Post on 24-Feb-2016

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WITTER FOR LEARNING. Tweet!. Zaid Ali Alsagoff. Twitter!. Twitter image: http://tinyurl.com/83hozyr. Surgeons Tweet D uring Brain Surgery‬ …. Video: http://youtu.be/ dxJvbi6tW88. Twitter Mission!. 1. 2. 3. 4. FOLLOW. B U I L D. S H A R E. ENGAGE. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Twitter image: http://tinyurl.com/83hozyr

Surgeons Tweet During Brain Surgery…

Video: http://youtu.be/dxJvbi6tW88

Twitter Mission!

Article: http://tiny.cc/lp0b0








1. Twitter?2. Why Use?3. Twitter Basics4. Twitter #Hashtags5. For Learning?6. Twitter Apps 7. Tweeting Forward!

What is Twitter?

A free Web 2.0 social networking service that allows users to send and receive short messages (140

characters or less) known as TWEETS.

Easy way to discover the LATEST NEWS related to subjects you care about.

Twitter is…

User-created communication– Text– Links to web pages, images, videos– Trending topics

Multi-directional– Simultaneous 1 to 1, 1 to many, many to 1

Time-independent– Features such as @replies and #hashtags

enable asynchronous communication

Source: http://tinyurl.com/cvd7ars




“To fully appreciate Twitter, you should have a reason for using it!”

So, What is your reason for using it?

Adapted from here: http://tinyurl.com/o4sxz6

Did You Know?

500+ Million Users

340+ Million tweets are posted per day!

1.6 billion search queries per day!

Source (as of 20/09/2012): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter

Twitter is Connecting…

Easy way to discover the LATEST RESEARCH you care about.

Educators & Researchers around the world!

Doctors using Twitter?

@KevinMD @joannadolgoffmd@drmikesevilla

Dr. Kevin Pho






@StepAheadnj@harrygreenspun @CesarLaraMD





Twitter #Hashtags Amplify Sharing…

Source: http://tinyurl.com/5urjzkd


#MedEd – Medical Education#edchat - Education##edutech - Educational Technology#web20chat - Web 2.0#DistEd – Distance education and e-learning#innochat – Innovation in education#Lrnchat – Learning issues for educators#ellchat – English Language Learners

during Research/events/Activities!

http://zaidlearn.blogspot.com/2010/05/join-moodlewish-twitter-stream.html http://zaidlearn.blogspot.com/2010/07/using-twitter-to-amplify-connective.html

Language of Twitter

Tweet: An individual post.

RT (Retweet): re-telling someone else’s tweet.

@username (Reply): open message to specific


Message: Direct message to a follower (private).

#Hashtag: Use Hashtag to group & track discussions

(conference, seminar, classroom activity, etc.).

Source: http://tinyurl.com/o4sxz6

Tweet Example:

Adapted from: http://tinyurl.com/o4sxz6

@ZaidLearnTweet/Reply to


Hashtag:#licircle Tweet content

Number of characters remaining in current tweet (counts down

from 140).

Upload Image

Click toTweet

Add Location

@zaidlearn Let's use #licircle to create a learning stream for LIT!

What is a Twitter #Hashtag?

"The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created organically

by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages"

Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all other Tweets in that category. Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet. If you tweet with a hashtag on a public account, anyone who does a search for that hashtag may find your Tweet. Use hashtags only on Tweets relevant to the topic.

Creating a #Hashtag

REMEMBERMake it Unique, Short & Simple!

#edchat – Education#finnedchat – Finnish Education#MedEd – Medical Education#edutech - Educational Technology#DistEd – Distance education and e-learning#Lrnchat – Learning issues for educators#ellchat – English Language Learners#esl – English for Second Language

A True Story


Moodle is an Airport, Not a Total Solution!

Nov 12, 2009

Twitter Can Be Awesome For…

F2F Sessions Classroom activity Large lectures Seminar discussions Conferences Etc.

Information Sharing Events Course updates Latest research (articles) Deadlines Reading lists Latest items (library)

Twitter in the Classroom: http://tinyurl.com/2fxm45p Twitter during Conference: http://tinyurl.com/5urjzkd

Does Twitter Hurt Grades?

Source: http://edudemic.com/2011/05/is-twitter-hurting-grades/

Results?• Twitter allows for a

constant ongoing discussion that goes beyond the one hour class session.

• Students took full advantage of using Twitter as a forum for their questions, generating a wide range of questions that what would typically would occur in class.

Great for Q&A sessions (backchannel) during lectures!

Real-time Updates on Tweets & Hashtags?

Tools to Explore:Twitterfall


Visible Tweets



TweetGrid: http://tweetgrid.com/ TweetChat: http://tweetchat.com/

Monitter: http://monitter.com/ Twitterfall: http://twitterfall.com


Document Hashtag Conversations?


A tweetdoc is a document that brings together all the tweets from a particular event or search

term. It allows you to keep a record of an event through twitter.

Get Feedback Using Polls?

http://twtpoll.com/ http://www.polleverywhere.com


Stream/Broadcast Live on Twitter?


Newspaper Magazine

Filtering out the Juiciest Tweets?

http://paper.li/ http://flipboard.com/

Own Personalized Magazine?


Measuring Influence?

Is a standard for measuring online influence. Use it to discover your influence and compare with others you may know.



1. Tools overload2. Role of Twitter in LEARNING3. Firewall blocking4. Usability & ease-of-use5. Content ownership 6. Not all use Twitter7. Learner confidence & support8. Out of the comfort zone 9. Control Vs. Empowerment 10.Testing & assessment


Individual Strategy?


Article: http://tiny.cc/lp0b0







Used For: Latest Updates Latest Events News Announcements Publications Class Updates Quick Discussions Collaborations Share Links (URLs) Course updates Q&A Learning Etc.

University Strategy?

Twitter feed for every programme

ProgrammesTwitter feed for: Library Teaching & Learning E-Learning Student Services Healthcare Services Academic Affairs Alumni…


Courses Student Batches Communities Clubs…

Twitter Feeds

Tweeting Forward?USE Twitter to:

FOLLOW relevant experts, lists and #hashtags (learning streams) to keep yourself updated with the latest discoveries in your learning domains.

SHARE your own interesting discoveries (resources, ideas and events) with your students and wider learning community.

ENGAGE with your students in and beyond the classroom to explore, discover, question, discuss and collaborate.

BUILD your own learning communities through lists, #hashtags, and Twitter Apps.

REMEMBER Twitter is just a tool (enabler)…Explore it to find your own magic portion for learning and teaching.

Zaid Ali AlsagoffE-Learning Manager

E-mail : zaid.alsagoff@gmail.comBlog : http://zaidlearn.blogspot.com/     Twitter: http://twitter.com/zaidlearn IMU : http://imu.edu.my DID : +603-2731 7327Ext. : 3115