Wizards Versus Gods and the Mermaids Treasure Chest

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  • 7/31/2019 Wizards Versus Gods and the Mermaids Treasure Chest




    Karl Bryan Bago

    Table of Contents

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    Chapter one The Truth

    Chapter two

    Trough the Magic World

    Chapter three

    The riddle of Sphinx

    Chapter four

    The House A

    Chapter five

    The New Lessons

    Chapter six

    Yehudy's Missing Key

    Chapter seven

    Hyper's Spooky House

    Chapter eight

    The Journey Begins

    Chapter nine

    The Siren's Warning

    Chapter ten

    The gods Council

    Chapter eleven

    The Monsters of the sea

    Chapter twelve

    The War has Finally Began

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    Chapter thirteen

    In Search for the Treasure

    Chapter fourteen

    The Mermaids Treasure Chest

    Chapter fifteen

    The war's Solution

    Chapter sixteen

    Not the End but The Beginning

    Chapter One

    The Truth

    "Hepheus! Wake up! It's a sunny monday morning!" Shouted her mother. Butmom! Im tired! Five more minutes please! Hepheus begged.

    Do you really want me to take you out from your bed?

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    Hepheus James is an eleven year old boy. A tall guy with a semi blond long hair. He

    really loves assembling things. Thus, he took a vocational school for electronics and

    machinery. He thinks he is good at it because of his lucky charm.

    An amulet having a sun outside, with a crescent moon and a star inside. Beyond theedge of each sunray, contains a slender stick.

    Then, nothing is more amazing than her mother and his two best friends. They can

    manipulate anything around them. That is what they say magic. Sometimes, when

    Hepheus stocks on his bed, her mother would levitate him and throw outside.

    Its early June in the America. The start of classes and the end of vacation.

    In front of the gate stood his two best friends; Athilia Lenburg and Crane Thomas.

    They are cousins, both eleven years of age.

    Crane is also a tall person with dark hair. On the other hand, Athilia Lenburg is a

    pretty girl. An intelligent one with blond hair.

    Long time no see! Crane hugged him with one hand and a big smile.

    Well, lets go then! Class starts a t exactly seven thirty in the morning, Athilia

    spoke in a nerd manner.

    Athilia! Havent you missed him? Asked Crane.

    Definitely not! I have been sending him post on his account every week. Cause it is

    a sign of good friendship. Not like you! You havent even said hi on his account!Athilia cried in front of the students.

    Who cares? Its summer!

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    What! Is that how you treat your friends?

    Will the two of you stop! Everyone is watching! And it is nearly time! He

    inserted. They went straight to the corridor searching for room eighty-nine.

    The class began when their science teacher entered. She is a terror looking woman.

    Wearing semi-round eyeglasses with a bushy hair.

    May I introduce myself first, she picked a chalk and wrote on the board Mrs.

    Lena Merlin

    Well class, in review of your past years discussion, I would like each and everyone of you to get one fourth sheet of paper. Write your name and the date today.

    Number your papers from one to twenty, Mrs. Merlin told the class.

    What? The whole class asked questionably. Arrg! Everyone moaned except for


    Faster or I will add ten additional questions!

    The whole class panicked with fright. In addition, at the end of the test, only Athilia

    passed it.

    Is this how your teacher last year taught you? How ridiculous! Well, who among

    you here is A-Athilia Lenburg?

    Athilia raised her hand with a secret smile.

    So dear. What school did you come from? she asked.

    St. Thomas elementary school mam. Answered Athilia.

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    But I thought your classmates graduated at the same school as you did? Why did

    you get higher score than them?

    Books I think. She answered.

    At the end of the class, everyone congratulated Athilia.

    So proud of your self huh! Crane interrupted.

    Shut up Crane! Youre just jealous.

    No Im not!

    Yes you are!

    Here you two again! Hepheus cried.

    Then, the fight became much stronger.

    You are just jealous you stupid boy! Dont deny it!

    Im not jealous you ugly git!

    S-T-O-P! I-T! Hepheus cried.

    Then the glass at the side broke out into pieces without any reason. The argument

    stopped. Everyone was looking at Hepheus who cannot explain what happened.

    At this time, the headmaster was roaming around. Then he got the attention.

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    What is going on here? The headmaster turned his head to the left and saw the

    fragments of the broken glass on the floor. You three, follow me.

    But sir! Athilia moaned.

    Explain yourselves on my office!

    The three of them walked through the headmasters office. Explain you within

    sixty seconds! the headmaster shouts. Athilia hurriedly explained.

    Sir, weve been having a pretest with Mrs. Merlin, our science teacher, and Ive got

    the highest score. On the other hand, Crane Thomas, my cousin was jealous and-

    No Im not! Crane inserted although Athilia continued in a fast manner.

    And we have quarreled and Hepheus break the argument and Athilia paused.

    And what? Asked the principal.

    And it just broke without any reason! she said until tears went out from her face

    as a sign of anger.

    Then the principal took a very deep breath

    Well, youre dismissed, leave the office emmidietly

    The three of them went out from the office silently. At this time, the two boys could

    see how Athilias anger rises because of the principal.

    Suddenly, Athilia stopped and opened her bag. She picked up a stick out from her

    bag. The stick is quite similar to the stick on his amulet.

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    Athilia picked a book entitled Spells. She opened it on page sixteen. Then Crane


    Athilia! We are in the magic world! We cannot use magic! And besides, he isnt a

    bad person after all.

    Step aside Crane! Or I will petrify you! Spoke Athilia angrily. She raised her

    wand, swish and flick while muttering the words;

    Lokarta Permamentoand then the door slammed and locked. They could hear the

    headmaster shrieked. However, opening it with the key seems useless.

    You two! Run! Shouted Athilia.

    The three of them ran as fast as they can

    What have you done? Asked Hepheus while panting.

    Locking the door, she answered.

    Not just lock, forever lock! Crane interrupted. What? How can he go out?Hepheus again asked.

    Just destroy it! So simple! Said Athilia.

    So simple? We are going to be expelled! Thus, if our parents know this, we aregoing to be a dead slug! said Crane.

    Not my parent, your parents, said Hepheus. Athilia and Crane looked at him.

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    You should have known the truth, said Athilia.

    What? asked Hepheus.

    Athilia dragged him. They went to Hepheus house. There they met Mrs. James

    cooking pancakes.

    Well darling, Im glad you are home with your friends,

    The three of them entered silently.

    Hows your first day of school?

    Very bad, answered Athilia.

    Why dear, tell me the story,

    Instead of Athilia, Hepheus answered.

    While Athilia and Crane were arguing, I stopped them. When I shouted, the glass

    beside us was broken. At that time, the headmaster was roaming around. The three

    of us went to his office. After that, Athilia got angry, she got herHepheus mouthwas covered directly with hands of Athilia and Crane.

    Continue dear, said Mrs. James. Athilia and Crane were forced to let go.

    She got a stick and a book and licked the headmasters door, said Hepheus.

    Tricky Hell! You used a wand. Did anyone saw you? asked Mrs. James.

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    No, we ran as fast as we could, answered Athilia.

    You should have not done it! Youll be expelled!

    Yeah, we know, answered Crane.

    Wizards and witpaused Athilia.

    Shhh! Hepheus is listening, Cried Crane.

    Mrs. James stepped aside feeling bad. We have to tell him the truth, said Mrs.James. Everyone looked at her.

    You are a half wizard, half god Hepheus. Your name came from your father

    Hephaestus or Vulcan. He is a son of another goddess. Your father is a blacksmith

    whose feet were crippled but whose arms are quite powerful. As the craftsman of

    gods, Hephaestus fashioned wonderful and gorgeous weapons and utensils for the

    gods. He was the god of human smiths and potters, whose crafts requires working

    with fire

    Mrs. James sobbed with hr head down.

    Why mother? Why?

    I am a wizard Hepheus, or a witch for us girls. Just like the gods, we also have

    mere powers. We could manipulate anything or everything around us with the uses

    of magic by the wand. It is upon the user to cast a spell, a curse or a jinx through

    verbal or not.

    But why my father is a god? asked Hepheus angrily.

    Meanwhile, she held the amulet softly on Hepheus neck.

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    Mrs. James cried. And Hepheus ran out of the house. A thilia and Crane followed


    Hepheus wait! Athilia shouted.

    Hepheus stopped at that moment. Crying with his head bow down.

    I never thought you did this to me. All this time I trusted you two as my best

    friends! He shouted in front of them. I never knew it for eleven whole years!

    Becausebecause there is a law within wizards and gods that if anyone fell in love

    with its enemy, he or she will die in vain! Athilia wiped her tears and ran.

    It is the reason why your father never went back the Crane walked out too.Hepheus was now alone kneeling on the grass.

