Win7 vs Ubuntu 11.10

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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this is a presentation i made for my system applications course at Sir Athur Lewis Community College in St. Lucia, i removed some of the slides but this is what i presented, it has a little exam at the end.


WINDOWS 7 VS. UBUNTUClick to edit Master subtitle style Group members: Janelle Biscette Uriahs Victor


The Operating System Con tSummary

Windows 7 Windows 7 is the most recent Windows OS released by Microsoft for use mainly home and business desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablet PCs and media center PCs. Manufacturing on Windows 7 began July 22nd 2009 but worldwide retail was made available on 22nd October 2009.4/11/12

The Operating System Con tUbuntu:Ubuntu one of the many Linux distributions was released 20Th October 2004, the idea was brought forward by Mark Shuttleworth and developed mainly for personal computers and secondarily for servers, . Ubuntu is based on the concept of free or open-source software, meaning that you do not pay any licensing fees for Ubuntu, and you can download, use, and share the operating system free of charge without requiring a distributing license from the Ubuntu founders or manufacturers (Canonical Ltd/ Ubuntu Foundation).4/11/12

System Requirements4/11/12

Windows 7gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit 1 (x64) processor .

Minimum System Requirements

1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64bit). 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit). DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM (Windows Display Driver Model) 1.0 or higher driver.4/11/12

Minimum System RequirementsUbuntu

700MHz (x86) Processor 384MB Memory (RAM) 5GB free space on HDD 1024x768 Monitor Resolution

As you can see Ubuntu requires Less system specs than Windows7 being able to ran perfectly with 512MB RAM.4/11/12

Boot TimeA test done on two different laptops of same specifications showed that Ubuntu 11.10 boots up 5 seconds faster than Windows7.



Windows7 PopularityIt is the most popular OS out there being present in offices, schools and homes all over the world, windows 7 is the correction to the Windows Vista Error and is the next best thing after Vista. The following Image was taken from the New York Times website, the article was about how windows vista was a disappointment after taking 5 years to build and windows 7 being the solution and since then capturing the heart of windows lovers:


Popularity Cont


Ubuntus PopularityFor the past years Linux has been trying to catch the eye of the public releasing many different distributions, 3 main distros are; Debian, Red Hat and Slackware. Under each other these main distros lay many subdistributions such as; Ubuntu (under the debian distribution), Xubuntu, Slax, Mandriva, Fedora. Because Linux has made so many OSs this leaves Users with far too many options to choose from which may be the cause of the lack of popularity, though there are a lot of Linux Operating systems, they all use the same4/11/12

Ubuntus PopularityLinux kernel, common Linux OSs such as Ubuntu still arent very popular because of issues such as non-compatibility with various hardware and software and the lack of content available for Ubuntu such as Computer Games, Software and compatible hardware.


This is a chat showing the amount of Linux Based OSs are out there, the image was cut into two.



Windows7 Features

Windows 7 has a shake feature where all windows can be minimized/ maximized by the simple shaking of one window. Unbuntu does not come with this feature Windows 7 has a desktop peek feature where the desktop can be viewed by hovering over the desktop icon, if the button is clicked then all windows are minimized and if clicked again they are restored. Unbuntu does not come with this feature


Windows7 Features Cont

Windows 7 includes thumb-nail sized taskbar previews for minimized windows where you can track the progress of a file copying to a location, movies being played in minimized Windows Media Player, this feature helps the user track progress when a lot of tasks are being performed. Windows can also be previewed by using the Alt+Tab keys. Unbuntu has this feature Windows 7 has a default sidebar feature where gadgets can be added such as a clock, CPU monitoring widget, weather widget or online radio. Unbuntu has this feature Aero Snap- enables windows to be laid out side by side or quickly maximized by bumping the window to the top of the screen, this feature can be used to compare different windows opened at the time or writing a document while surfing the internet. Unbuntu has this feature4/11/12

Windows7 Features Cont

Command Prompt, in Windows7 the user uses the command prompt to perform certain tasks that might take too long to do manually because using a keyboard to type in commands is faster for the command line experienced user than clicking and waiting for windows to open command line interfaces are also more powerful than GUIs.


