Winning business through the channel

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Why winning business through the channel means changing the way you play the game

The way business technology is bought and sold has been transformed – the goalposts haven’t just moved ...

... the rules have been torn up and completely rewritten

If you’re still going to market using the same approaches you used 10 years ago, you’re going nowhere fast

So what’s changed?

First, B2B customers no longer need to talk to suppliers to learn about products or technologies

They want perspective and insight – not pitches

Second is the decreasing returns from traditional push-based marketing ...

... meaning partners need more support from vendors to generate opportunities in the new B2B landscape

Third, the ICT market itself is experiencing epochal change – creating a fluidity that demands partners constantly re-skill and re-focus

It’s time for vendors to step up to the plate

To enable your channel to thrive, you need to do more than just tell them how great your products are

You need a totally new approach

Our 6 steps to winning business through the channel in the new B2B marketplace:


Compelling points of view

2Insightful content

3 Go-to-market frameworks

4 Collaborative engagement

5 Sharing the knowledge


End-to-end enablement

1 Compelling points of view

Develop clear points of view about the challenges and opportunities faced by your customers and the role your partners have in addressing them

2 Insightful content

Create relevant and insightful content that your partners can use to capture customer interest and build engagement.

Make it easy to re-use and re-purpose

3 Go-to-market frameworks

Develop frameworks and blueprints that make it easy for channel partners to build their own go-to-market programmes and campaigns using your tools and content

4 Collaborative engagement

Engage collaboratively with your channel partners to build joint go-to-market plans, which fully leverage your combined knowledge, resources, expertise and relationships

5 Sharing the knowledge

Ensure you share the wealth of knowledge and market insights that exist in your business to help your channel partners build and execute effective plans

6 End-to-end enablement

Equip your partner sales teams with the insights and the plays that enable them to engage prospective customers in new types of conversation

The time to act is now

Progressive vendors are recognising that the rules of engagement have changed forever – by acting swiftly, they are already gaining a competitive edge

OneGTM can help you achieve channel success

Our go-to-market services enable B2B technology companies to deliver integrated channel development and marketing programmes that drive results and deliver effective ROI

Get in touch:0203 693