Wireless Energy Body - Medical Astrology

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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A preview of thesubject ofAstrology in theKongo school ofZen.

Astrology is thestudy of man’sresponse toplanetarystimuli.

By: SenseiMaxwell Jude

The entire science of Buddhist

healing system is summarized

as 3 paths-3 branches- 25


Tempo: Cosmic Order

Chi-I: Earthly Position


In Yo:Yin-Yang

Kyo Jitsu:Weakness-Strength

Tai: Body techniques

Shin: Spirit

Wireless Energy Body is

derived from Buddha’s

teachings about natural law

and human participation in it.

The concept presented is that

any event (outcome) in the

universe is based on and

consists of the connection of

various cases.

The interconnected nature of

the innumerable things in

nature leads to a great

complex interaction beyond

the grasp of man’s


The ‘in’ of innen means“cause” or “origin”, and ‘en’means “connection” or“mediation”.

From ancient times there havebeen students of this teachingwho interpret it to mean thatthe unchangeable pastdetermines the present andfuture, leaving mortals as thevictims of Fate.

Buddha did not mean this.There is no force in the world,neither past nor present, thatcan force you to read anotherline here if you make up yourmind to read no more.

Behind all attempts to escape

suffering lies the unavoidable

contradiction in life that death

is the unchangeable answer to

our desire to live. No one-

even one who is royalty,

allegedly divine, or perfectly

enlightened- can live a day, an

hour, or a moment free from

the eventual fate of death.

Buddha faced these same

problems and the

understanding he found was;

all things change, and nothing

is permanent. All things are

transitional and have no

separate existence. With true

understanding of this one can

attain enlightenment.

The central realization which

anyone must make are; that

happiness is possible when

we seek to work with nature.

That one must avoid

misunderstanding of the

nature of universe.

The essential task of Buddha’s

teachings is to reveal basic

principles as to how human

beings should live. To meet

the nature of humans, who are

both spiritual and physical

beings it must incorporate

both elements into its


The maya currents of planets-

Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Venus

and Jupiter forms the

conscious body.

Saturn Mercury Mars Venus Jupiter

All human ills arise from some transgression of universal law. Thescriptures point out that man must satisfy the laws of nature. Just as ahouse may be fitted with a copper rod to absorb the shock of lightning,so the bodily temple can be protected in certain ways.

Electrical and magnetic radiations are ceaselessly circulating in theuniverse; they affect man’s body for good and ill. The practicalpreventive uses of astrology must be seriously studied. One little-known fact is that the proper jewels, metals, and plant preparations arevalueless unless the required weight is secured and unless theremedial agent is worn next to the skin.

The Universal Law (Dharma) is

the essential power and

ordering function that causes

all existence and phenomena

in the universe. It is made

apparent to us in various ways:

It is the source of life that

gives birth to and raises all

creatures; It is the source of

light that illuminates all


The Maya currents interacting

with the 5 elements forms the

Pranic body.

The Pranic body, through its

interaction with the 4 seasons,

forms the Manas body.

The deeper the Self-realization of man, the more he influences thewhole universe by his subtle spiritual vibrations, and the less hehimself is affected by the phenomenal flux of 5 elements and 4seasons. In each moment, wherever you keep mind and energyengaged, there you will be tied. And every day has four seasons whichinfluences the mind and energy. Little knots of energy andconsciousness in the muscle keep us tied to the body. When the bodyis in motion, your conscious energy is tied to the entire body.



Earth Water Fire Air Space



Center Winter Summer Autumn Spring

It is all energy and change, the

sum and foundation of all

things; it has been given many

names, among them are the

names Law, the nature of the

universe, and energy. Buddha

simply called it ‘Dharma’, and

it is the beginning and the

substance of all our teachings.

Breath and energy forms a

bridge between

consciousness, mind and

body. This creates the Immune


Breathing influences the body’s bio-electric balance to keep theactivities of the bodily cells in motion. The radiation of the Sun andMoon in conjunction with the 5 elements, creates the factors necessaryfor the immune system of the body. The immune system is furtherenergized internally by our thoughts and biological forces such aschemical, molecular, atomic. The immune system is further constantlyflooded by subtler rejuvenating motions of consciousness, sub-consciousness, super consciousness and Kutastha Chaitanya.



