Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    Around Miami: 10 Comics: 4 Coupons: 15 Games: 6 Sports: 8

    INSIDE THIS EDITION Featured Arcle The Freshmen Insider: 2

  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    HI ALL! Hope you all are excited to start band camp and your freshman year. It is hard tobelieve that it has been a year since we were in your place. One thing you will learn is that timeflies quickly here; take advantage of every opportunity you get. We thought it would be a greatidea to give you some advice so that you could be one step ahead of all of your freshman peers.

    1. Get to know everyone inyour section, especially your

    section leader and get theirphone numbers. You never

    know when you will need it!



    3. The Metrorail and other public

    transportation methods are awe-


    transit/rail.aspgives you the map of

    the Metrorail, and its schedule. If

    you want to go to the beach viaMetrorail and bus, the $5 unlimited

    ride day pass is your best bet be-

    cause it works for both.

    4. Make an eort to become

    friends or at least friendly

    with your . You

    might not be best friends,

    but your roommate is usually

    the rst person to notice

    when something is wrong.

    You may not have the bestroommate in the world (Ive

    been there), but as long as

    you keep your side of the

    room clean and talk to your

    roommate right awaywhen

    you have an issue, you will

    have a great year. And dont

    forget that you can always

    switch rooms at the end of

    the semester if things reallydont work out!

    5. Make at least one friend in each of your

    classes, and get their phone number/addthem on Facebook. If you miss a class orneed help, you will have someone to ask.

    6. When youve had enough with the dorm food and go to Subway,there is a survey at the bottom of your receipt. If you complete the

    survey, and bring it back you get a free cookie!


    Wrien for newbies from people who were there not too long ago.
  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    9. A gaming system is a great way tomeet people. If you have a PS3 or

    Xbox360, dont fear; you can beat thesystem and connect to the internet! Youjust have to find someone who knowshow to set it up (*nudge* Gabby).

    10. Get involved in band activities!Band Camp Olympics are amazing,and its a lot of fun to stay and

    watch even if you dont participate.

    12. DONTBEAFRAIDTOASKQUESTIONS.Everyone needs help sometimes andthere are a lot of people in this bandwho have been in your place andwould be happy to help.

    11. The Wellness Center is

    great! Its newly renovat-

    ed, close to the dorms,

    and your student fees pay

    for it. You have no excuse


    13. Meet and hang out with people on your floor andparticipate in floor activities! Floor dinners are a

    great break from the monotony of the dining hall.

    Being involved with the Band of the Hour was denitely

    the best decision we made coming into freshman year. Its

    an easy way to meet new people, and make great friends

    that you will have for a lifetime. You will have tons of funat all the football games and events. Make the most of it!

    Well, we hope this will come in handy throughout the upcoming year. Good luck

    in your studies and in band. Have fun and dont work too hard. Dont forget, we

    are always around if you need more advice! And remember, its all about the U!

    Gabby Thompson and Sarah Wagner




    8. For info about the shuttles, use! Its new

    and very helpful. The most notable

    shuttle is the Sunset shuttle. Ittakes you from the University Cen-

    ter to Publix and Sunset Mall. Also,

    an inside tip from Sarah (a Marine

    Science student) the shuttle to the

    RSMAS campus can take you a

    short walk from the beach.

    ALWAYS carry an umbrella! The sky might

    look clear, but it doesnt mean it wont rain!

    Miami weather can get pretty crazy.7
  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    Brass musicia sarchig fr

    partr. Must be charismac

    but share spotlight. Female

    music major preferred, major is

    negoable, gender is not (sorry

    gentlemen). Contact Dave at

    Yur a cu g HERE!

    Place your ad in the Windy Chord

    box or email them to Serious and

    humorous submissions welcome!
  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    Throughout the season, the Windy Chord collects

    advice quesons and funny quotes to publish in the Windy Chord.

    Submit your quesons or quotes to the Windy Chord box

    or email them to

    This welcome packet was put together by members of Tau Beta Sigma,

    a co-ed national honorary band sorority. TBS is here to help the band,but TBS does lots of fun things to serve the band in addition to this

    packet. Like:

    Treat days

    Halloween party

    After-practice sporting events

    Breakfast before home games

    Movie days

    And of course The Windy Chord (published for game day)

    If you want to get involved with any of these events, or are interested

    in Tau Beta Sigma, talk to any sister. Were easy to spot in our letters!

