Wind energy presentaion

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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  1. 1. ByMichel dennis and Alejandro sarria Wind Energy Wind Energy By Michael Dennis and Alejandro Sarria Wind Energy By MIchael Dennis andAlejandro Sarria
  2. 2. Wind power
    • Wind power is a conversion of wind energy into a useful way of energy.
  3. 3. Uses
    • The wind is used to make electricity, with the wind turbines.
    • To make mechanical power, with the wind milles.
    • For pumping water or drainage, with the wind pump.
  4. 4. Advantages
    • One of the advantages is that it is ample.
    • It is a renewable resource, and its very cheap.
    • Its well distributed and reduce toxic emission.
    • It doesnt produce pollution.
  5. 5. disadvantages
    • To construct these wind tubes needs a lot of space, so many times the cut forests.
    • The wind power doesnt produce are pollution but it produces noise pollution.
  6. 6. bibliography