Earth Water Fire Air Space



Center Sun Moon

Buddha taught that the natureof the Dharma is bestunderstood by the law of‘engi’.

All things are always in flux,changing because everythinghas unlimited potential. Allchanges are only relative,each influencing the othersand being influenced in returnwithout a single change takingplace independently of theothers.

The branch of atomic physicswhich investigates thefoundation of all matter andenergy, seems to bear nodispute with the Buddha’steaching of Dharma.

All our limbs and muscles are moved by the exercise of will and lifeenergy. Will and energy form energy circuits that controls the actionof our limbs and muscles. Tension results when energy is sent by willpower to any muscle. The greater the will, the greater the amount ofenergy in any body part.

The cosmic energy surrounds each human being as a halo. The cosmicenergy enters the body through the medulla oblongata. The Kuta-center which is the mid-eyebrows region regulates the flow of energyinto the body. With proper breathing, calm intent and will power, thebody gets energized by the inexhaustible cosmic energy.

The wireless circuits caused by the Dhamani currents the body can becleansed and detoxed through the exhalation breath and energizedand store vital energy through the inhalation breath.

Buddha taught that Dharma is

not a thing to bow or pray to.

You do not grasp it with your

eyes or ears. However you can

sense its workings in the

dynamism that gives us birth

and life.

By recognizing the workings

of Dharma, you can discover

your own place as part of

these workings, and you can

shape your life to fulfill its

significance as part of


One of the first steps in a balanced spiritual development is relaxationof the mind and body- that is, the calming of the activities of the heart,lungs, circulatory system; and of the restless movements of themuscles stimulated by nerve impulses from the brain.

By reducing the amount of energy expended in restless muscular andmental activity, relaxation frees energy to be used for the highest andmost constructive purpose of spiritual liberation.

The highest form of relaxation is metaphysical and consists in freeingthe entire human consciousness from its identification with thephysical body, money, possessions, name, fame, family, country, theworld; and the human race and its habits.

Buddha taught that the union

of body and mind is essential

for human beings to find


Recognizing that misery and

happiness in human society

find their origins in human


Buddha does not bother with

the idea that there are Gods

who punish us or some spirit

will rescue us if only we pray

hard enough.

These geometrical fields of energy keep the soul tied to the bodymotion. Motion has been the death of spiritual consciousness. Nerveimpulses of the brain stimulates restless movements of the muscles.

There are various stages in withdrawing energy from the body byrelaxation, and consciously to direct it toward the higher centers in thespine and brain where the awareness of ‘Self’ presence may berealized. Imperfect muscular relaxation, partial muscular relaxation,unconscious sensory-motor relaxation, conscious sensory-motorrelaxation, unconscious perfect sensory-motor-organic relaxation andconscious sensory-motor-organic relaxation are the various stages towithdraw the energy from the body and keep it spirit bound.

The energy fields are divided

into 6 groups with

fundamental actions;

1. Stances (Asanas)

2. Whole body motion

3. Limb placements

4. Limb motion

5. Defense system

6. Counter-attack system

Breath makes the unseen mind visible as the body. The human body isthe gross vibration of the mind and the mind is the subtle vibration ofthe body.

The breath is of 3 kinds: True breath, Alimentary breath and OriginalBreath. True breath cultivates the body and mind. Alimentary breath isof acquired essence of past actions. True breath along with Alimentarybreath nourishes the body substance. Original breath is the source ofbody’s vessels, visceral and vital organs and bones. Breath in generalcreates, sustains and connects the body organisms.

The emotions and feelings such as excitement, sadness, desires, andpain disrupts the breathing rhythm and puts it out of sync with thecircadian rhythm of the universe.

The primordia energy enters through the medulla oblongata (mouth ofGod) and gathers at a place from which specific organs emerge. Above isthe list of the acupoint names from which organs are created.

Each of the 12 longitudinal meridians has its source points located nearthe ankles or the wrist. Source points most easily affects the actual organsassociated with the meridians and acts as energy booster to the organ.

This nexus of points forms the ‘Mano Maya Kosha.’

