W$K compiled notes (Key Questions 13-16)

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Oh Allah Bless the Writer of these notes ; Ameen


Pakistan Studies W$K 0448

Key Question 13: Why did East Pakistan seek and then form the independent state of Bangladesh?Ans: The Eastern wing of Pakistan was neglected in every Social Economical or Political matter. East Pakistan Comprised of 58% of the total Population and the people were not even having rights have their Language as one of the National Languages of Pakistan. Since Pakistan was founded tensions were there between the two wings. There was hardly any representative in Army, Politics or Lawful Matter from East Pakistan. The Eastern wing was not even allowed to Deal Directly with the Neighboring countries. Goods were sold in East Pakistan from West Pakistan at a double Price. The Climatic Conditions in East Pakistan made the situation worse. Due to Heavy flooding and Rainfall the crop there was frequently damaged and all this was hardly taken in consideration By West Pakistan.

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Another reason forming Bangladesh was the Elections held in 1970. In the Elections , In the Eastern wing Sheikh Mujib Ur Rehman’s Awami league won an Overwhelming Majority of 160 out of 162 seats, and in Western Wing Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s People’s Party won 81 out of 138 seats. This meant that Awami League Won 160 out of 300 seats and an overwhelming Majority in the Elections. But the results were rejected in Western wing. In 1966, Sheikh Mujib Ur Rehman produced his 6 points. The Points were Initially Rejected by Ayub Khan as he was threatened that this may result in breaking the unity of Pakistan.After Producing these Points Mujib was captured in West Pakistan early on. But then he was released for the talks with Government. The Points proved to be the Basis on which Awami League won the Elections. The Points demanded for the greater autonomy for the Eastern Wing, Mujib said he will only take back his Points once he is the Prime Minister. Bhutto was not agreeing on this. Due to these Reasons Yahya Khan

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Postponed the calling of National Assembly, and a violent strike in East Pakistan followed. Civil Disobedience, Strikes and Public Demonstration forced Yahya Khan to call back the two Non Bengali Military men . The Appointment of General Tikka Khan in the eastern wing as Martial law Administrator was a bigger threat to Mujib as he used Military Solutions for Political Problems.After failing all the Attempts for the Negotiations, Mujib Called the People of Eastern Pakistan to Prepare for a Supreme Sacrifice. On 31st March India passed a resolution to Support Bangladesh. Civil war broke out between two countries, the rebel Force Mukti Bahini took shape and fought the Army. Indian Army Launched Attacks over Dhaka, And Surrounded it within 2 weeks of Attack. On 16 December, General Niazi Khan offered Surrender on behalf of Yahya Khan, and to make things worse he surrendered with 90,000 Soldiers. Who were in a great disbelief that now they are fighting for a territory which is not a part of their

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Country anymore.On 20th December, Yahya Khan Resigned as President. On 21st December, Mujib Ur Rehman had sworn as 1st prime minister of Bangladesh.

Key Question 14: How successful was Pakistan in the twenty years following the ‘Decade of Progress’?

Ans: After the Independence of Bangladesh Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto took over as President and Chief Martial law Administrator. Bhutto was given with a Broken Pakistan. He had to deal with Broken Army, Shattered Government and Demoralized civilians. When the news of Independence broke out, Bhutto blamed it squarely on Army and Yahya Khan. However Bhutto was successful in restoring Country’s pride and the Image Abroad. Bhutto’s biggest worry was the threat to Pakistan Army. Bhutto purged the Army of six top military commanders. In March 1972, Bhutto asserted control over armed forces. He received resignations from commander-in-chief of

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army, General Gul Hassan and the head of Pakistan Air Force, AM Rahim Khan. He then appointed General Tikka Khan to a newly named designation known as Chief or Army Staff. To get the captured Soldiers back, on 2nd July 1972 Bhutto signed Simla Agreement. The Agreement was relatively a piece of paper agreeing on that, Pakistan will receive their Soldiers Back but Kashmir Issue will be discussed between two countries directly instead of approaching international forums.