    The next day, it seems quite silent with in the friends. They never talked to each

    other. During the recess, Hepheus was alone in the table eating French fries.

    Just a minute later, Athilia and Crane walked towards him

    We just wanted to say that I and Craneare going to transfer to a magic place

    named Vinta.

    This is a city of magic for wizard and witches only, Athilia said.

    We just wanted to say goodbye my old friend, Crane went sobbing. While on theother hand, Hepheus stood still as if he does not hear them.

    Fine! You will not talk to us! Fine! Come on Crane! Athilia went very red and

    dragged his cousin.

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    At that time, a tear fell from Hepheus eyes. He whispered to his self bye

    Hepheus stood up and went back to his room wiping his tears ready for the next

    lesson, English.

    During the last period, a teacher went to interrupt their lesson.

    Calling Ms. LenburgMr. Thomasand Mr. James. Proceed to the head masters

    office now. It was his assistant secretary.

    The three of them stood up and brought their books inside their bags and walkedsilently out. All of their classmates were looking at them suspiciously. Then the boy

    cried that the whole class could hear.

    Ready to be expelled? Pack your things and say goodbye.

    The whole class was laughing at them. Then the teacher stopped them.

    The three of them walked silently in the corridors through the office.

    Suddenly, they saw a room with a big hole on the wall that seems to be blasted.

    They knew it was the principals office whom Athilia used a locking spell. Theyentered quietly and stood there where the principal was looking at them


    Did you know what happened on this door? Do you know who the one who locked

    this is? the headmaster asked angrily roaming around looking at them. During thattime when I easy locked, when the three of you went out from my office the time.

    But Im asking myself. How can it be opened with a key? he stopped in front of the

    three. Only someone can be suspected the time it happened and he paused. It is

    the three of you! He shouted. I never expected this! And I dont know what you

    did! I can see guilt within your eyes theres only one thing I will say he

    stopped and smiled dangerously. YOU THREE ARE EXPELLED!

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    We knoe.please sign this and we will transfer.

    Athilia picked a piece of parchment and gave it to him.

    Goodbye fellow dears! and the three went out from the blasted hole.

    We are sorry about that HepheusYou are expelled because of uswe will tell

    your mother to transfer you too to Vinta. Athilia apologized.

    Its okay. Its too harsh here. Hepheus smiled at them. The three hugged eachother and went out happily from the school towards Hepheus house.

    Hepheus mother fill the can she was holding when she saw the three.

    Hello mother

    When have you been together? asked Mrs. James.

    Just this morningbut guess what! cried Hepheus.

    What? asked her mother.

    We are expelled! the three of them talked at the same time.

    Bloody hell! Where will you suppose to take school? she asked again.

    We are going to transfer to Vinta. Answered Athilia.

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    Well good! I never visit that place since I graduated. Mrs. James invited them for a

    cup of tea and cake she cooked this morning.

    Have3 you ever signed the form for transferring?

    Indeed mother, before we went out of the school. Hepheus said.

    We need to send letter to the Vinta Magical Academy for transferring, said


    The four of them finished their tea and Athilia and his cousin Crane went home

    Chapter Two

    Though The Magic World

    The next morning, Athilia and Crane went to Hepheus house early in the morning.The two brought loads of bags as if they are going to transfer home.

    Hepheus and her mother met them and helped. Early in the morning dears,

    muttered Mrs. James.

    Yup! Crane was too sleepy. So I poured hot water into his feet! cried Athilia.

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    Shut up Athilia! Crane shouted angrily.

    Every one of them laughs except Crane who looks like terror.

    Have you eaten your breakfast, you two? asked Mrs. James.

    Well yes! Mother cooked

    Im still hungry you know, inserted Crane.

    No respect! You Slimy Slug! shouted Athilia angrily.

    Well its true!

    Fine! said Athilia.

    Okay! Stop arguing! I cooked delicious pancakes with honey on top. Freshly

    cooked! Imported honey from Spain. And not just that! I served hot chocolate and

    Mrs. James stopped when Hepheus interrupted.

    Stop it mom! Youre acting weird!

    Lets just go to the dining table or itll cool, muttered her mom.

    While eating, Athilia discussed about Vinta and about the Vinta Magical Academy.

    Well, we should eat a lot. Refresh our minds for theRiddle of the Sphinx

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    The what? interrupted Hepheus unknowingly.

    The riddle of the Sphinx. It serves as the guardian of the school. It gives you a

    riddle that measures your abilities and intelligence. But the Sphinx in the school isdifferent from others. It detects something from your heart which will be the one it

    will asked to you. It may be things, persons, animals, happenings and other more.

    But but why do you think it change not like other Sphinx? asked Hepheus.

    The Sphinx in the school is given by the Gods as a gift. But then during the war,

    great wizards transformed the Sphinx.

    Tell me about the war Athilia, Hepheus interrupted.

    The war between wizards and gods began on the eighteenth century. It has been

    believed that one Olympian god murdered thirty wizards and witches attacking the

    city. On that time, wizards cannot classify the gods. Until now, no one knows who

    the god who killed thirty lives is. Nevertheless, wizards on that time had their hatred

    with the gods. Unknowingly, one wizard attacked the mount Olympus where the

    gods lived. He stole the gods artifacts. After they discovered that their things weremissing, they could only blame the wizards for everything. At that time, hatred ruled

    the world. The gods decided to attack the Vinta. But they did not expect that the

    wizards are more prepared than they are. Wizards grew more powerful. But soon,

    they retreated for they could hear the peoples cry. In order to stop the war, the

    stealer must return the hidden artifacts that he hid throughout the world. But beforehe did this, he was killed.

    And so, the wizards and gods war continued until now. Only then it could be

    stopped if the missing artifacts were found Athilia took a deep drink from her mug

    and stood up. Well we have to move fast. The sun is rising high and bright.

    After dinner, Hepheus prepared for his things. And he is quite nervous. What if the

    guards will not let him pass through the magic world because he is a half god?

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    I prepared the forms to enroll. Come on now you two, she said.

    Where are we going to pass? asked Hepheus.

    Porting hole, answered Crane.

    Porting--Athilia covered Hepheus mouth.

    Stop asking! Better move! she slipped her hand from Hepheus mouth.

    The three of them said goodbye to Mrs. James and started to go out.

    Crane, give me the powder,

    Athilia grabbed a handful powder, began pouring it into the ground, and formed a

    big circle.

    What is that for? asked Hepheus.

    It is the porting powder. Made up of grind phoenix bone, answered Crane busy

    watching Athilia

    Finished! She cried. You two! Come inside the circle or youll be left behind!

    After that, Athilia picked a paper inside her pocket.


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    She took a match a burned the paper. She put her hand below the burning paper and

    began to gather the ashes. She spread it through the circle. And they began to spinlike a black hole.

    Aaahhh! Hepheus is the only one who shouted because it is his first time.Suddenly it stopped. Hepheus opened his eyes slowly and could see the world


    Are you all right? Crane gave him a hand.

    Thanks Hepheus grabbed his hand a nod stood up.

    Well, we are here Hepheus welcome to Vinta the magic City, "Smiled Athilia.

    Wow! Hepheus mouth swung open.

    He could see the wonderful gates of Vinta surrounded by a very large wall.

    Lets go into the entrance of the city, she said. Hepheus became much paler as

    they grew closer and closer to the gates.

    Whats up with you Hepheus? Crane asked.

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    Its justits just Im scared if they will aloud to enter a half wizard, half god.

    Oh, silly guy! The only allowed here is wizard with wizard blood. It doesnt matterif you are a half god!

    Hepheus could see no human guards, but to stone guards on each of the opposite

    sides of the gate holding their wands. They had wizard hats on their heads. On every

    face, their seems a red jewel (ruby). The other is circular and the other is diamond.

    What is that for? Asked Hepheus.

    They are blood detectors. They classify whether you are a pure blooded or a half

    blooded wizards. The two jewels will light if you are a pure blood, if only one, halfblood. They are also known as suit transformer. They transform your suit into a

    citys main dress as a sign of being a wizard and a part of this city. Athilia smiled.

    Amazing Hepheus looked within the guards as they walked nearer and nearer.

    As they lined for classification, Athilia went first. Hepheus was shocked when a

    green light beamed on her body. Then the circle gem from one of the stone guards at

    the left glowed.

    Very well, youre a half blood. Hepheus cried.

    I know! She muttered.

    The green light turned into a blue shining light. Athilias dress was now coveredwith a dark green whole dress with the word Vinta on the back and front. There is

    a logo on the left side of her dress, which says, Student and the name of the

    school, Vinta Magical Academy for wizards and witches. There is a white stripe

    on the bottom part of the dress. There is an opening behind the chest where in you

    can see the white t-shirt she wears before they entered with a white belt.

