WindBlower's Poetry Vol II

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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This is a collection of the Danish author Karima Lachtane's poetry - second collection. "In darkness I create Light"


WindBlower Poetry Vol II

By Karima Lachtane


All the poems in this book are written by Karima Lachtane

And may not be copied unless the authors acceptance.

©WindBlowerTM 2009

Other books by Karima Lachtane

A Magical guide to Luxor temple—temple guide book

The secret of Anubis, the winter triangle

The temple of a million years—Temple guide book

For taking the time to read this poetry book.

We could call this a poetry portfolio, just a short collection of poetry.

I write poetry because of my emotions, I tend to better at describe them through writing, than

actually speaking about them. I am very passionate about different subjects, and when I see

injustice or just plain hate, I have to react, honestly.

I also use it as a force itself; If I am sad or angry, I collect the energy which my passion creates,

and start being creative, by making something, such as books. Being creative in general have

helped me a lot, I find it calming for the soul.

You must remember when reading these, that they describe an

emotional state and not me as a whole. I use harsh words when describing, because I also try to

‘paint’ an image of how I feel at a curtain moment. This does not mean, that I live in a darken

world, where only the cruel can enter, quite the opposites. I use this

harshness, to jump directly to the core of an emotion.

I truly hope that you enjoy reading them, Again thank you.


Karima L.