Windows7 Features Cont


Windows7 Features ContWindows7 desktop with gadgets


Windows7 Features ContWindows7 Aero Shake


Windows7 Features ContWindows7 Aero Snap


Windows7 Features ContWindows7 Aero Peek


Windows7 Features ContWindows7 Task Bar Previews


Other Windows7 Aero featuresTab+ Windows Buttons


Other Windows7 Aero featuresTab+ Alt Buttons


Ubuntu Features

Workspaces- Ubuntu comes with a default feature called workstations that windows doesnt come with but can imitate with the help of 3rd party software and because of this Ubuntus workstations are more stable. It has four workspaces that display side by side to each other. Applications in each workspace can be dragged and dropped to any of the four workstations the user desires. There is easy switching from one workstation to another. o Windows 7 does not come this feature but it can be added by third party software Office Software- Ubuntu comes with its own version of office software that is totally free, they include; Full version of Microsoft office does not come at a free cost.4/11/12

Ubuntu Features Cont

File Manager- Ubuntu comes with a simplified file manager that when opened a tabbed interface with the option to use multiple tabs for opening multiple directories within the same window is displayed; Snap- Just like Windows7, Ubuntu has the Snap feature.


Ubuntu Features Cont

Firefox- Ubuntus default browser is one windows lovers like using which is convenient since anyone hardly uses internet explorer (IE) for long term browsing of the World Wide Web. Windows default browser is IE which most people hardly use. Emails- unlike in windows, Ubuntu comes readily installed with its own powerful email client called Thunderbird which is designed by Mozilla the same company who design Firefox and support the open internet and free source software.4/11/12

Ubuntu Features Cont

Task Switching- Ubuntu has a Alt+Tab Preview ability that is similar to that of windows. Window Buttons- when opening directories in Ubuntu the window buttons are normally hidden as a default ability, Ubuntu founders claim this is to help Ubuntu look more tidy but to new users it might be hard getting used to. Gadgets- Ubuntu also has the ability to handle side bar gadgets just like windows.4/11/12

Ubuntu Features ContTerminal- In Ubuntu the command line interface is called the terminal, in Ubuntu the use of the terminal is more needy than in windows7.


Ubuntu Features ContBasic Terminal Commands: Some of these commands actually work on DOS whereas some dont. Cd Change Directory pwd- Print Working Directory LsCp- Copy a file Mv- Move a file, can also be used to rename a file rm- Delete files mkdir- Make a directory rmdir- removes a directory 4/11/12

Ubuntu Features ContUbuntu File Manager


Ubuntu Features ContUbuntu Workspace Feature


Ubuntu Features ContUbuntu Thunderbird


Ubuntu Features ContUbuntu LibreOffice


Ubuntu Features ContUbuntu Snap Feature


Ubuntu Features ContUbuntu Alt+Tab feature


Ubuntu Features ContUbuntu desktop with gadgets


Ubuntu Features Cont


Hardware Compatibility4/11/12

Windows7 Hardware CompatibilityMost computer hardware is readily made with compatibility for windows operating systems some with their drivers programmed into the hardware itself. A device or piece of hardware that has the Windows 7 logo like the following on it has passed Microsofts 32-bit and 64-bit compatibility tests in Windows 7:

This logo just means that Microsoft has tested the hardware themselves, this does not mean that if the piece of hardware doesnt have the logo that it might not work, it might have been tested by the hardware manufacturer but not Microsoft.4/11/12

Ubuntu Hardware Compatibility

In resent versions, Ubuntu comes with good overall hardware support and it is expected that the support for various type of hardware will increase. Ubuntu still doesnt have the type of hardware support that windows has. For hardware that is not compatible with Ubuntu, drivers have to be downloaded. Only a handful of hardware requires users using windows7 to download drivers. On the Ubuntu Wiki Website A list of all the types of hardware that Ubuntu completely Supports can Be found including:4/11/12

Ubuntu Hardware Compatibility Cont

Desktops Laptops Motherboards Video Cards Sound Cards Multimedia Webcams Scanners Printers

This allows the user to know what type of hardware is fully compatible for Ubuntu before actually choosing to by it.