St42-Sp3 Ht7-Si4 UB64-Ki3 P7-TH4 GB40-Liv3 Lu9-LI4

The confluence of two breaths is behind the scientific principle ofmeridians meeting at a single point.

The great points are the most important points on the meridians in thatthey have more than one function. They are usually the most ‘powerful’point on the meridian as more than one meridian confluence at the greatpoints.

This nexus of points forms the ‘Annamaya Kosha.’

St36-Sp6 Ht7-Si3 UB62-Ki6 P6-TH5 GB41-Liv3 Lu7-LI4

The Tonification points are those points where energy can be‘transferred’ from one meridian to another, thus creating a balance ofenergy. The law of 5 elements governs this process.

This nexus of points forms the ‘Pranamaya Kosha.’

St41-Sp2 Ht9-Si3 UB67-Ki7 P9-TH3 GB43-Liv8 Lu9-LI11

Mind, the primal centrifugal

energy of the soul, flows over

the field of the brain, spinal

cord and nerves in the media

of the cerebro-spinal fluid.

This outward flowing

centrifugal energy of the soul,

gives the experience of three

dimensional world (Maya).

The vital sparks of intelligent energy, life energy, are referred to in Hinduscriptures as ‘prana.’ There are two kinds of prana: 1) the cosmic vibratoryenergy that is omnipresent in the universe, that structures and sustains allthings. 2) the specific prana or energy that pervades and sustains eachhuman body through five currents or functions: Prana current helpscrystallization; Byana current helps circulation; Samana current helpsassimilation; Udana current helps metabolism, Apana current helpselimination.

The five currents must be sufficiently present and properly functioning inthe body in order to maintain physical health and vitality- and life itself!

Currents Apana Samana Vyana Udana Prana

Planets Saturn Mercury Mars Venus Jupiter

This works through polarityprinciple of energy flow asvital circuits in the body. Theyare the fetal pattern currentsthat built the adult body andmaintains it.

Mines of power lie unexploredwithin you. You use this powerunconsciously in all the thingsyou do, and you achievecertain results; but, if youlearn how to consciouslycontrol and use the powerswithin you, you canaccomplish much more.

Human body is the nature’s highest evolution. It is a machineunmatched in its design, unparalleled in the integrity of its functionalsystems and unfathomable in the depth of subtle and natural emotions.

Human body has its own devices to make/break and healphenomenon. This phenomenon is called ‘Reflexogenics’ wherein theentire body is projected in feet, hands, face and ears. The internalvisceral, vital and sensory organs, reflects through its energy pathwaysand appears on the soles of the hands and feet. This enables just alight touch to the reflected point to affect the flow of energy to theorgan reflected in that reflex point.

Seikei: currents of the central


Seimyaku: currents of the

peripheral meridians.

Seikotsu: currents of the

skeletal system

Kappo: currents of breathing

Wireless energy therapy is

based on reading the actions

of person at a physical level

and the origin of those

physical actions at

psychological level.

Developing wireless energy,

working with it freely are the

secrets to taking the initiative

and overcoming the

disease/disorder completely

in any circumstances.

Intuition is a psychological

decision-making process

which goes beyond the first

five senses and can provide us

with an edge in all healing. It

is not a supernatural thing, but

a basic human ability which

requires practice.

The only way to sharpen one’s

intuition is by clinical practice

wherein the healer

experiences how the world

works within the healee.

The following suggestions

provide guidelines in

developing intuition:

1. Always seek out the

issues which determine

the outcome of things.

2. Consider thing in

connection with other


3. Develop personal interest

in a wide range of affairs

and seek out, collect and

organize information

about them.

Humans are made of both

body and mind; one cannot be

kept without the other. Nor is

either more important than the

other. When mind and body

(thought and action) are in

harmony, great things can be

accomplished. Otherwise,

disease-disorder results.

Wireless energy healing

require this attitude, which

might be called ‘seriousness

of purpose.’

The appearance of wireless

energy in the body is known

as spirit (Kisei), and the

appearance of that in the

voice is known as Kiai

(concentration of spirit in


The physical basis of spirit

begins with breathing in and

filling the lower abdomen.

This is the way to unify mind,

energy and body.

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