Bhutto came to power under the martial law and was determined to return Pakistan to parliamentary democracy. In April 1972 martial law was lifted and a new Assembly was called, reflecting the voting in the 1970 elections, in which the PP had gained an overwhelming majority. A committee was setup with representative from different parties in the Assembly to draw up a new constitution. It took the constitutional committee eight months before it submitted its report on 10 April 1973 and it received unanimous support in the Assembly, the draft constitution was passed by the Assembly by 135 votes in favor, with three abstentions. On 14 August 1973, the new Constitution , which relied heavily on the principles of the 1956 constitution, became law according to the new constitution Bhutto was elected prime minister by National Assembly on 12 August and Chaudhri Fazal Elahi was elected as President.

ReformsIndustrial reforms

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Bhutto was now able to concentrate on putting into practice the promise of “Food, Shelter and Clothing”, which he had promised his supporters in the campaign for the 1970 elections. These basic needs of People were not met so government had to make reforms to overcome this problem.

Bhutto wanted to promote economic growth and bring inflation down from its unacceptably high level of 25%. A major part of its economic policy was the introduction of a program of nationalization.

The sugar, cotton, vegetable oil and rice industries, together with the banking and insurance sectors were taken under government control. In all, 70 major industrial units were placed under the control of a Federal Ministry of Production. These changes were designed to help the government:

1. Control industrial output and channel investment into industrialization.

2. Raise the workers’ living and working standards, including the provision of cheap housing.

3. Allow the workers to set up unions.

4. Even out the inequalities that had collected most of the industrial wealth into few hands. Twenty industrial houses owned 80% of Pakistan largest industry.

5. Create wealth to help fund other government reforms.

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Agricultural reforms

For Agricultural Reforms Bhutto believed that improved technology and better farming methods such as the use of tractors, pesticides and tube wells for irrigations had raised production. So landowners could maintain their income on smaller, more productive, areas of land. He therefore cut the ceiling to 250 acres of irrigated land and 500 acres of barren land. The surplus land could be sold to the smaller peasant farmers to make better profits. Lands would also be available to allow many people to own their farms for the first time.

Educational reformsthe government was concerned about education. Only about half of all children were attending school and the official literacy rate was just 25%. Bhutto introduced reforms to put this into effect.

1. Nationalized almost all private sector schools and college. This was intended to remove the discrepancies between private and state education and was very much in keeping with the socialist measures in industry and agriculture.

2. Built more schools to provide free primary education for all.

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Health and Social Reforms

Pakistan has poor health care facilities and it had one of the highest infant mortality rate in the world. Life expectancy was also very low. In August ,1972 Bhutto launched a health scheme, designed to correct these anomalies.

1. The central plank of the reforms was the introduction of Rural Health Centers (RHCs) and Basic Health Units (BHUs) in urban areas to provide more widespread health care. The plan was to set up 1 RHC for every 60,000 people and BHU for every 20,000 people.

2. Training colleges for doctors and nurses were expected to admit students on merit. Once qualified, doctors had to work the first year wherever the government placed them. So that instead of working only in big cities they could be assigned a post in any small town or village.

3. The sale of medicines under brand names was also banned. This practice, common in the West, allows drug companies to sell new medicines under a patented name and stops other companies manufacturing the drug under its medical name. This measure reduced the cost of medicines dramatically. Medicines were made available without prescription. They could be bought at any pharmacy.

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Death of BhuttoZia’s appointment had been controversial, as he was junior to several other generals and had no distinguished service record. As the next 11 years to prove, however, people underestimated Zia to their own detriment.

Zia’s most immediate dilemma was how to handle Bhutto’s case. He released Bhutto from arrest at the end of July, but when he made it plain that he intended to rearrest on 3 September. Along with three others he was accused of murdering a political opponent by sending FSF to kill him. The trial, which took nearly 2 years, resulted in Bhutto being found guilty and sentenced to death. As president (He had replaced Fazal Elahi in September in 1978) Zia had the power to commute the sentence to life imprisonment. Bhutto, however, refused to plead to Zia for his life. Many others at home and abroad did so but Zia was unmoved. Bhutto was hanged on 4 April 1979.