    Well also have socials in the upcoming weeks, so keep your ears open!
  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    Mad Libs

    1. Name (female)

    2. -ing Verb

    3. Name (male)

    4. Number

    5. Past Tense Verb

    6. Body Part

    7. Emoon

    8. Number

    9. Adjecve

    10. Adjecve

    11. Noun

    12. Adjecve

    13. Color

    14. Arcle of Clothing

    15. Adjecve

    16. Famous person

    17. Adjecve

    18. Liquid

    19. Noun

    20. Adjecve

    21. -ing Verb

    A Wig t Rmmbr1._________ couldn't believe she was 2._________ 3._________. They had been together

    for 4._________ years but she knew she had never 5._________ anyone more. When he got

    down on one 6._________ and proposed, she was 7._________! 8._________ days later, it

    was their wedding day. She wanted to look 9._________ so she wore a 10._________ gown

    made of 11._________ and 12._________ heels. The groom opted for a simple 13._________

    14._________. The hall looked 15._________ with owers and lighng brought in from place.

    The groom called in his good friend 16._________ to lead the ceremony. The recepon was

    17._________ with 18._________ being served out of a 19._________, a(n) 20._________

    cake and to everyone's surprise the bride and groom started 21._________ as song played

    during their rst dance.

  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    Word Unscramble


    2.dabn mcpa








    1. What are you most excited for this season?

    a. Football games!

    b. The rst me we march in SunLife/ Landshark/Whatever the name is stadium

    c. Heading to FSU and giving them a run for

    their money

    d. Drinking at the games!

    2. Whats your typical pracce are?

    a. Shorts and a tank top

    b. White T-shirt and shorts

    c. Shirtless

    d. Jeans and ip ops

    3. How long have you been playing your instrument?

    a. 14 years

    b. Since 6th grade (Which is now 10 years. Ah!I'm geng old! Lol)

    c. 13 years (piano)

    d. I dunno, I know a few chords.

    4. Whats your favorite me signature?

    a. 6/8

    b. As boring as it may seem, I really like 4/4

    c. 15/16

    d. Whats a me signature?

    Personality Quiz

    Which Drum Majr ar Yu?

    Msty As: You are

    Stephanie Gust!

    This 3rd year drum major is

    at the peak of her game.

    Stephanie brings experience

    and totally killer piccolo skills

    to the band.

    Msty Bs: You are

    Chris Walker!

    Usually quiet, Chris com-

    mands respect on and o

    the eld. Dont let his exteri-

    or fool you, he has a ery

    personality and sharp wit.

    Msty Cs: You are

    Taylor Rambo!

    This new drum major is

    ready to kick bu. A wealth

    of potenal, we cant wait to

    see what Taylor will bring to

    the table this year.

    Msty Ds: You are

    not in band, I hope.

    Its okay though, not every-

    one was meant to march.

    You can sll have a blast

    dancing along when we play

    at the games!

  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    Hello Members of The 2011 Band of the Hour!

    I am Jessica Kirsner, a senior and fourth year tenor saxo-

    phone player who has a (somemes unhealthy) obsession

    with sports! However, band gives me a wonderful outlet

    for my wealth of useless informaon through its game

    day publicaon The Windy Chord. I just wanted to give

    everyone a preview and assessment of this years football

    team, the rst of The Golden Era. Contained below is

    just a smidgen of informaon that will be useful when

    navigang the 2011 football season as a Canes fan.

    Our head coach is Al Golden. This is his rst year at UM,

    coming from Temple where he turned a consistently atro-

    cious team into a halfway-decent one. Expectaons are

    high, as they always are at The *+_*+, despite the mostly

    new coaching sta because we have an extremely talent-

    ed, very fast football team.

    Our quarterback situaon is sll up in the air, with the

    compeon between senior Jacry Harris and sopho-

    more Stph Mrris. Both have been known to throw

    many an intercepon (much to the fans distaste), but we

    have a new oensive strategy going into this season,

    which will hopefully rely on one of our biggest strengths,

    our running backs. This unit is spearheaded by Smash a

    Dash, the chosen nicknames of our top runners Lamar

    Mir (Dash) and Mik Jams (Smash).

    Our defense is led by pre-season All American pick and

    linebacker Sa Spc. This senior has started all of his

    three previous years, and has stepped it up as a vocal

    leader this oseason. Also a pre-season All American pick,

    safety Ray Ray Armstrg hopes to make many an inter-

    cepon this season and help stop the other teams from


    Our three biggest games this year come against Ohi

    Stat, Virgiia Tch, and Fria Stat. Ohio State and

    Miami have a rivalry that started in the 2003 Fiesta Bowl,

    when a referee stole our sixth naonal championship

    from us in triple overme, and no, we sll havent goen

    over it. Virginia Tech is our main compeon for the ACC

    Casta Divisi crown, which would let us have a chance

    to win the ACC for the rst me since joining the confer-

    ence. Florida State has always been one of our biggest

    rivalries (hp:// Miami

    Florida_State_football_rivalry), and this years game is

    being played in Tallahassee, which is always a fun expe-


    That should be enough to get you started with Hurricanes

    football! For our returners welcome back, and for the

    newcomers welcome to The Band of the Hour! If anyone

    gets the urge to talk football, I am always willing to dis-

    cuss, and GO CANES!!!

