Windows 8 Presentation

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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  • 1. (1-Start)

2. As of March 2012, IDC(2) 3. Embrace Core Principals Roam to the CloudFeel Connected and AliveInvest in a Great Tile Use the Right ContractsSnap and Scale BeautifullyFast and FluidModern Design Language (3) 4. (4) 5. HTML5 (5) 6. Full FillSnap (6) 7. A front door A complete picture Draw you in Remind youPersonal While you were away Connected Next upAn extension to the App (7) 8. Command-Line Interface (CLI)Graphical User Interface (GUI)Touch User Interface (TUI) (8) 9. Press and Hold to Learn Tap for Primary Action Slide to Drag Swipe to Select Pinch to Zoom Swipe from Edge Rotate to Rotate (9) 10. (10) 11. (11) 12. (12) 13. (13) 14. Multiple Devices App Settings App State Users will likely have multiple devices Desktop, Laptop Tablet Phone Save settings to the cloud so that applications that run on multiple devices have consistent configuration. When user changes a setting on one device, it should be reflected on their other devices Application state should be persisted to the cloud and consumed by all devices: Current page in a document Current level in a game Etc. (14) 15. (15) 16. (16) 17. (17) 18. Paid downloads, trials, and in-app purchases. You keep 70% of the first $25k, 80% of the rest Microsoft Confidential 18 Robust analytics for free, including demographics, reviews, referrals, and usage & performance statistics Use your own commerce engine and keep 100% or use the Windows Stores full commerce platform The Windows Store Advertise with Microsoft Advertising or your preferred ad vendor. (18) 19. Embrace Core Principals Roam to the CloudFeel Connected and AliveInvest in a Great Tile Use the Right ContractsSnap and Scale BeautifullyFast and FluidModern Design Language (19) 20. (20) 21. (21-End)