Zia Ul Haq Zia Ul Haq Introduced Series of Islamic Laws and set up a Federal Shariat court. All the Laws Punishments were approved from the shariat court. Islamic Punishments

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were adopted.The following 4 Shariat Laws were enforced

1.Offences against Property2.Offences of Zina 3.Offence of Qazf4. Prohibition

Assaniation of Zia Ul Haq

Zia ul Haq was killed in a plane crash on 17th August 1988. Ghulam Ishaq Khan became the Acting President. And Benazir Bhutto had sworn as 1st Woman Prime Minister of Pakistan.

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Key Question 15: How effective were Pakistan’s governments in the final decade of the 20th century?Ans: After the Death of Zia ul haq , General Ishaq khan took over as President. And Benazir was appointed as the first Woman Prime Minister of Pakistan. Benazir Bhutto’s election as prime Minister of Pakistan in 1988 was welcomed as an endd t rule by dictatorship. But from start she faced many problems including Opposition from Nawaz Sharif, the leader of Islami Jamhoori Ittehad. Many People accused her husband, ASIF ALI ZARDARI, for her downfall. The IJI cricticized the government for being too close to USA. During Benazir’s reign, Issue in Kashmir got heated, and drug trafficking Increased. She

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began to use more and more family members in the Assembly. On 27 May 1990, 40 supporters of MQM were killed by the police in Hyderabad. It was said that Women carried copies of Qur’an over their head as they cried for Police to stop shooting. This led Ghulam Ishaq Khan to dismiss the government of Benazir in 1990.

Following the dismissal of Benazir Bhutto in 1990, Nawaz Sharif was elected as Prime Minister. He also faced many problems including a much divided Pakistani People. Supporters of BB wanted him to fail. To start with, he had the support of Religious group and pursued a more anti American Policy. Nawaz found it difficult to promote economic progress and religious idea at the same time. American aid virtually stopped. Sharif began to lose important support among the people. Militart was extremely power. And when Commander in Chief, General Asif Nawaz died, Nawaz was accused. The case was up till

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Supreme Court. It was such a serious case , it only got settled once the President and Prime Minister resigned. In 1993 Benazir won the elections again and came back. This time people were having a higher hope from her for the Sake of Democracy. But it proved to be worse. In November 1996, She was accused of corruption, mainly because of her husband ASIF ALI ZARDARI, and after a rising tide of violence. Benazir was one again dismissed by President Leghari. Later Benazir and Asif Ali Zardari were arrested and exiled from the country .In 1997 , After the second dismissal of Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif was once again elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan with two-third Majority in the National assembly. In Spite of his huge support he faced some serious problems, his support for Taliban in Afghanistan when they refuse to hand over Osama Bin Laden, suspected of terrorist attacks against US. Bin Laden was believed to have been involve in Bombings of the US embassy in Kenya. In

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retaliation to Indian Nuclear tests in 1998, Pakistan tested its nuclear weapon, angering to a number of countries who halted aid as a mark of disapproval.. In May 1999, after the war of kargil Pakistan’s army was forced to pull back from territory it gained in Kargil. Sharif decided to blame Musharraf,Chief of army staff, but he nor his army collegues would accept that. After all, they said it was the Prime Minister who ordered the withdrawal.In October 1999, whilst Musharraf was visiting Sri Lanka, Sharif tried to sack the General by not allowing him to return to Pakistan. Instead, His army staff overthrew Sharif’s government. Musharaf returned and once again Pakistan was under Military rule. In December 2000 Nawaz Sharif and his family were exiled to Saudi Arabia

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Key Question 16: How important has Pakistan’s role been in world affairs since 1947?

