Witchy Halloween-Tut - By JWs

Post on 11-Apr-2015

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Dark & Witchy Tutorial By JW ’ s

This tutorial is for those who have working knowledge with Paint Shop Pro & Jasc Animation Shop.

*Mask: Unknown Artist (I do not know who created this, if this is yours please let me know and I’d be glad to reference you as the artist or take this down from my supplies.

*Effects: Plug In: Alien Skin Xenofex 2: constellation effect

*Fonts are paid fonts. I can not supply these.

*Tube: Dark Witch tubed by Trizia (included in supplies)


Supplies Here: http://www.4shared.com/file/62914953/7ea8eb84/The_Witching_HourTutorial-


Please SAVE often!!

Let’s get started

Open a 550x550 transparent canvas. Flood fill white

Copy and Paste the “Pentagram” tube from the scrap as a new layer.

Copy and Paste your tube of choice as a new layer. Make sure this is at the top.

Create a “new” raster layer and drag this layer below the tube layer.* To do this I right click on any layer to the right and add a new raster.

Flood fill with a color of your choice from your tube, I chose a color from the witches sleeve, color code: #681d6b

Load a mask onto this layer, I used a mask called Dead Sexy (Included in supplies, it’s my favorite, but I can’t find where I originally got this), with these mask settings:

Create Mask: Check-Source luminanceOrientation: Check - Fit to canvas

Options: Make sure to check Invert Transparency and Hide all Mask, and then select Load.

You will have to your right tool bar: three layers from this. Check the top layer of the mask, right click and merge group.

Now add your text and type out “The Witching Hour”Use a small font with stroke width of 1 to type out “The” and “Hour”. For the “Witching”

I used a big thick font using the purple paper as my pattern for background and for foreground: color code: #9d855f, with font stroke width of 2.

Arrange how you like, reference mine if you want to place it similar and add a drop shadow and drag to make sure it’s centered to your main tube.

Add your copyright information and your watermark. Add your Name using a smaller font. I added my name to the top right of the tag, and add

drop shadow.Save as a PNG unless you want to animate. See Animation below.


Animation – 2 partsI animated both the flame on the candle and created glittery stars behind the pentagram.

To animate the flame, I added noise:Click on your main “Pentagram” layer. Right click and duplicate this three more times. Hide your bottom layer. To hide it: click on the eye on that layer. I did this extra layer

just incase you screw up and you can delete the messed up ones and work from the original all over again.

Use your wand tool and click on the flame of the candle, I used settings: Replace, RGB mode, Tolerance 38. Hold down the shift key to select more than one piece at a time. I

had to change my settings from 38, then 53, just so I could select what I wanted.

Start with your second from the bottom; we do not want to use the bottom one. Click on that layer to make active.

Go to your top toolbar and click on Adjust, add/remove noise, add noise. I used these settings: check uniform, uncheck monochrome and set it at 25. Hit ok.

Now select the next one above it and add the same settings but change it to 30, and do the same for the next one above that and change to 35.

Go to your top tool bar and select None.

Now select your 2nd one from the bottom (If it makes it easier label them 1, 2 & 3), and hide the two above it. Right click and copy merged into Jasc Animation Shop, Hide that

one, select your next one above it, unhide and copy merged into Jasc Animation shop and paste after current frame. Then do the same as the last one.

Click View Animation to make sure it looks good. If you like it, go back to Corel PSP and save.

To add animation behind the pentagon, I used the plug in: Alien Skin Xenofex 2

First create a shape: eclipse with line width one, background null and foreground any color.

Go behind the “Pentagram” tube behind the pentagon, and make a circle that is hidden by the pentagon. Stretch as needed. Right click and convert to raster.

Make sure to drop this layer under all of the tube layers of the “Pentagram” tube. Use your wand tool and select inside of this circle. Now duplicate your mask layer once so

this layer is directly below your circle. Merge down. Duplicate three times. Hide your top two layers, and make sure your bottom layer is active. Go to Effects, Alien Skin Xenofex

2, and check constellation with these settings:


Now hide this layer, click on the layer above this one to make it active, apply same settings except hit Random Seed.

Do the same settings with the last layer of this group, and hit Random See again.Now hide all but the bottom layer of this effect.

Now make sure you have all your layers except the bottom layer of your other effect hidden too.

Now right click and copy merged, paste into Jasc Animation Shop.Go back and hide these two animation layers and unhide the next animate layer, do the same thing, but paste after current animation, and do the same for the last layers of the

animations, make sure you hide the other animated layers.

Save and your done! I hope I didn’t make this too complicated. Feel free to email me with any questions.

My email: jessicawoods1@yahoo.com

I’d love to see any creations! Send them my way and I’ll post a gallery up of your work! Hugs, Jessica