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    Crane stepped forward this time. Everything worked similarly as Athilia. Green

    light beamed out from their wand.

    But suddenly, the two jewels lit. You are pure blooded wizards!

    The green light vanished and is replaced by the blue one. His clothes were covered

    with a dark green polo shirt. The word Vinta flashed back and front of the shirt.

    With the logo the same as Athilia. His shorts turned into green slacks with the same

    white belt.

    The two of them looked at Hepheus when it is his turn. He looked paler than ever.

    Hepheus stepped forward between the two stone guards. Sweat erupted from hisface. The green light started to beam out from the tip of their wand. He could feel

    the cold sensation that pass through each of his veins.

    He closed his eyes. The cold sensation started to fail. And he felt more nervous. It

    tuned warm. He thought it means he can never enter that world. Hepheus!

    someone cried. The voice of Athilia. He started to open his eyes. He cannot see any

    light at all. But when he looked at one side, the diamond jewel lit. He looked down

    and saw his new outfit similar as Crane. Athilia gave him a thumbs up.

    The diamond flicked! she cried.

    What does it means? he asked.

    It means you are a half blood and your mother is a witch.

    If the circle lit, it is your fathers blood carries wizardry. If it is your mother, thecircle one glows. And if both glows, both of your parents are wizard and a witch.

    He stepped out from the place happily. They walked while observing all around

    them and the amazing things that surrounds.

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    We have to buy some stuff for our school. Athilia said.

    They followed her as they entered Willamette Stuffs for School

    Everything in there is magic. Books were talking to each other. Quills dance with

    their inks. Bags were sleeping. Other things were fighting, singing, playing and


    Everything moves free. The store was so crowded. The seller holds a net trying to

    catch them.

    Um excuse me. We want to buy some stuffs for school Athilia interrupted.Oh

    sorry. My things are so naughty! she laughed. What can I do for you?

    Athilia got a piece of parchment and rolled it.

    Good for you. I got many stocks here. Especially the academy bag. Totally sold out

    yesterday, she said while busy collecting the materials.

    Vinta Magical AcademyBlue/Green paper pad


    Everlasting ink

    Ink repel

    Shaper cutter

    Academy bag

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    Thirty minutes later, everything was now ready and packed. The three of them were

    exhausted looking at the fighting shape cutters.

    Thirty Viscos all in all. She asked for the payment.

    The what? asked Hepheus ignorantly.

    Visco- it is the term for the Vinta money. Athilia explained getting Viscos out

    from her pocket.

    There. Thirty Viscos, she cried and handed the money to her.

    Thanks. Come back again! she said merrily. Athilia and Crane went out the shop

    first and so, Hepheus picked up the things and went out.

    Next targetbooks. Crane smirked.

    Crane picked another scroll of paper and opened it. There were the lists of books to

    be bought for school. He observed that the lessons were quite similar to humanworld. But there are some kind of differences within the topic.

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    So many he was amazed. But I thought human subjects are not included?

    Everyone needs it. We are still human. Besides, if we graduate here, we could still

    find a good job because we also know things about humanity. Athilia answered.

    Yeah right. If you wont take those extra human subjects, it is clearly means you

    need to work in this city forever since you only knew all about wizardry. Cranesupported.

    Athilia, how much money left? he asked.

    Seventy Viscos left. She answered.

    Vinta Magical Academy-BooksWizarding topics-

    Science of wizardry


    Jinx, spells, and cursesCharms


    CreaturesEvolution, transformation


    Technology to wizardry

    Journey to the future

    World of Humanity



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    The three o them walked and passed into a whole crowd. They stooped on the

    bookshop named Sition and Tings bookshop.

    The bell rang as they opened the door. The whole shop was clearly surrounded withhundred of books on each of their wooded shelves.

    Suddenly, a woman with thick eyebrows met them as they entered. What can I

    do? she asked while chewing a gum.

    This. Crane turned out the scroll.

    Well she handed out the paper and looked at it. She picked her wand and tapped it

    three times. How many copies?

    Ahhh three copies please. Hepheus answered.

    I see, she answered back.

    The woman again tapped the paper three times. Then books went floating and

    soaring around them while others were still forcing themselves to go out from their

    shelves. One by one, they formed three columns.

    Easy as a pie. Sixty Viscos all in all. The three of them looked at each other.

    Athilia began counting the paper. Tentwentythirtyfortyfiftysixty.

    Then she handed it to the woman. They only had ten Viscos left on Athilias pocket.

    Crane tried to pick up the books. But its so heavy. He tried and tried but his

    muscles are going to surrender. The woman looked at her. She pulled her wand back

    and gave a short swish. A white mist erupted out from her wand into the pile of

    books inside the bag.

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    Go on. Pick it up! she said.

    The three of them lifted their books at the same time. It seemed like they were just

    carrying a pack of feathers.

    One by one, they went out. Crane was the last one to go out. Before his exit, the

    woman muttered.

    Easy as a pie! and she blinked at him. Crane moved faster looking disgust.

    Weird? He muttered.

    They continued to walk to their next destination. Buy Hepheus his own wand sinceAthilia and Crane already had their own.

    How many Viscos left? Asked Crane.

    Ten perfect for the wand. But dont worry. Mrs. James told me to withdrawmoney from her account.

    They stopped on the only place in Vinta that sells wands. Wands for You and Me

    Here we are. Wands for you and me. Smiled Athilia trying to remember how she

    brought her wand. We will wait here Hepheus.

    But he tried to refuse.

    GO on Easy as a pie! Crane blinked at him. He imitated the work of the woman

    minutes ago.

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    Hepheus entered silently inside the store. There were also shelves that do not

    contain the book but different kinds of wands according to the price.

    Many people were roaming around observing each of them. Hepheus wants to ask

    and tries to classify who the seller is. There was a ring bell on the cashier area.Therefore, he rang it.

    The old man who arranges the wand inside the glass fibers looked at him. He stood

    up and wiped his shirt. What can I help you? he asked. Then he smiled I guess

    wand Hepheus nodded. Come here

    He led them inside a room away from the main store. Where in a poster was pasted

    on the door with words Restricted Area. The old man opened the door for him.Where are we going? I thought--

    Shhh! I prepared something for you since you were born

    This time, Hepheus head going to pop out since he got loads of questions to ask.

    Aaahhh what do you mean? Hepheus asked.

    The old man pointed on the table beside where a name was wrote with his picture

    above the name. Hepheus went nearer to the name. It says Faustine James

    James? he asked.

    Yes, I am he answered. He pointed at the back of Hepheus. And as he looked

    back, he saw lots of frames. He was very shocked when he saw his face on one ofthe frame. Her mother! And the old man. Wherein her mither was carrying a baby. It

    was he.

    Hepheus looked back at the old man. You are myGrandfather?

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    The old man nodded and began to smile. Come here Hepheus he opened his arms

    waiting for a warm longtime hug. Hepheus could not believe everything. Everything

    her mother told him about his grandfather. He went immediately and gave him a

    very tight hug.

    You grown enough dear. And I really missed your mother.

    How did you know it was me? he asked hesitantly.

    That. He pointed on the amulet. I am the one who made the wand. Your father

    for the extra godly stuffs, and your mother worked to make them together.

    Thanks, he replied happily. He never thought his grandpa worked with a god.

    We must not waste much time. I have to entertain my costumers. You can stay here

    for the day.

    Oh no thanks. My friends are waiting outside. We still have to enroll right now.

    I see just come hear, he pulled out a very dusty box out from his cabinet. He

    wipes first the dust and opened it. It was a shiny slender wand looking very still and

    strong. This is perfect! and he handed back. Make it more useful. I can see

    something great heading your life. The piece of wood was a part of the wand I madeon your amulet. Keep it safe

    Thanks. He answered back. And they heard the bell rang.

    Oh. My costumers are going to be angry.

    By the way I need to go later. I will visit you often and I will tell mom everything.

    He smiled. The two hugged each other for the last time and went out.

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    As Hepheus went out, the two were seating on the bench beside the tree eating ice


    So, hows your reunion? Athilia asked and then smiled.

    You! he gave them a very dangerous look. Then he smiled back. I will kill you!

    Oh oh! Run! the three of them laughed and continue to run back


    Chapter Three

    The Riddle of Sphinx

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    The school was not quite far from them. They could see a very big castle ahead.

    Are you all prepared? asked Athilia.

    Prepared for what? Crane asked.

    The riddle of Sphinx! She cried.

    Oh no. We are here! There she is! she exclaimed.

    It was a very big cat with a head if a woman who blocked the gate of the school. She

    has a pair of wings and a parchment floating beside her.