Thank you Page 3




• In my dreams………… 6

• Rose Cross…………… 7

• Black Knight………… .. 8

• Remedy……………… 9

• Foolish Thoughts……… 10

• Self destructive Nature…. 11

• A Rose……………… 12

• Walk among the old

and Hollowed………… 13

• Tree of pain………….. 15

• Lost………………... 16

• Drowning in vain……… 17

• Mind over matter…….... 18


• Dead mans crypt………… 19

• Empty sea……………… 20

• What is Life?............................ 21

• Captured king and queen…... 22

• Truth………...…………23

Danish Poetry

• Den Rose………………. 24

• Sneen der ikke falder……... 25

• Julen………………….. 26

• Se……………………. 27

Page 5

My Dreams

In my dreams

I get ripped open by an empty token

Emotions bleed from my fantasy

As I dream

Everything seems so easily repaired

And I never seem to be scared

But only in my dreams as it would seem

As your tongue licks my neck

I drown while feeling safe

As your breath touch my ear

My vision becomes so unclear

Heated bodies entangled into a frameless picture

Where we stay forever and pure

Page 6

Rose Cross

By the Rose cross

My heart fell and was lost

Bloody streets of empty despair

Is clouding up the air

I can’t breathe

My soul is about to leave

As the Rose of the Blood Red Cross

Returns the soul I was about to loose

Soaking redness leaves my feet

As I fall beneath

Cannot walk on these blades of emptiness

But I would gladly walk here for your kiss

They could then drain this earthly shell

My soul would always remain

To keep you sane

Through fires of what they call peace

I only want to remember one kiss

They could crucify me upside down

In the shadows of Notre Dame

I would still remain

Page 7

Black Knight

The black knight’s bleeding heart

Is sweet as Leonardo’s beautiful art

So perfect the line was made

And one black tear was saved

Page 8

Remedy Oh remedy oh remedy

What is left for me

Pain is eating me slowly

Oh please sweet remedy

Set this sadness free

Oh remedy oh remedy

Who wants to care for me

Page 9

Foolish Thoughts

Let me bathe in the pool of foolish thoughts

Love is bleeding too much

Hate sets the devil free from his chains

He’ll be walking around on our remains

Baby put me in your chain of love

I promise you a heaven above

Firing lights would blend with the blue

Baby I’ll bleed for you

Blades shatter the skins surface

Only sweetness left to taste

Shattering flesh

Foolish thoughts bathe inside me

Pools of rutting remains suits the heart

Sweet dark knight I need you this night

Drink from my vanes

Keeping me in your chains

Page 10

Self destructive Nature

Let my self destructive nature

Rape me into chambers of torture

Behind wet walls of illusionary hope

I rot away while others a lope

Ancient revenge

Of the self destructive nature

Where are thou innocents and pour

Or is our nature just plain torture

Candle flame burns insane

But everyone is still being shamed

Oh let me rot into these words of mine

Let me eat this heart in twine

The blood drips from the heart, but the pain isn’t enough

Every emotion is cut rough, as we bleed from our hearts

Page 11

A Rose Page 12

A rose that blossoms in the mist of everything

Will shed its leaves with the wind

As its life begins

In a woolen cocoon

A new butterfly shall soon blossom

As it is reborn

In the emptiness of the sea

Deep fantasy roams free

As we begin to see

Walk among the old and Hollowed

Page 13

We shall walk among the old and hollowed

In silence we shall follow

Words shall root away

As our hearts choose to stay

Among right wrong shall Parrish

Moral shall again be cherished

For so did the Sun rise

Over paradise

Bend before the dream

That paradise has of yet to be seen

Bend before the sin of mankind

Which brought hell into our mind

For so did the sea rise a long side the Moon

As everything else blossomed

Let us retrieve what has been lost

And Build on our trust

Blank Journals

Since I love to write, it is almost natural, that I like to make the books themselves. Each book is hand sown together and with extra thick thread, for extra strength.

Each Journal is also fitted with a soft fabric cover, which is wrapped around a hard cover. There are different designs, but one thing is for curtain, each journal is unique.

Visit either or

Ebay site: windystoretm

To see more.

Some have raised zodiac signs upon the front covers, others are more simple. You will be able to read more at my Ebay store: windystoretm The prices are remarkably low, when you take the work and quality into consideration.

Page 14

Tree of pain

Leaves from the tree of pain

Falls gently towards the ground

Leaving the naked branches behind

No animal seek comfort here

No one ever comes near

Alone as the leaves root into the earth

Until next years rebirth

Page 15


Page 16

Lost to the splendor of space

Lost to a Timeless Place

Fainting away into stardust

Getting away from the heating lust

Gone by in a passing shadow

Gone through an open door

I fall from, high above

Falling away

from love

No eyes

To see my endless suicide

No sadness

No distress

Lost in the black space

I've become misplaced

Drowning in vain

Drowning in vain

Hidden in solitude and shamed

Why remain

Page 17

Mind over matter Page 18

Mind over matter

Or mindless matter

Dead mans crypt I was left by the dead mans crypt Where only the cold were kept

I was left And these words were said

Dead and gone Break apart a heart

Which seems so strong But their words were so wrong

Black candle flames gaze at me

Something begging me from the crypts so deep But my soul has already made its leap And no emotion could ever reach me

Sweet crypt of passing dreams

I’ll join in The dead mans scream

Hear the words that they sing Dead and gone

Lonesome for so long We shall scream our lovely

Sweetly deadly sins On our knees for Forgiveness

Yet another painful test Will our souls ever have rest?

Black crumbling candle flames

Why keep us in the crypts of shame But no words is left to be said

I could as well Be dead

Page 19

Empty sea Page 20

Why have I been lead to this big empty sea

Of solitude and no possibility

Of remedy

Did I not please in loneliness

Must you leave me in such a mess

Rotten to the bones

Empty and alone

Why lead me to this sea

Where the reflection scare me

Have I not tended to your hidden heart

Did I not love you enough

Rotten and alone

Empty to the bones

Why have I been left here by this untrustworthy

Big empty sea

When I bleed

Has my solitude left you laughing

enclosed me in a black ring

I feel

Rotten and a shamed

While you play your game

What is Life? Page 21

What is life? But a moment in time

A gleam’s within a second.

Lasting only within the Sun’s light

Reflecting in the moons face.

What if life? But a movement of the Stars

A cloud filled with substance-

A lasting reflection of the human mind

Only existing in the Sun’s face.

