Witty spider and silly fly

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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A Short story for rejoinders.


Witty Spider and Silly Fly

Silly fly was hovering over the flowers when she saw a spider web. She came nearer when she heard a voice.

No, I will not.

Will you come in?

Next days Silly Fly came back. She took a peep at the house of the Witty Spider. The spider saw her and smiled to himself. He tried himself to entice Silly Fly.

Next days Silly Fly came back. She took a peep at the house of the Witty Spider. The spider saw her and smiled to himself. He tried himself to entice Silly Fly.

So you’re back. Have you decided to

come into my house?

No, I have not.

Oh, please do come in.

I have lot of food in here. And besides, I

have a big mirror where

you can look at.

No, I have not.