    Is it okay to coach Athilia? Hepheus asked.

    A bigbig no! She is enormous! Her ear can hear half a mile if you coach. No

    cheating! That is her rule. And if you cheat, expect to be slammed on her large tail.

    Very wicked! Hepheus added.

    Shes beautiful! Crane interrupted.

    We have a deal, zip it! Athilia exclaimed angrily.

    She really is different from other sphinx. The real sphinx does not have any wingsor parchment! He added.

    Well I just wanted to say good luck! She complimented

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    Im not good at riddles!

    Be sure to answer her or itll be worst! Athilia looked at the sphinx who rarely

    staring at them. The sphinx will give us three riddles each. You need to answer

    them! This will classify your thinking skills under three groups. A, B and C. if youcould answer them completely, you will be under house or castle A. please answer it

    perfectly so we can be together at the same house. Just think twice or thrice before

    you answer. If you skip the riddle, expect the harder one.

    Im ready! Hepheus said bravely.

    Maybe me too. He said hesitantly.

    He riddles are life connected. Think about your likes, dislikes special moments,

    past, present and future. She explained.

    Now that they are ready, they began to step forward.

    The sphinx smiled at them dangerously and spoke.

    I will give you three questions

    For your classifications.

    Think and analyze deeper

    For my questions are very bitter.

    The first one will step forward.

    Be courageous and do not be coward.

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    Athilia stepped forward eagerly and prepared herself as the sphinx gave her riddle.

    So simple I will give it to you,

    Think twice for the given clue.

    Their blood is different from others,

    They have their natural powers.

    Athilia smiled. My answer is Wizards and witches.

    Good! she replied.

    Known for their wild and tratorness,

    Death will come an hour more or less.

    Sign of death and evil

    An animal hard to kill.

    Athilia was intelligent and clever. She went back to the past and remembered that

    she nearly died because of the venom of the

    She got it! But she need to think twice.

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    Many animals tare known to be wild or traitor she whispered to herself.

    Death will come an hour more or less clearly does venomous she sighed. Sign

    of death and evil hard to kill right! I am sure! Snake!

    Wow! Go for it Athilia! Crane supported.

    That is good! Hepheus said.

    An animal sign of wit and cleverness,

    Having claw wit her prowess

    Having different furs,

    Does not whimpers but purrs.

    Isnt it obvious the answer is cat?

    The sphinx touched the parchment floating in front of her. It glowed and a letter A

    flashed on it. Athilia passed her test. She was so happy that she belonged to the

    highest ranked house.

    Crane went next hesitantly.

    "I don't thonk i can do this," he muttered.

    An animal just like as squid,

    An animal bigger than the pig.

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    Also known as the sea monster,

    Tentacles run underwater.

    "Tentacles? not a squid... but just like a squid... sea monster, maybe a whale or

    shark...but it has tentacles?" Crane scratched his head. He remembered what Athilia

    said 'the sphinx will ask questions from your past, future and present....

    Crane thinked and focused on water. He remembered that everytime they go to the

    ocean parks, he hate to eat ..."Right! An animal with tentacles. Bigger than the

    squid! It's an Octopus!"

    You cannot touch but you can feel

    It surrouds you even on the highest hill.

    Sometimes warm sometimes cold,

    No shape and size as i have told.

    "Can't touch, what on Earth cannot be touch-- Crane looked above. "Wait a second.You can't touch but you can feel... sometimes warm sometimes cold...and no

    shape..." then he gasped as a cold breeze passedthrough. "Yes. I knew it! Air"

    The sphinx continued...

    Two mountains stood on my face,

    Your naked eyes cannot see you in their place

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    You can touch but you cannot see,

    Look at the mirror and you will see.

    "Eyebrows!" Crane answered quickly. He blinked at Hepheus. "My eyebrows were

    burned during my fifth birthday because of the candle i blowed"

    "Nice try young man..."She muttered. And she touched the piece of parchment and

    the letter A went flashed out from it.

    Now Athilia and Crane are on house A, it' his turn to step forward.

    The sphinx gazed on his amulet before he told the riddle.

    High above you can see,

    Bright with caresss and free.

    They came in billions.

    Just like as many rebellions.

    Hepheus looked above. He can see the sun and clouds above him.

    "They came in billions, no...Definitely no... The sun is only one-" then he paused

    And the sun is a... star... which came in billions" Hepheus smiled with delight.

    "I knew it. The answer is Stars."

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    You can touch and you can see,

    But as you touch it goes free.

    No proper shape to harm,

    You need to boil to make it warm.

    The simplest clue is on t

    The most simples clue is on the second sentence. 'But as you touch, it goes free.'

    Hepheus began to thinkhe second line. But as you touch it goes free. He thinks ofother else that when you touch it goes free. Yes! It can be touched and definitely

    can be seen. No proper size and et it is needed to be boiled to warm it, he

    muttered. I knew it! Water! WATER!

    Athilia and Crane clapped their hands glamorously. One more question Hepheus!

    And well be on the same house! he cried.

    You close me, I open you.

    Here I come to free you.

    I open various secrets.

    Answer me if you do not want to regret!

    Oh oh! That is what he thought. The riddle is quite hard since the clues were

    nowhere to be guessed. He looked back at the sphinx that is staring to be angry with

    them since her beautiful riddles were totally been answered.

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    He looked back at the two. Athilia managed to shake her head and raised her

    elbows. Crane on the other hand was gritting his teeth and raising his eyebrows.

    For minutes that passed. He think every for every words on the riddle which were

    always flashed on the scroll before the sphinx reveals the house you belong.

    There is only one thing that could save Hepheus. That is to skip it

    Five minutes that passed, Hepheus continued to think deeper. Nothing comes out.

    He is completely hopeless. What would he do? Answer the riddle even though if it

    will be wrong he will turn out to house B or C or just skip the riddle and try theharder one. I would likely to skip your riddle! he cried.

    Hmmm then, the sphinx tried to touch the scroll. There was an italic words

    flashed KEY

    No Hepheus! You are making it worst! she cried.

    You wicked sphinx! Crane backed up angrily.

    The sphinx laughed and laughed. Then she cleared her throat and started again.

    Makes you a very good song,

    Underwater where they usually belong.

    Very beautiful if you will see,

    But when angry, very ugly as can be.

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    Hepheus knew this is much better than the other one. Concentrate is the only thing

    on his mind. Ignoring the cheers and the jeers of the two.

    He was thinking what creature underwater creates a very good song. Very beautiful

    but ugly when angry.

    Suddenly he laughed, How could there be a creature underwater that sings! How


    He was thinking that if the creature she was talking about was neither a fish nor any

    other else, then it would be some kind of a mythical.

    He looked down at the sphinx body. If there is a creature here that has the body ofa lion and a head of a woman, then there could be any other else He thanked for

    his past and present. The only mythical he encountered were the centaurs and other

    else he found out on the gods camp. It means underwater. What if I mix a half

    human and a half fish? he thanked.

    The story of The Little Mermaid swooped into his head.

    Mermaids is the only underwater mythical creature he knew. No matter what

    happens, no matter what house I may belong, we still are on the same school.

    Hepheus bowed his head. MERMAIDSmy answer is mermaids,

    With their astonishment, she stood up. I could feel your courage as you answered it

    boy. But remember to bring on your courage from now till the end. For I can see adevastating war ahead. And only courage can save everything. Then she touched

    the parchment. As it glowed, the golden letter A flashed.

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    His heart was filled with joy and happiness. Athilia and Crane were shouting and


    The two of them hugged him tightly. The sphinx move aside.

    You are now free to go to your house. She whispered.

    We have to move on! Classes started yesterday! she reminded them.

    They walked faster through the brick way.

    You seemed to be quite when the sphinx told you about the courage you need to

    take. Crane interrupted.

    Its just-ohnever mind. He said and Crane nodded.

    Sphinxes do not exactly lies. She inserted.

    She seems like one. Her face looks scary and weird. Although cute. By the way, I

    missed Lorraine.

    Lorraine is Cranes wildcat. White in color and has a stout tail. The most odd about

    this cat is having blue and green eyes.

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    The three of them laughed. No ones going to feed her! Because mother hates her.

    She is planning to kill her though. Maybe when we get home youll never see her


    Chapter Four

    The House A

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    The three of then stopped at the center of the road. There stood a wella

    wishing well.

    There were three individual castles made out of jointed stones. Five ways

    connect five large doors.

    Crane, can you lend me one visco from my bag please. Athilia ordered.Crane dropped the bag stubbornly on the ground.

    Hey! I put my mirror in there! she shouted angrily.

    Well, why just you get your visco out there! he answered.

    Can you just please relax, I will be the one to get the visco okay. Cried

    Hepheus. Athilia nodded. He opened the smallest pocket from her bag and

    gets one golden visco coin.