    Jessica Kirsner

    F!!!with Jessica

    Jessica normally Jessica at football games

  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    Miami volleyball is on the rise. This program is only

    a decade old and already making a statement in the

    sports world. The Hurricane volleyball team has

    their rst home game on September 8th

    as part of

    the Hurricane Invitaonal. The team has aendedthe NCAA tournament the last two seasons expecta-

    ons are just as high this year. Two of the seniors

    this year, Lane Carico and Kae Gallagher, have

    been consistently pung up record-breaking stas-

    cs for the university, and there are three freshmen

    expected to challenge for spots on the rotaon. And

    they all do this in booms ghter and shorter than

    our white compression shorts. So whether you go

    for the game or the girls in spandex, youre sure to

    see some tough games.


    Long legs and short shorts, need I say more?

    Stuts gt i fr tALL UM hm

    sprg vts with a Ca Car. Gt ut

    thr a shw yur Ca Spirit!

    With a brand new coach this year came a bunch of brand

    new recruits. The womens soccer season started yesterday

    in Oregon, and the rst home game will be played August


    against University of Florida (boo Gators!). In a recent

    interview, the new coach, Tom Aganost, focused on the new

    talent brought in by these eight new girls. Each one has an

    impressive high school record to add to the already stellar

    soccer team at UM. The soccer games usually dont have the

    fan base that other sports at UM do, but the fans who do

    aend are oen the rowdiest. Its also a great place to snap

    a picture with Sebasan the Ibis, because hes likely to sit

    with the crowd. (Vuvuzelas are strictly prohibited at the

    games. Just dont.)


  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    Where to EatWith so many great restaurants close to campus, its no sur-

    prise that many UM students get the Freshman 15 20 or

    25. Thankfully the long hours at band will help combat some

    of the pounds. Just be careful of post-band belly. Its a com-

    mon side eect of the delicious food.

    8080 SW 67th Ave


    If you go to UM, you must eat at the Big

    Cheese. They pitch themselves as a pizza place,

    but their pasta and salads are delicious. The

    portion sizes are g!! Try the famous garlic

    rolls and youre sure to come back for more.

    6800 SW 57th Avenue


    This is a knife and fork

    pizza place for sure. Each

    slice is piled high with

    gourmet toppings to

    please any taste. The

    salads are prey good

    too, but I always go for

    the delicious pizza.

    1554 S Dixie Hwy


    Right across the street from

    campus, this is a great place

    to get your Fro-Yo x. With

    18 rotating avors and near-

    ly 50 toppings, theres no

    end to how you can personalize your sweet treat. On any

    given Monday night, MYB donates a portion of their pro-

    ceeds to UM organizations, so be sure to ask for a yer.

    1232 S Dixie Hwy


    A healthy alter-

    native to the

    dining hall, this

    restaurant is

    located right

    across from

    campus. Their chicken chop just wouldnt be

    complete without their signature curry sauce,

    so dont forget to ask for extra.

    1200 South Dixie Hwy


    Also across from Campus,

    Fridays it a frequent haunt

    of many UM Band mem-

    bers. They have great 3-

    course deals and update their menu every 6 months, so be sure

    to check back frequently.

  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    1150 South Dixie Highway


    Classic diner food and famous for breakfast. Dennys is one

    of the few restaurants near campus open 24/7. Its great

    when that 3am hunger, and by 3:30, you denitely feel it. If

    you dont split the bill, theres a 15% UM student discount

    when you show your Cane Card.

    1230 South Dixie Highway


    Another great place to get your yogurt x. With

    20 avors, including several low-fat or fat-free

    options, you can have the sweet treat you

    crave without the guilt or extra pounds.

    1558 South Dixie Hwy

    (305) 666-5990

    GPS is known for their

    creative pizzas and

    super delicious salads.

    The salad menu ishuge, so when you

    crave something leafy

    and healthy, GPS is

    the place to go.

    5813 Ponce De Leon Blvd

    (305) 668-1742

    Right by the UM baseball eld, Titanic is a

    great place to grab a bite or grab a drink.