Software Compatibility4/11/12

Windows7 Software Compatibility

It supports most types of software and has the ability to make itself compatible with software made for previous versions of windows with a few changing of compatibility settings from the user. Since windows7 is the most popular OS on the market these days most software programmers and manufactures make their software fully compatible for windows7 and overlook other OSs as a way to make as much profit as they can, when software is produced it usually has the windows logo showing that it is fully compatible with windows. Most Windows software has to be bought; even those that Windows comes with are usually trial versions of the software. All software bought and is compatible with windows usually has this logo:


Ubuntu Software Compatibility

Ubuntu doesnt have as good software support as windows but it has a software center where users can download free software quick an easy. Since Ubuntu is an open source OS programmers have made many software that imitate what popular softwares do and shared it with the public, the one of those softwares include GIMP with stands for (GNU Image Manipulation Program) which is a totally free software which has many of the functions the popular Photoshop has it can also stand toe to toe with Photoshop in many areas of Image Manipulating.

Though there are many programmers that make free software for Ubuntu it still doesnt have a vast amount of software like windows 7


Ubuntu Software Center


Ubuntu Software Center


Malware Protection4/11/12

Since windows7 has become most popular version of windows OS out there these days, virus writers are constantly writing new types of malware for windows7. Because there are so many viruses that attack windows there are a lot of anti-virus programs available for it also, even with all that protection some viruses arent stopped until after they do damage and can also be annoying.

Windows7 Malware Protection


Ubuntu Malware ProtectionAnti-virus software does exist for Linux, but you probably do not need to use it. Linux viruses are so rare that you do not need to worry about them at the moment. Two quotes from an Ubuntu help page stating that because Ubuntu is not that popular in the market as yet that most users would not need Anti-Virus software because there are not many viruses written to affect Ubuntu, although there are anti-virus programs available for the Ubuntu OS. 4/11/12

Gaming Experience4/11/12

Windows 7 wins this category hands down, as said before most software is made fully compatible for windows including Games and comes with a big windows logo on the case usually one like this

Windows7 Gaming Experience

Also all the best games are made for windows and would not be able to ran on Ubuntu.4/11/12

Ubuntu Gaming ExperienceSince Ubuntu is an Open Source OS meaning its totally free and free to modify most of the top game manufacturers do not bother making games compatible with the Linux based platform also Graphics Card Manufactures do not make some of the much needed drivers to run hardcore games for Linux Based systems because there would be little profit to them since Ubuntu isnt that popular of an OS, there are a few games that run fine on Ubuntu but nothing the hardcore gamer would appreciate.4/11/12

ConclusionThe following is a pic evaluating Ubuntu 10.04 vs Windows 7, the criterias used to grade the comparisons are different from what we did and the version is also a lower one than what we used to do our comparison but Windows 7 still prevailed in the picture below.


Our ConclusionCriteriaSystem Requirements Popularity Features Hardware compatibility Software compatibility Malware Protection Gaming Experience

Ubuntu (11.10) 10 7 6 8 8 10 5 544/11/12

Windows7 8 10 9 10 10 6 10 63


QuestionsTrue or False 1. Both Windows7 and Ubuntu 11.10 are open source system software. ______1.

Windows7 has the snap feature whereas Ubuntu doesnt. ______ John is and received a paperweight netbook with 512MB RAM, Intel Celeron Processor with 1.60GHZ clock speed, he plans on using it for his everyday document necessities and he decides that Windows7 is the best choice to install on his new netbook over Ubuntu. ____ Malware which affect Windows XP and Vista will also have effects on Windows7. _______ If Canonical Ltd. Stops funding Ubuntus development then work on making Ubuntu better will stop. ______4/11/12




6. Mozilla is an open source non-Profitable organization which believes in the free use of the internet. _______ Multiple Choice 7. Software with Windows7 logo means that the have:a) b) c) d)

Been approved by Bill Gates Been approved by the majority of windows users Has passed Windows7 compatibility tests on 64bit and 32bit systems. Only works on Windows7


Which of the following commands wont be recognized on a Windows command prompt? (a). Df -h (b). Cd/ (c). Mkdir CSE (d). Type



Which of the following default features do Windows7 and Ubuntu have in common? a) Shake feature (b). Peek feature (d). Taskbar thumbnail previews (d). Snap feature Malware writers rarely write malware for Ubuntu because: a) Ubuntu is malware proof b) Ubuntu is not so popular c) The viruses will not be compatible with Ubuntu d) The best anti-malware software is available for Ubuntu