    Make it three for each of us. She ordered.

    There. Athilia, is this gonna work? he asked. She distributed the coins.

    Come and follow me to the well. She said.

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    Hepheus looked down on it. The well is really that deep that could reach

    more than fifteen feet. The thing making it much nicer is that it glows


    Hold on your visco and put them near your heart. Close your eyes and

    make a wish. Then throw them into the water she explained how to make a

    wish on the wishing well.

    Each of them hold the coins tightly and did what she just told them.

    I wish to eat chocolate cake! Crane wished loudly.

    Shhh! We are making our wish in here! Hepheus scolded him.

    I wish to be an honor student in this school, She whispered.

    I wish to have much courage as what the sphinx said he curled his fingers

    tightly. He opened his eyes and looked at them. The two were obviously

    waiting for him.

    Okay ready...and throw! one at the time, they throw each of their coins in

    the well.

    With their astonishment, a group of orange fishes with a blue angel like

    wings swooshed out from the water and started to compete.

    What are they? He shrieked.

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    They are fish pixies. They are the one who grants our wishes and ---.

    paused Athilia as a fish pixie flew across them towards the house A.

    Where is it going to? he asked.

    Dunno. Crane answered.

    Its nearly noon. We have to move faster! she reminded.

    Yup! We have to catch the lunch! Crane added.

    Come on Crane

    They grabbed again all their stuffs and continued to walk.

    Now what road do we need to take?

    In the middlethe house A. she answered.

    Athilia always did to lead the way. Along the end of the road stood a large

    door of the tallest tower. And on the peak of the roof stood a red flag withletter A on it.

    We are here. She said looking at the door. Suddenly, Crane knocked hardly.

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    Crane! You are just wasting your time! It wont open! Athilia scolded


    Now what will we do! Stand here and wait till anyone comes out?

    Out of the way! Athilia picked her wand out from her pocket.

    Wimerania! she shouted. The door creaked open. See! she looked atCrane arrogantly.

    How did you know the password? Hepheus asked hesitantly.

    Look at the parchment on the side of the door near the torch. Gaze on the

    bottom part of the letter A

    What! I cant see--- wait a minute words flashed out from the


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    Wow! Amazing isnt it. Hepheus was really done amazed.

    Only qualified house A can see them. I told you its in the parchment. You

    are not using your own senses!

    I am not that---.

    Please! The door is open! Can you just stop arguing for such useless thing!

    Athilia stared at him with jaws swung open. Eh, I mean a very useful


    They entered the door silently. The castle was big in the inside. A very large

    table stood on the center.

    A spiral staircase surrounds the wall with lots of doors.

    Vinta: APassword: Wimerania

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    Hello. An old woman greeted them. Maybe at the age of fifty.

    Ahhhwe are the new transferees. Hepheus answered.

    Well then you are late for about a day. Before I will lead you to your

    rooms, may I introduce my self, I am Bolivia R. Clemton. I am the facilitator

    of this house.

    Can I ask you something, Hepheus interrupted.

    Sure deargo, she said politely.

    Where are the rooms for classes? he asked.

    Oh. At the caste-room. This house is for your study and resting.

    Now dont ask more questions. Come and follow me. I will lead you to

    your rooms.

    They followed the house facilitator. They stooped on an empty chair withloads of files. She grabbed a chair and sat. She began to scan some papers.

    Guess you answered the riddles perfectly. Athilia nodded. There you

    are. She pulled a parchment. Come on girl. She called Athilia. They

    lined for a kind of registration.

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    Athilia Lenburg,


    Eleven Clemton signed the paper and placed it above the piles on her side

    full of keys. Room 114 girl she lends the keys to her. Next! Crane

    stepped on.


    Crane Thomas,


    Eleven, she did the same as what for Athilia. She signed down the paper

    and picked up the key. Room 115

    It seems Hepheus turn. He stepped forward.


    Hepheus James, before the next question, she stared at his amulet. She got

    her eyeglasses and stared back.

    Ahhh age please! but she keeps staring at it.

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    Eleven to cut the attention, Hepheus picked his amulet and put it on his


    Eh- right! Room 116 she begun to talk.

    Hepheus grabbed his things and walked through the spiral staircase. He

    could see Crane inserting the key to the lock of the door.


    Your room just next to me Hepheus! shouted Crane.

    Yeah, I know, Hepheus walked faster. As he reached his room, he took his

    key and opened the door.

    The room was so wide. It seems like a five-star hotel. As he lifted his books,

    it turned heavy again. The spell, which is casted by the books seller, lost its


    Therefore, instead of lifting it, he dragged the books. He grabbed it one by

    one and arranged it. He jumped into his soft and bouncy bedroom.

    Before he could sleep or rest, a very loud bell rang on the whole tower.

    Hepheus begun to shriek as he thought the castle is on fire.

    Who was that? he opened his door and saw students rushed into the big

    table on the center.

    Hey Hepheus! it was Athilia.

    Its lunch time! added Crane.

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    The three of them walked through the spiral staircase going down to the

    great table. All of the students were staring at them. All of them were


    On the end of the stair stood Mrs. Clemton. Lunch time dears! she smiled

    and led them to a blank space chair.

    Before you eat your lunch, may I introduce to you our new transferees?

    They are---she stopped and looked at a boy with a dark hair and has

    eyeglass that is sleeping in the table. Mr. Jeremy! Its still noon! Not

    night! and the boy straightened up.

    Lets go back to the transferees, Ms. Athilia Lenburg, Mr. Crane Thomas,

    and Mr. Hepheus James. The three of them stood up and bowed to others.

    Well, let us begin our lunch. The door opened. Fairies were lining up

    bringing foods. They placed the foods in the center.

    The plates and utensils were floating and swoop down in each student.

    Food- Fairies! Open the foods! She shouted.

    The fairies swoop down and opened the foods. Fruits, deserts, soups, meats,

    chicken and other more flashed on the table.

    Students were getting their foods. Various hands were crossing around thetable. Cranes plate was clean.

    I thought you were hungry! asked Hepheus while eating a grilled chicken.

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    Then, everyone paused when a fish-pixie soared on the table and landed on

    Cranes plate.

    My favorite! shouted Crane with a delightful face. Everyone was looking

    at him. What are you looking at? If you want some, how about make a wish

    on the well? Crane said with a mouth full of cakes. Then the student began

    to move.

    After the lunch, they headed to their rooms; Crane hurriedly went to his

    room. And when he came back, he brought a plastic cellophane and began to

    wrap the half of his cake. Reserve for the next. In addition, he went back

    to his room.

    Mrs. Clemton headed towards Athilia and Hepheus. Wheres Crane?

    Hes in his room. Finishing his cake, answered Hepheus.

    Prior to that! You should prepare for now. An hour later, you will have

    started your classes. Hereyour schedules.

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    Mrs. Clemton handed them a piece of parchment.

    Mam, can I ask you the differences of each houses? asked Hepheus.

    As what you knew, the Sphinx classifies the students to their houses. House

    A has more subjects than House B or C. And that makes the students in

    House a more intelligent.

    Then Crane was rushing from his room to Mrs. Clemton.

    Professor- can- I- ask- you- where- is- the- C.R.I- want to- POOP! headded.

    Crane! Your room has C.R! answered Athilia.

    Vinta Magical AcademyHouse A Students Schedule7:30-8:30-Trasformation and evolution8:30-9:30-Study of Creatures9:30-9:40-Break9:40-10:30-Study for Economy10:30-11:30-Humanitarian A11:30-1:00-Noon Break1:00-2:30-Transformation and Evolution2:30-3:30-Humanitarian B2:30-5:00-World of Magic

    jinx, spells and cursescharms

    5:00-6:00-Journey to the Future

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    Oh, right! Your room has no comfort room. It was still under repair. She


    No! Stupid room! Wrong place at the wrong time! Hepheus! Can I use


    Sure why not! and Crane began rushing again to the spiral staircase.

    And be fast! We only have five minutes left! Hepheus shouted and began


    Chapter Five

    New Lessons

    Five minutes later, Crane went out of the room. Athilia and Hepheus were

    waiting on the chair near the dining table.

    "Feels comfortable," said Crane

    "You disgust!" She added.

    "Better prepare our things, Transformation and evolution is next to go." he


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    They walked together through the spiral stircase. Athilia stooped on the next

    door from her. The two went up to room 116 where Hepheus lodge

    Hepheus took his academy bag. He picked. his things one by one. That

    includes the blue paper pad, pen, everlasting ink, ink repel, and the shape


    Then he walked towards the pile of books, pulled of the book entitled,

    Transformation and Evolution 1.

    Someone knocked on the door...

