Wireless Guest Application Guide

Post on 20-Apr-2017

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Vodafone Guest WiFi Account Manager

User management guide

I want to:1.Create an account for a new partner2.Extend expiration date of an account3.Suspend an existing account4.View the created account credentials5.Resend the account credentials via e-mail


1. Create an account for a new partner

You have now the possibility to create a Vodafone Guest wireless account for an external partner from the Intranet homepage (Useful Links -> Vodafone Guest WiFi Account Manager) or directly using the web application link: http://wifiguest:8080/ WirelessGuestAdmin/


Use your network account credentials to login (e.g. firstname.lastname):

Then click “Create account”:


Fill the data with partner details and then click create:


Please be aware that the StartDate cannot be later than today + 7 days and the EndDate no later than StartDate + 3 months. If you need to create the account for a longer period, you should edit the account when it’s about to expire and set the new EndDate.

After you click create, the account is created and you should see the account details (including the login information):

The partner and the account creator should receive an e-mail with the account details (in case the e-mail does not arrive, you can always check the credentials on this web page)

Once you login you will see a list with all the users created by you:


If you click on the account name you will see the account details (including login information):


2. Extend expiration date of an accountIf you need to change the expiration date of an account, from the “Accounts list” page, you can click on the edit button.


A new form will appear and you will be able to select the new EndDate for the selected account


Once you press Update, the account will be updated and you will see the account details page with the new EndDate.

3. Suspend an existing accountIf the partner does not need the account anymore you should suspend it by clicking on the ‘Suspend Account’ button, on the ‘Accounts list’ page:


Please be aware that if you click the suspend button, the account is suspended and you cannot reactivate this account. You should create a new one if needed.


A notification page will appear if the account was suspended. On the ‘Accounts list’ you will still be able to see/edit the account, but if the account was suspended already, any change does not impact the account anymore.

4. View the created account credentials

If by any reasons you did not received the email with the account credentials you can always check the login information by clicking on the account name (in the “Accounts list” page)


In the new opened page you will see the account details. You should always check the account status before trying to connect to the Vodafone Guest network with the login credentials.


5. Resend the account credentials via e-mail

If you want to resend the account credentials via e-mail (username, password, start date, end date) you can click on the ‘Notify’ button from the ‘Accounts list’ menu.


An e-mail will be sent both to the partner and the account creator with the account details, just like in the case when a new account is created.