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Discrimination in USA


Contents Prejudice History of racial inequality in America Race riot in L.A 1992 Korean-Americans Similarities Singapore – America Problems Encounteres Future Singapore 2061 Solution Bibliography

Prejudice Stereotypes

-Assumption -Unfair judgment

Up-bringing -Parent -Peers


History of racial inequalityIn America

African blacks were transported by the Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese trader and thus the first African black landed in America 1969. By 1662, the white European colonist separate themselves from blacks due to difference physiological appearance, customs and religion. Though they are no law that define black’s inferiority, by 1776, half a million blacks were enslaved.

Race riot in L.A 1992 One of the worst riot that has ever occured in American history Groups involved are between the African- Americans and the whites Riot lasted few days 53 people dead and billions ($) lost in damage

What cause the riot? Rodney King Detected speeding by California Highway Patrol by police patrol Resist by going on wild chase When King was arrested, a struggle ensued 2 TASER gun was shot at him King was mercilessly beaten up and when TASER gun failed to subdue him


Rodney King

What cause the riot? The whole incident was recorded by George Holiday Video was released and did not take long before it enrage the L.A African-American community Tensions continues to rise when the case was handled by a predominantly white jury The four officers were acquitted after a year All unrest and rage erupted into a riot on April 29, 1992

Our thoughts… Blacks were treated 2nd to whites This is probably due to the enslavement in the past, and most white assume they are still more dominant in status. The people felt that racial profiling and abuse by police had long gone unchecked and this was only found out unintentionally. This is like adding oil to fire and worsen the situation. The oppressed will not hesitate for fight for what is right in this case to race’s rights for the injustice done to Rodney King .

Korean-American society Philip Jaisohn was the 1st Korean to gain citizenship in America in 1888. This was thoroughly question and investigate Citizenship is granted for “free white man” only In 1942, U.S congress prohibits immigrants from Asia 1925-1940, Korean students were admitted using Japanese-issued passport and allowed to stay if they continue to register for school. They were the minorities and always targets for anti- Asian violence and legislation.

Philip Jaisohn

Korean-American society They prohibited form gaining citizenship, employment restrictions, housing segregations. They were treated the lowest class in the society as they are limited to their business activities and not permitted to use facilities that are meant for whites.

Economical and Political War This is based on article talks between Mira Jang (Korean immigrant) while Najee Ali (American gang member).

"The No. 1 enemy for us was Koreans, who we felt were oppressing us," says Ali.” For Ali, he said that "We wanted to hurt [Koreans] physically, economically, raise their insurance rates anything we �could for payback,“. Jang thinks that the black- Korean conflict was just a ruse concocted by the media and supported by the government. )

Our thoughts… The American thinks Koreans are slowly taking over their state. Hopes on stopping the Korean from causing a community riot protest. They also hope on the Koreans to listen to the government and stop occupying the majority.

Similarities between Singapore and USA prejudice and discrimination

•Race inequality

•Citizenship for foreigner

Race inequality

Through experience Names calling begins starting from primary


Racist jokes (especially to the minor groups)

Lack of understanding between different race Wrong impression given by parents since young Insufficient learning of other races in school


Increase of foreigner coming to Singapore

Why? to boost the economy

Maintains human population in Singapore

Foreign Workers

• Most foreign talents have better qualification, more social exposure and working experience than most Singaporeans

• Wiliness to work for jobs that most Singaporean would not take up

• Lower wages compare to Singaporean

Problems encounter

Singaporeans find it hard to get jobs as most employers choose foreign workers over Singaporeans Low Wagers Experience Wiliness to learn Hard working

Future of Singapore in 2061

If discrimination is unsolved, People will get unhappy Foreign workers will be afraid of working in Singapore Tension will rise between each community Tourists will avoid visiting Singapore Politician war

As a result, Conflicts, riots may occur Singapore’s economy will suffer Immigrants will not be willing to come to Singapore to work Jobs will be harder to find An increase in job layoff and decrease of job pay


Stress the importance of racial harmony Ban any political, racist form of media.

Example, videos Fine people who are racist Equal job opportunity for everyone Creating more jobs Promote job skill upgrading


It takes time to overcome the mindset of people

Unemployment rate is hard to decrease due to the small size of Singapore.

Singapore is very vulnerable and dependant on global economy

Not easy controlling any racist, political videos as everyone can gain access to the internet with video streaming, eg youtube

PR Log (Press Release) – Nov 06, 2007


The L.A. Riots: 15 Years After Rodney KingRead more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/la_riot/article/0,28804,1614117_1614084,00.html#ixzz0cI8Y81tv

National Association of Koreans American,

In Observance of Centennial of Korean Immigration to the U.S. http://www.naka.org/resources/history.asp

The cause of racial inequalities in America today, Excerpts from an Address Dr. Bill Cosby gave at the 50th Anniversary


World Peace, That’s Better