Wireless Image Utility Lite - NEC Display Solutions · 2012-07-03 · The Wireless Image Utility...

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Wireless Image Utility LiteUser’s Manual

+ =NEC's ImageNEC's Image


IntroductionThe Wireless Image Utility Lite is a software application for transferring image and PDF files from an iPad,

iPhone, iPod touch or other iOS device (hereafter referred to collectively as "iOS devices") to an NEC

projector. These instructions explain basic operation of the Wireless Image Utility Lite.

Launching the Software

PreparationsMake the iOS device's Wi-Fi settings.Make the wireless LAN settings at [Settings] → [Wi-Fi] → [Select Network].

1. Press the sleep on/off button on the upper right of the iOS device. The sleep mode is canceled and the screen appears. If the software is already running, press the Home button to display the screen showing the software icons.

2. Tap "NEC's Image", the Wireless Image Utility Lite's icon. The Wireless Image Utility Lite's main screen appears. If the message "'NEC's Image' Would Like to Use Your Current Location" appears, tap [OK].

NOTEThis application uses the location information to access [Photos] on the iPad/iPhone/iPod touch. The location information service is not used for any purpose other than accessing [Photos].


Names and Functions of Screen Parts[Main Screen] Projector List

This displays a list of NEC projectors connected to the network. The selected projector is connected to.

Photos(* This is displayed in gray if no projector is connected.)This displays the albums in [Photos] on the iOS device. Images in the albums can be sent to the projector and projected.Add images to the a lbums from [Photos] in iTunes.

PDF List(* This is displayed in gray if no projector is connected.)This displays a l ists of PDF fi les. Individual pages in the selected PDF file can be sent to the projector and projected.Add PDF f i les from [App] → [Fi le Sharing] → [NEC's Image] in iTunes.(See page 9.)

Names and IP addresses of

currently connected projectors

Ver.This displays this software's version.


[Projector List screen]

When [Projector List] is selected on the main screen, the projectors connected to the network are detected automatically and

displayed as a list. When a projector is selected, the main screen reappears.

Names and IP addresses of

currently connected projectors

NOTESet the projector's standby mode to "Normal".

CancelTap this to return to the main screen without making any changes.

Confi gThis displays the Confi g screen, used to specify the IP addresses manually.

UpdateThis redetects the projectors on the network. If network projectors have been added or changed, tap the [Update] button to update the projector list to the latest information.

NOTEWith the projectors below, the device is not detected automatically, so make the settings on the Config screen.See the pro jec tor 's opera t ing i ns t ruc t ions fo r d i rec t ions on checking the projector's IP address.NP-P420X / NP-P350X / NP-P350W


[Config screen]

CancelTap this to return to the Projector List screen without making any changes.

DoneTap this to enable the settings and return to the Projector List.

IP AddressWhen the white frame is tapped, the software keyboard appears and the IP address can be input manually.

Image qualityThe quality of the image sent to the projector can be selected.The default setting is [High quality].When [High compress] is selected, the size of the transferred image file decreases, reducing the time of transfer to the projector.

PortWhen the white frame is tapped, the software keyboard appears and the port number can be input manually.

NOTEC h e c k w i t h t h e p r o j e c t o r ' s administrator before changing the port number. The port number is initially set to 7142.


[Photo Albums screen]

CancelTap this to return to the main screen.

PhotosW h e n a n a l b u m i s s e l e c t e d , thumbnails of the images in the album are displayed.When an image is selected from the thumbnails, the Image Transfer screen appears.

[Thumbnails screen]

NOTEAdding mages to photo albumsInstall the iTunes software on the computer.iTunes can be downloaded from the Apple website (http://www.apple.com/).For instructions on adding photo albums to the iOS device, see the iTunes help fi le.


[Send Image screen]

CancelTap this to return to the main screen.

Return to ThumbnailsTap this to return to the Photo Albums screen.

Send ImageTap this to transfer images to the projector.Transferring is canceled if [Cancel] is tapped while images are being transferred.

Display the next image.Display the previous image.


[PDF List screen]

Select a PDF fi le from the list.

[PDF Transfer screen]

Select the page to be transferred to the projector.

PDF ListTap th i s to r e t u r n t o the PDF List screen.

Display the previous page. Display the next page.

CancelTap th i s to return to the main screen.

NOTEPDF files requiring a password to open the document are not supported.

Send ImageTap this to transfer images to the projector.Transferr ing is canceled i f [Cancel] is tapped while images are being transferred.


Preparing the PDF FilesTransferring from other applicationsPDF files opened in Safari, Mail or another application can be transferred to [Documents] in this application.From Safari, Mail, etc., select [Open in ..], then select [NEC's Image] from the list.

Transferring from a computerPreparationsInstall the iTunes software on the computer.iTunes can be downloaded from the Apple website (http://www.apple.com/).

NOTEFor instructions on adding images to photo albums on the iOS device, see the iTunes help file.

1. Use the dedicated USB cable to connect the iOS device to the computer. When the USB cable is connected, iTunes is launched on the computer. If iTunes does not launch automatically, launch it

manually.2. Click the iOS device displayed below [DEVICES] on the iTunes' sidebar (the list along the left side of the iTunes


The iOS device's settings screen appears on the right side of iTunes.


3. Click [App] at the upper right.

The screen switches to the application's settings screen.

4. Select [NEC's Image] displayed at [File Sharing] at the bottom of the iTunes window.


5. Drag the PDF file from Explorer on the computer and drop it on [NEC's Image Documents] in iTunes.

The PDF file is stored in the NEC's Image folder.

NoticeWhen you connect to a projector, the communications log file ("WIU_Log.txt") is automatically stored in the [NEC's Image Documents] folder.


TrademarksiPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch® and iTunes® are registered trademark of Apple Inc. in the United States and other countries.

© NEC Display Solutions, Ltd. 2012 Ver.2 04/12