    "Hepheus, We have to go!" She shouted behind.

    "Coming!"He answered. He pulled on his bag on his shoulders and grabbed

    the door's key.

    Hepheus opened the door. There stood Athilia and Crane. Before they

    walked down, the sleepy boy during the lunch greeted them.

    "Hello, can I join your group? "He asked politely.

    "Certainly. " Hepheus answered back.

    "By the way I'm Boudouin Jeremy."

    "Bou- what? " Crane interrupted.

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    "Boudouin as in Bow-dow-win. " he answered.

    "Rare name huh! Crane muttered.

    "Well, I knew you three. Mrs. Clemton told us just a minute a go. "

    "Right. " Athilia sighed.

    They walked down through the spirall staircase And went out from the

    house. They let Boudouin ledge the way to their next subject.

    Boudouin ledge them to the fifth road. And there stooD a three storey

    building near the house C.

    "Here we are. The caste rooms. Each layer or storey is provided for each of

    the houses. On the top, that's ours. On the middle mid for Both, and you

    know what the bottom bottom is.

    They were now on the front of the caste rooms. There was a big circle made

    out of porting powders. Students were rushing this time. Beside the circle

    stood three large boxes narked with A, B and C. Each of this boxes contains


    The porting powder only works with the ashes from a burned paper with tH

    place you wanted.

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    The four of them grabbed a handful of this ashes. They entered the circle and

    spread them around.

    Then they began to wurl. And seconds later, they are now on the first floor.

    Eight doors surrounded the whole room. Rach of them were labelled

    according to their subjects.

    "There! Transformation and Evolution room." Crane exclaimed. And

    Boudouin opened the door. The whole class seemed to be their for how

    many minutes. The room was very noisy. Chatting, playing and singing

    made the atmosphere very crowded.

    It was really unusual. It is surrounded by skeleton and cages of animals.

    Boudouin led them to their sits. Beside Athilia sat a girl. Crane was on the

    middle, and Hepheus is between Crane and Boudouin.

    The girl beside Athilia is a whie girl with curly blond hair. She smiled at


    "Hello. I'm Primrose Russell Guinevere. And you?" she asked. Athilia never

    saw the girl during the lunch.

    "Oh, I'm Athilia Lenburg. This is my cousin, Crane Thomas, and my friend,

    Hepheus James." The two of them smiled back at her.

    "Nice meeting you all." Primrose said. Then the door opened. The class

    settled as their teacher entered.

    "Good morning students!" She greeted gorgeously.

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    "Good morning Proffesor Ilario,"The whole class answered back except for

    the three.

    "As what madam Clemton just told me, there were new students here. I

    would like to request tyem to stand up for further identification." She

    pleaded. The three of them stand up shyly as the whole class gazed at them

    completely. "Names?"

    "Athilia Lenburg," and she sat back.

    "Hi, its Crane Thomas,"

    "I'm Hepheus James," lastly he sat back.

    "And I am proffessor Hillary Ilario." Then she picked ip her book."Open

    your books on page three."

    The whole class pulled out their books and opened them.

    "Today, we are going to discuss about the fish pixies' evolution. Read it

    quietly for ten minutes.

    The class ended up at nearly two thirty in the afternoon. Proffessor Ilario

    gave them assignments to search on the library.

    'Look for the kinds of fish pixies and their deffinitions. Write your answers

    on a one whole sheet of paper.'

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    Wyen proffessor Ilario went out, students were still rushing. Some entered

    on the next room for the next subject, the world of magic: Jinx,spells and

    curses. On the other hand, Hepheus and Crane were lining with the students

    who are going out of the buliding. "Athilia, reserve two sits for us. We need

    to go back to the tower. We left our books," then Athilia gave them a thumbs


    Crane immidietly grabbed a handful of ashes on the box A.

    As they went out from the caste rooms, students were rushing elsewheremoving to each of their houses. "Wimerania!" Hepheus cried while panting.

    And tht door creacked open.

    The tower was really silent since its only the two of them returned. They ran

    quickly on the spiral staircase and opened each of their compartments

    without any hesitants. Hepheus heared Crane's key fell into the stairs three

    staircases apart. "Not now!" He tried to went another staircase since it rolled


    On the other hand, Hepheus was inside his room and quickly grabbed the

    student's schedule on his desk. He went closer to the pile of books beside the

    bed. "Jinx...spells and...here," he pulled the green book and looked back to

    his schedules."Charms, where the heck is you," He searched elsewhere. But

    the book isn'nt there already. "What! I just read you last night!...oh right.

    under my pillow." he pulled back the orange pillow and grabbed the purple

    book embarked with a medieval aged font.

    Someone knocked on the door. "Who's that?" he asked inserting the book on

    his academy bag.

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    "Its Crane"He said lazilly. And he opened the door.

    "Right. All packed."he muttered."Lets go."

    While moving downward, they heard a moan."Did you heared thet?" Crane


    "Yup. But i never heared anyone about ghosts here." he answered.

    "Why just we go back up stairs." he said bravely.

    "But we are late!" he hesitated."Fine, come on then."

    They moved back from the spiral staircase and saw a boy crying and sat near

    the one fiftieth room.

    "Hey whats up!"Hepheus greeted him with a very friendful face altgough

    started to panick since time is running out.

    "What happened?" Craned asked.

    "No...nothing. I just...I just--- then he sobbed." Lost my key and left mybook for the next subject."

    "Well, Im very sorry about that. But you can share my book for the mean

    time. And we will help you search your missing key." Hepheus gave him a


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    "Hepheus is right. Since that is not an easy problem."

    "But how?" asked the boy.

    "Fish pixies!" he cried knowledgeably.

    "Now lets go or they will end the lessons." They hurried down the caste


    "By the way, whats your name?" Crane asked urgently while panting.

    "I'm Yehudy Tyler Woodrow." answred the boy named Yehudy a bit taller

    than Crane with a shaggy typed hair.

    They reached the entrance of the third floor of the caste rooms. But the room

    was entirely silent. "We are totally doomed!" Crane cried and slowly

    clutched the door nob and opened it with hands shaking and heart beating


    Everyone looked at them. And a short curly haired Professor went towards

    them. "Where have you been Mr. Woodrow and...boys?"

    "We went back into the tower to get our books sir." Yehudy explained withface turning red.

    "Well,it seems you are late for about seven minutes...sit down."

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    There were three more spaces at the end beside Athilia along with Primrose

    and Boudouin. Crane sat beside her while she looked at him anxiously.

    Hepheus and Yehudy sat beside Crane for the reason that Hepheus will share

    his books to Yehudy.

    "What took you so long?" She asked while copying the words on the board.

    "Non of your business Athiia," Crane answered."By the way, whats her

    name?"He added reffering to the professor.

    "Professor Finolla Tyler." She answered back.

    They hurried to copy. Everyone focused on the board than listening to her.

    They copied everything about the spells for bad person. This includes the

    locking spell Athilia used on the Headmasters office.

    Minutes later, everyone felt exhausted. Students tried to shake their hands

    because of the numbness.

    She continued on discussing everything until such time she paused."I want

    to call on the two boys who were late along with Yehudy moments ago."

    Crane and Hepheus were in total panick. All they have to do is to stand up

    and to do what she will tell. "All you have to do is to perform the flying spell

    without using words." she cleared it out.

    "Without using words?" Crane cried panickly.

    "Oh no," he seconded nervously.

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    "Yup. No words. Each of you must have different techniques." She added.

    Everyone were laughing as the two of tgem swung their mouth open.

    "Okay,i will do it first." Crane pulled his wand into his pocket. But then, the

    professor again interrupted.

    "Always remenber to use your wand as an extention of your soul. It will

    cooperate everything your mind is working. Now do it you two."

    Crane stepped forward. He looked around first and gazed at the book on the

    table. He darted his wand and focused. One at a time, he moved his wand

    backward,swished and flicked.

    The book snapped and flew a few inches. Everyone were really amazed.

    Then Athilia cried."Yeah, thats my cousin."

    "Very good Mr..."

    "Thomas...Crane Thomas." he answed back proudly and went back to his sit.

    "Now its your turn boy." Professor Tyler told Hepheus.

    "I dont think i can do this." he muttered and stepped forward.

    He did a very deep breath and tried to think everything about levitation. One

    thing that goes i to his mind is the moment everytime her mother levitates

    him out of his bed. One thing is for sure. Her mother never did any verbal

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    spells. 'Right' this is what he thought. Go back to each of his memories

    everytime her mother snaps and claps, a cold wind will lush under his spines

    and started to float. He looked at the book Crane just levitated a while ago.

    He closed his eyes and focused on the books identity. And as he opened his

    eyes, he did a snap three times and a clap one time. There was a pause.