What is life? But a raindrop falling

A single drop filled with life.

Lasting only within the airs movement

Only existing to nourish the Earth.

What are You? But a body of substance

A breath filled with rain drops.

Lasting only within the earth’s belly

Only existing to nourish the Child.

Captured king and Queen

Page 22

Captured king and queen

This day was foreseen

By your knights blade

You had your last breath

And nothing was saved

Queen on her knees

Her king fall and bleeds

As he pass into the next scene

She turns and screams

From the breath of air

She challenge the unfair

Behold for she is a queen

From the deep seas of the unseen

And you whom killed her king

Shall pass along side the unclean

Captured queen

Will follow his scene

Like Juliet gave her life

Because she was nothing more

Than a captured wife


Page 23

Truth shall befall this day

No matter what some might say

Foolishness shall pass into the empty abyss

And their thoughts shall never again be missed

Light shall shine on all darken souls

And make them glow

So we all will know

That Foolishness is but a darken lie

Send forth to crucify

The truth

Truth is what I tell you

Den Rose Page 24

Den Rose

Jeg dig giver

Er ej en rose der bliver

Den vil sin farve miste

Som jordbundens tørrer kviste


Kan dine øjne se forbi

Vil dens betydningsfulde liv forbliv

Som minde for den kærlighed

Der aldrig var en hemmelighed

Som jeg, dig giver

Der altid forbliver

Sneen der ikke falder Page 25

Sneen ser ikke ud til at ville falde I år

Måske er det første tegn på moderjords sår

Jeg må lære at ære hende

Og ej behandle hende som var hun min fjende

Respektere og ære denne krop min sjæl bærer

Ikke tro denne verden ikke har mere vi kan lære

Vær’ ikke ubetænksom overfor det liv naturen ejer

Tro mig I sidste ende er vi blot lejerne


Page 26

Vinter nærmer sig med hastig fart

Dette er ingen tid til at være sart

Glatte veje og kolde nætter

Foran pejsen vi os sætter

Varmer vores hænder varmer vores hjerter

Dette er ingen tid til store smerter

Tiden er kommet vi må forstå

At al hadet må fra os forgå

Tal til din nabo lærer af andre

Tro ikke du er den eneste med tanker

Døm ikke en anden for deres dårlige dag

Vi alle bliver pillet lag for lag

Julen kommer nærmer din dør

Tror du at du i år tør

Åbne døren med kærlige hænder

Tænke på Julemanden som du ham kender

Være der for at give ikke tage

Og hvis du intet får så heller ikke kage?


Nattens timer er trængt ind over min sjæl

Kigger mig i spejlet, gud hvor er jeg blevet fæl

Kender ikke længer mit eget jeg

Kender mig slet ikke når jeg kigger igennem dig

Føltes som 5 minutter men 5 år er gået

Og se hvad jeg har nået

Kigger på de stressede mennesker omkring

For dem går tiden blot i ring

Arbejde og arbejde noget mere

Så vennerne og jo der var jo lige noget der

Føltes som 5 år men 10 år er gået

Og se hvad vi har nået

Uskyldige mennesker dør stadig i flertal

Og på grund af hvad?! Af en politikers salg?

Kontrakter underskrifter og en masse regler

Hør’! De rige taler

Føltes som 10 år men 20 år er nået

Og se i hvilken retning vi er gået

Page 27

This is a poetry book, containing some of Karima’s poetry. She has been writing since she was a young child, starting out with writing thought process, and quickly when on to poetry. Her poetry is filled with words which capture remarkable images, rough and quick to the point. Even thou they are easy to read, there is deep thoughts behind every poem.

Også digte på Dansk (Also some in Danish)

”Jeg skriver ikke blot på Engelsk, men også på mit moders sprog

Dansk. I denne bog har jeg valgt, at vise nogle enkle af dem.”

Karima L.
