wool.

The willow is like a nymph with streaming hair;Wherever it grows, there is green and gold and


The willow dips into the water,Protected and precious, like the kings

favorite daughter.

“KING” Princess

The ginkgo forces it way through gray concrete;

Like a city child, it grows up in the street.

Thrust against the/metal sky,Somehow it survives and even


My eyes feast upon the willow,But my heart goes to the ginkgo.

Willow and GinkgoBy: Eve Merriam

The willow is like an etching,Fine-lined against the sky.The ginkgo is like a crude sketch ,Hardly worthy to be signed.The willow’s music is like a soprano,Delicate and thin.The ginkgo’s line is like a chorus,With everyone joining in.

The willow is sleek as a velvet-nosed calf;

The ginkgo is leathery as an old bull.The willow’s branches are like silken

thread;The ginkgo’s like stubby rough wool.

The willow is like a nymph with

streaming hair;Wherever it grows, there is green and

gold and fair.The willow dips into the water,Protected and precious, like the king’s

favorite daughter.

The ginkgo forces its way through gray concrete;

Like a city child, it grows up in the street.

Thrust against the/metal sky,Somehow it survives and even

thrives.My eyes feast upon the willow,But my heart goes to the ginkgo.

Analysis Imagery: Willow & ginkgo being compared. Setting: Nature Symbol: Willow as perfection & ginkgo as simple. Mood: Calm, relaxed, contemplative. Repetition: None Speaker: Loves gingko’s and is a simple person. Stanzas: Four. Lines: Twenty – two. Allusion: Nymph Theme: Beauty isn’t always everything. Simplicity

sometimes matters.

Vocabulary & Rhymes

Etching: An impression, as on paper, taken from an imprinted plate.

Soprano: Highest of four standard singing voices.

Nymph: Mythological spirit of nature. Thin & In, Bull & Wool, Hair & Fair, Water &

Daughter, Concrete & Street.

Simile’s The willow is like an etching, Fine-lined against the sky. The gingko is like a crude sketch, hardly worthy to be

signed. The willow’s music is like a soprano, Delicate and thin.

The ginkgo’s line is like a chorus with everyone joining in.

The willow is sleek as a velvet – nosed calf; The gingko is leathery as an old bull.

The willows branches are like silken thread; The ginkgo's like stubby rough wool.

The willow is like a nymph with streaming hair. Protected and precious, like the king’s favorite

daughter. Like a city child, it grows up in the street.

Metaphors & Personifications

The willow is like an etching. The willow’s music is like a soprano. The willow is like a nymph streaming with

hair. The ginkgo forces its way through the

gray concrete. My eyes feast upon the willow.

Thank You!!!