    Nothing happened.

    Suddenly,everyone laughed. How ridiculous. Very questionable. He stand

    frozen in front of the class. He thinked maybe her mother is a professional

    one. There was a slight wind that snaps him back in his mind.

    "Focus Mr..." she snaps. Hepheus closed his eyes. Theres one more thing.

    The moment of his eight birthday. The day when her mother performed amagical show. There was a flash back of conversation. 'Hepheus, every thing

    has magic. Since my best move is levitation, i will give you a small

    discussion. Everything has their own fix point' her mother told him. 'Fix

    point?' he asked. 'Fix point. Just like a puppet that was controlled by a string

    connected on the toes, fingers and any other movable parts. They are our fix

    points. You need to balance them in order to creat a harmonious fly.'

    The first thing he need to do is to find the fix point of the book. He thinked

    for about a minute still not sure if those edges of the book were the fix point.

    The professor seemed bored.

    "Well I think you have eaten the time boy. Just go back to your---"

    "I'm ready." he defended. And he opened his palm with the fingers darted to

    the fore eight back to back edges of the book. He closed his eyelids tightlyand focused on the image of the book. He let his arms to move upward in a

    very slow motion.

    Everyone suddenly clapped their hands. "Very good! You made it then.

    Exellent job. You may open your eyes."

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    Hepheus peeped a little. The book was out of the table. His hands were

    levelled on his shoulders. His eyes bulged as he saw the book stucked on the

    ceiling. Suddenly,all the energy from his hands were like washed out. The

    book fell straightly on the tiles. Pages flapped as it crumpled. "Sorry..."

    Professor Tyler gave him a smile."You may now sit down." He moved his

    frozen legs fastly and went back to his sit.

    "Wow. That was incredible." Yehudy and the rest were amazed.

    Professor Tyler tapped the desk and everyone fell silent again."That

    technique is used by the fourth years as a training for their final acts in order

    to gradute. So i guess you learned it from your mother then...Mr..."

    "Hepheus James sir. Ahh...yes. I learned it from her." He defended back. He

    felt all his blood rushed into his cheeks.

    The class ended happily where everyone congratulated Crane and Hepheus.

    As tyey went out, fourth year students went out from the 'charms' room,

    third year students went out from the 'transfiguration and Evolution' and

    second years from the 'wizarding history'. Totally means that year level

    students were on a tight schedule.

    Well,it really was crowded egen though the room was quite large. Hepheus

    looked at his schedules and told everyone that Journey to the Future is the

    next stop.

    On the other hand, Yehudy seems relieved as he discovered that the book for

    the next subject was on the bag.

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    They all settled down on the dark room embarked with lots of paintings and

    orbs. There was a very large mechanical model of the solar system. The

    sitting formation did not change.

    Minutes lately, the class started. "Once again, I'm profssor Olge Morris for

    those new transrerries". She is a tall woman with a slight bushy hair with

    thin eyebrows. "Today, we will have to learn all about tarot reading." She

    pulled the deck of cards on her pocket."Tarot is a fortune telling technique

    ensembled with twenty two illustrative cards that resembles something." she

    scrambled them and arranged it neatly on the desk. "Open your books on

    page five. There you will see the definition of the cards. One by one, you

    will go in front of here and pick four."

    The first student rise up from the front left. Crane muttered angrily knowing

    that this would take time.

    Fourty five minutes lately, It was Boudouin's turn. He went into the front

    and chose the cards with a book, heart with wings, key and a sword. It took

    thirty seconds for him to memorize the card and went back to his sit.

    He scanned the pages of the book for the deffinitions. Hepheus was busy

    reading the deffinitions of each card while others were helping Primrose for

    the meanings of her cards.

    Now it was Athilia's turn. She moved faster since she is relly been exited all

    the time. She got the card with a book, an arrow, a triangular road that has

    wings with something heart above it and a rose that has queastion marks on

    each sides.

    Crane followed emmidietly. And when he went back, he frowned. He got the

    cards with an arrow, a rose with the question marks, a haert pierced by an

    arrow and a golden trophy."I knew what thus heart means,...i am brocken

    hearted!" he exclaimed. Everybody giggled and laughed.

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    It was atlast his turn. He felt his heart sinked as it thuds fastly.

    Twenty two cards were arranged neatly on the desk. Hephues began to pick

    the middle one, the second from the left card,the eight one from the right,

    and the most bottom one.

    The cards flew ten inches above the desk and spun fastly. The cards were

    now revealed. The first card is a black man with hood,an arrow just like the

    others, a rose with question marks and the road of heart the same with


    He went back to his sit. It was Yehudy's turn. Hepheus settled qnd opened

    the book. He scanned the fifth page and started to look for the meaning.


    This card symbolizes death from a tragedy. You can escape. Unless you

    got loads of courage. Always be courageous anytime anywhere.

    His heart thud as he heard again the word courage since he heard it a

    hundred times. Accompanied with the phrase, death from a trafedy. Sweat

    came falling down. He skipped thinking about the card and searched for the



    This card means adventure

    Tte very short meaning mades it understandable. He knows that theres an

    adventure ahead.

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    This card means there is a mystery ahead that needs much attention.

    He frowned back as he realized that the first three cards were really bad. So

    he scanned for the next one.


    This card means it takes years to search for your one real love.

    "Uhh. Disgusting." he muttered.

    Some students were happy and some were angry. So tyen the class ended


    As they entered to the last subject, Charms, students were still discussing

    about their tarots making the professor to be angry.

    "What is his name?" Crane asked Primrose.

    "Oh, professor Edmond Dirk." she answered.

    "I dont care what your tarots are. Before we discuss another topic, you must

    copy the rules in handling charms." he said angrily.

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    He pulled out a four pieces back to back paper. "Copy this within my

    subject." and he picked a dark blue chalk from the case and started.

    Everybody moaned. "Not again."

    "I really hate copying you know," Boudouin muttered.

    "Yup. I better prefer reading tarots than this." Primrose added searching for

    her pen.

    Everyone complained when the color of the chalk did not complemented onthe board that it turned out very hard to read. Professor dirk opened the chalk

    case. A yellow chalk pop out into his hands and continued.

    The class ended ten minuted before time. All of them stretched their fingers.

    "Wish that was the last one to copy" Hepheus muttered returning all his


    All of them went out from the room. The six of them went together this

    time."Hey guys,would you mind helping Yehudy search his room key?" said


    "Why not." Athilia added. And Yehudy smiled with delight...

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    Chapter Six

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    Yehudy's Missing Key

    As they went out from the caste rooms, they headed forth to the wishing

    well. Students were having their line bringing each of their Viscos.

    "I forgot. We still dont have any money for our wish." Crane reminded


    Right. Go on. Back to the castle." Athilia ordered.

    "Hey, but the I dont have the money?" he defended angrily.

    "I will give you my key and go,disperse!" she insukted back and gave the

    key to Crane stubbornly."And oh! Kindly bring my bag on my room.

    Thanks." Crane sighed and pulled the bag.

    The five of them were still lining on a bunch of students.

    There were fish pixies flew out every where creating an explosion

    elsewhere. It turned out into things and creatures.

    Crane came back three minutes later panting. There was a golden coin on his

    palm. Five students to go before its their turn. The sun is setting. The

    surrounding gets darker and colder. Everybody where bored hearing the

    crazy wishes of the students. The worst thing of all is that they were still

    clutching their academy bags except for Crane and Athilia.

    Ten minutes later, two more students. The first one was crying as though

    someone just died. She threw the golden Visco on the water.

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    She did one step forward. And a fish pixie pop out from the water. It explode

    silently on the ground. There flicked a plant with a very big red flower. It

    seems this was the biggest flower they ever saw.

    "What are they?" Hepheus asked.

    "They are clooting rellets. They sends letter just like a porting hole. Mutated

    rufflesia flower and anthorium plant.Engage with gene culture with the help

    of a specialized powders for transporting things out from its bud. You must

    have a connection with the one you are sending. They also must have

    clooting rellets." Athilia explained thoroughly.

    "I wish mom also planted that one at home so that I can send letters,"

    Hepheus muttered.

    "Yes she did! She let us see their some seeds. And maybe it was matured


    "I forgot. We will plant those thing tomorrow morning on the world of

    wizarding plants." Primrose added when the girl scoops the pot and went out


    "So if we will plant it tomorrow, then why does she need to wish for a

    clooting rellet?" Crane asked stubbornly.

    "Because only the house A has the plant subject. The higher the house you

    belong, the more you got subjects." and tyey looked back at the girl which

    entered on the house C."See,told you."