    The food is typical bar food, which means

    its darn good and pretty aordable. They

    also have live music some nights, and are

    known for bringing local groups. A great

    place to end a long week of band camp.

    Dont forget to check out all our

    great coupons on page 15!

  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    Where to Shop

    The Shops at Sunset Place

    Where it is: 5701 Sunset Drive, Suite 350

    South Miami, FL 33143

    How to get there: Its an easy walk during the

    day, or on weekends take the Sunset Shuttle.

    What youll nd: This open-air mall features

    leading retailers including American Eagle,

    Forever 21, Gap, Hollister, and Niketown, as

    well as many local specialty shops. Also havinga movie theater, bowling alley and a numerous

    restaurants, this makes a great date night spot

    as well.

    More information:

    Dadeland North Plaza

    Where it is: 1550 Madruga Ave

    Coral Gables, FL 33146

    How to get there: Take the Metro 2 stops


    What youll nd: With stores including Target,

    Best Buy, Michaels, and Sports Authority, its

    easy to nd what youre looking for here. Also

    in the plaza, there are restaurants and a hair

    salon. Best of all, unlike most places in Miami,

    this plaza has a free parking garage.

    Publix Supermarket

    Where it is: 1401 Monza Avenue

    Coral Gables, FL 33146

    How to get there: Walking, or take the Sunset

    Shuttle on the weekends.

    What youll nd: Publix is the classic Miami gro-

    cery store. Shop here for all your supermarket

    needs. They sell ready-made sandwiches and

    dinners, and their bakery cant be matched.

    Log on to their website to see weekly specials,

    and for those of you who coupon, they have a

    great coupon policy.

    More information:

    Dadeland Mall

    Where it is: 7535 Dadeland Mall

    Miami, FL 33156

    How to get there: Take the Metro 3 stops

    South, and walk 3 blocks away from US-1.

    What youll nd: Featuring high-end stores like

    Coach and Louis Vuitton, this is a high-end

    mall with price tags to match. Fun whether

    your shopping for real, or just going to try on a

    $500 dress. This is also where youd nd the

    closest Apple store, and you can make ap-

    pointments for the Genius Bar online. There

    are also a lot of restaurants in the mall and sur-

    rounding areas including Cheesecake Factory

    and Chilis.

    More information:

    Lets be real hereas college students, we need things. Lots

    of things. So whether your buying stu for your room, or just

    geng some retail therapy aer midterms, these are places

    near campus that will help you get you what you need.

  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    Where to Save

    Closest bank locaon is just down US 1!

    1500 S Dixie Hwy

    Coral Gables FL 33146


    3 ATMs on Campus -

    1 in Mahoney/Pearson

    2 Outside the UC

    You can deposit checks and/or cash at

    these. No trip to the bank necessary!

    Also very close to campus! You can take the Sunset

    Shule when it runs to make the walking distance


    1541 Sunset Dr,

    Coral Gables, FL 33143


    This is the closest to campus, right across the

    street from Fridays!

    1190 S. Dixie Hwy

    Coral Gables, FL, United States

    Closest Locaon:

    4000 Ponce De Leon Blvd

    Coral Gables, FL 33146


    Second locaon: You can take the Sunset Shule and do less

    walking to this locaon (Youre going to want to go to this


    South Miami

    5801 Sunset Dr

    South Miami, FL 33143


    Located in the UC

    Whien University Center,

    Room S120

    1306 Stanford Drive

    Coral Gables, FL 33146

    3 ATMs on campus

    1 inside the UC

    1 outside the UC

    1 in the gym

    Being away from home for the rst me, there are some

    things you just cant live without. Money is one of those

    things. Step away from the Piggy Bank.

  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011



    SEEKING: Enthusiasc people who want to

    help publish the Windy Chord. Sense of humor

    appreciated, but not necessary.

    The Windy Chord sta meets Tuesdays @ 7:30pm

    outside Fillmore. All are welcome.

    ORyou can contribute your ideas to

    the Windy Chord box

    or by email to

    Anyone interested in being this

    years advice guru, please talk to

    any member of TBS, or submit your

    interest in the Windy box.

    Anyone interested in doing cover

    art for the Windy (will be my per-

    sonal hero), please do the same.

    Dont forget to submit your funny quotes and

    advice quesons!

    The Windy Chord is

    GREAT! But thats nosurprise because

    Im Windy!

    Contribung Authors:

    Jordan Balke

    Samantha Castagna

    Jessica Kirsner

    Gabby Thompson

    Sarah Wagner

  • 8/4/2019 Windy Chord, Band Camp Edition 2011


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