    Now as they looked back, the boy next to them was finish wishing. Yehudy

    stepped forward. Athilia gave her the golden coin. And he


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    He did the traditional way of wishing. He clutched the coin tightly and

    placed it near the chest and closed his eyes. They knew for sure what

    Yehudy will wish. To find his missing key.

    Yehudy opened his eyes and dropped the coin into the glowing well. And as

    usual, fish pixies began to compete for one. And who ever gets it will grabt

    the wish.

    After the fish pixies stoppd wriggling on each other, A big one swooped

    above them."Come on! follow the fish! It will lead us my your key!"Yehudyexclaimed. Then they ran as fast as they can to catch up the fish.

    "Where do you think will it go through?" Crane ask catching some breath.

    "Dunno either." Primrose answered clutching her shoulder bag styled

    academy bag.

    The fish was heading to the second road from the right.And as they looked

    forward to the road,the shortest tower stood where a blue flag stood on the

    top of the tower making C.

    "Oh no." Yehudy moaned as they stood still in front of the castle.

    "How could it be?" Crane added looking much despaired.

    "What shall we do? We can't enter inside that castle. We have no idea what

    their password is." Primrose reminded them hastily while panting.

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    They did not catch up the fish pixie, instead,it glided on the large door like a


    "I guess the only thing we can do is to wait for the fish pixie with the key."

    Boudouin sighed.

    Suddenly,there was a large bang on one of the windows of the castle. With

    their astonishment, the fat fish ,pixie went out from the window and

    exploded just like that.

    "What happened!?" Crane exclaimed.

    "I knew it! This must not happen again.!" and Athilia pulled her wand.

    "The what?" Hepheus interrupted as he catch the exploded pieces of the fish


    "Someone used the fish pixie repellant! Estimate from the third year group.

    That was their lesson." Primrose answered.

    "Good point. So it means that there is someone in that tower that protects the

    key from the fish pixie." Yehudy turned much angrier this time.

    "Why are they protecting it? I mean why would they stole it. You

    know,everyone of us has key. And they cant make use of it since they do nothave the password.

    "Wait. Yehudy," everyone looked at him. "Have you gone at any fight or

    something that someone would like to have a revenge on you?"

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    "Wait. I only did remember something...yesterday at the canteen, I

    accidentally fell the sauce into the floor. And someone was slide and...he

    looked at me dangerously with the rest of his gang. Well, I let my key hung

    freely on my academy bag."

    "Thats the one!" Crane added.

    "Crane,use this coin and wish back to the well as fast as you can. You may

    accompany Boudouin and Primrose." Hepheus gave the coin which is a part

    of his allowance. "Now for tye rest of us,we need to think some protective

    spells for the pixie."

    "Thanks Hepheus,tyat was a good idea." Yehudy complemented.

    "I knew one spell. Although it seems a little bit weak." Athilia interrupted.

    "What is it,it may help."

    "Bondero" she answered back.

    "So we now had one. Hey, maybe its on the book. Check out for the Spells."

    "I got one. I just borrow it from Steff,my new friend. Although it was just an

    wizard encyclopedia." She scanned everything inside his academy bag.

    A medium size book engraved with Lion Marks Encyclopedia for Magic and

    Wizardry. And she started to look for the index."Here,look at this. Page one

    ninety nine to page two twenty. With the words written on it.

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    Protecting spells are the one most useful spells around the world. They

    are used to protect important things or even life. Some of tye basic spells


    BONDERO- spells to protect small things. example, pendants and watches.

    EQUIRONIA- unlike the bondero spell,it also protects liquid and gas. That

    includes preventing the ice to melt down.

    SILLIO- a spell that protects some locks or lockets and make it more harder

    to open and seal.

    MOMANTUS- this spell includes protecting larger things. Just like

    human,animals and things.

    Here are some of the most strongest protecting spells are;

    MOMANTUS MIAXIMOS- this spell could protect yor houses and larger


    EXPANDO PROTECTOMUS- this is the most powerful and prominent

    protecting spell. It could shield or as a barrier of a whole and much larger.

    Note: It could only be done when wands work together. The larger the space

    you consumes, the much effort it does.

    "This is it!" Athilia cried.

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    "Here it comes, the fish pixie!" Crane shouted meters away from them

    panting while following the fish.

    "We have to read all this spells together. Wnds up! in a count of three.

    One...two...three!" Athilia laid the book high so that others can read.

    "Bondero!...(a green light flashed)...Equironia!...Sillio!...Momantus!"

    Hepheus stopped. Some of the students gathered up."Ready for the powerful

    ones...lets continue!"They joined their force together again. "Momantus

    Miaximus!(and a blue light flashed)...Expando Protectomus!" this time,only

    a very little red spark flashed on the tip of their wands. "Oh

    no,Crane,Boudouin and Primrose...help!"

    "Sure guys!" He cried while panting and pulling their wands to join the


    The three of them thrust their wands to the fish stucked on the


    "Expando Protectomus!!!" and a big red sparks blasted towards the fish. All

    of them were panting. The fish pixie moved again back to the castle with the

    bubble like sphere with layers of red,blue and green.

    It glided into the door. They could hear the shouts and screams of the

    students inside. "NO!! give me that you fish!"

    All of them laughed and so does the students around looking at the fish that

    soared towards bringing the key.

    "My key!"Yehudy exclaimed happily as the fish blasted in front of them.

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    "Nice work fishy," Crane muttered. And tyey walked pass the house B into

    the house A.

    "Wimerania!" Primrose said tiredly. And the door creacked open.

    "Before Athilia could walk into the spiral stair case, Hepheus asked

    him."Um Athilia, what if you want a house and lot from the fish pixie.?"

    Have you not listen to professor Ilario,about the fish pixies?"

    "Nope, I was bored." Athilia sighed.

    "Well, the fish pixies only grants those that they can do. They do not grant

    feelings or future stuffs. You will learn more tomorrow okay."

    "Okay. So it means the things we wished before about courage is useless?!"

    He exclaimed thinking how useless the gold coin was.

    "Yup. I also did have a regret after listening to her. I wished to be an honor

    student that time."

    Hey!" Crane cried above the spiral staircase. The two of them giggled and

    laughed as they walked on the stairs.

    "Sleep well." She whispered and opened her door...

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    Chapter Seven

    The Hyper's Spooky House

    The next Friday morning, Hepheus woke up first than the two.

    "Breakfast time sleepy head!" Hepheus knocked at the two nearby doors of

    Athilia and Crane.

    "I'm really! really tired! That stupid fish made me ran back and forth through

    the well!" Crane hesitated in his room.

    While on the other hand, Athilia went out from her room dressed in her

    traditional uniform with robes.

    "Come on Hepheus, just leave that git on his no c.r room!" They walked

    through the spiral staicase hearing Crane's shouts. "Shut up!"

    In the middle of the breakfast, Crane went hurrying to the dining table with

    his hair crumpled.

    He sat down on the space near Yehudy. While panting, he picked a chicken

    leg and plucked it in his mouth.

    After the breakfast, they all went back to each room dragging bags.

    The sun is rising clearly. Athilia, Crane, Hepheus, Boudouin, Primrose and

    Yehudy went to the caste-

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    roThe subject 'Study of Wizarding Plants' went well, the whole class went

    on the back of the caste-rooms heading to the garden tents.

    Mrs. Gomez, their subject teacher, give each one of them some seedlings.

    "Today, we'll have to plant Clooting rellets. Each one of you will be given

    one seed to be planted on the rubber pots. On a one-forth piece of paper, the

    green ones, give the deffinition of the clooting rellets and to be submitted

    five minutes before we plant them."

    Five minute lately, Mrs. Gomez waved her wand."Time is up. Would you

    mind passing your papers please." Then everyone moaned."A green light

    flashed from haer wand. All the papers came floating and arrange orderly inher palm.

    Some of the papers were completely blank. Mrs. Gomez went into the center

    of the class.

    "I'm just wondering why she seems doesnt like beong called

    professor."Crane whisperred.

    "Primrose told me that she came from a poor family. Her work is just a

    farmer in the city. She hates to hear the word professor for it seems much

    richer." she answered back.

    "Well,she really isnt that rich. But hardworking." Athilia nodded. They

    looked back on the center when Mrs. Gomez cleared Her throat.

    "Each one, I will give you your clay pots. Stay in line." Everybody followed

    her and created two lines. One for the boys and one for the girls. Each one

    pulled their pots with corresponding names and gathered soil outside from

    the pit.

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    "Now measure two inches with your wand. Insert the seeds. Get some pinch

    of those fertilizers and put water on it. You can have a break after that.

    Everyone crowded for the fertilizer. The fertilizer's use is to make the plant

    grow instantly and healthy.

    "Very well." she inserted. "Your tent will be open twenty four seven for

    your communication. Your clooting rellets will serve as your calling area or