Ans: Pakistan as Nuclear Power:

In 1974, India tested a Nuclear Device in Rajhastan. This Spurred Pakistan to develop their own Nuclear Program during Bhutto’s reign. Indian Government was assured that Pakistan had No match for the Nuclear power and now they have an edge over their enemies. Bhutto Publically declared that Pakistan will have their Own Nuclear bombs even if they have to eat grass. The Pakistan Nuclear Program began with Bhutto’s Order and was supported by everyone. In 1985, Pakistan crossed the threshold of weapons-grade uranium production, and by 1986 it is thought to have produced enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon. Pakistan continued advancing its uranium enrichment program, and according to Pakistani sources, the nation acquired the ability to carry out a nuclear explosion in 1987.

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USA was never willing Pakistan to establish as Nuclear power. They thought that Islamic Extremist might use it in a negative way. But all of their efforts were in vain and On May 28 1998, Pakistan blasted 5 of their Nuclear Bombs in Baluchistan, and 1 on 30th May 1998.

Pakistan with Bangladeshit didn’t take much time for the both Countries to establish a good relationship on Political fronts. Bangladesh was invited to attend the Islamic summit in Lahore. And Bhutto proved that Pakistan was backing every Muslim country in trouble. Pakistan also helped generously to Bangladesh flood victims in 1976.

Relationship with India

Since the Creation of the new state, Relationship with India was unstable. The main reason of that was Kashmir issue. In 1950, both Countries signed Minorities

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Agreement Pact, to protect the right of Minority in their respective states. UN Secretary General approved Kashmir as a Disputed Territory and the matter is still unsolved.In 1965, India Launched an Attacked Pakistan on 6th September. And a poorly armed Pakistan army, which was never prepared for a full fledge war Defended it bravely. After 17 days of war, there was a cease fire and in 1966 a peace treaty was signed between Pakistan and India sponsored by SOVIET Union. The year 1971 there was Another Conflict with India but this time over the East Pakistan Issue. In 1972, Simla Agreement was signed between the two countries in which India would return the captured Soldiers and Pakistan would stop raising Kashmir issue on International Forums.

In October 1984, the relationship got worse again when Rajiv Gandhi accused Pakistan for the death of his Mother. In 1987 the troops were almost on the edge of another war on

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Siachen Glacier. General Zia visited India on pretext of watching a Cricket match and dealt with the Situation Cleverly. Rajiv Gandhi called off his troops. Relationships were better till the Death of Zia. It got improved when Benazir Bhutto took over. But still the Kashmir Issue remained unsolved and the relations are in state of mistrust and rivalry.

Relations with Afghanistan:

Afghanistan, which is a Muslim Country and Pakistan’s neighbor, was never able to establish good relationship with Pakistan. Which was a worry for Pakistan as Afghanistan was added to Pakistan’s security worries. Afghanistan wanted the Area of Pathans to be free and into a sovereign province name as Pakhtoonistan. With the Arrival of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and his Islamic Policies the relationship began to become less hostile between two countries. In 1976, Bhutto and Daud visited each other’s capital and relationship seemed to have stabilized. In 1978 A communist regime overthrew the

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Afghan government. And USSR tried to step in. They faced Heavy resistance earlier from Afghan Mujahedeen and later from Pakistan army as well and were force to leave Afghanistan in 1988.

Relationship with USA

Pakistan needed economical and political help and in the “cold war” which was on between the two superpowers, Pakistan had to be supporting one of them for its Own Benefit. Pakistan chose USA and made their first official trip in 1950. USA wanted an Asian ally to help stand against Communism and they thought that Pakistan could be the best in the business along with Iran and Turkey. After this pact, Pakistan could receive American aid militarily and economically.

In 1954, Pakistan joined the defense pact of SEATO and CENTO. If a member of this faced outside aggression, they could ask for assistance. Pakistan received no help from

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them in 1965 and 1971 wars so Pakistan withdrew from SEATO in 1972. In 1979, CENTO dissolved on its own.

Pakistan, Britain and the common wealth

Relations with Britain were not very cordial though both were the part of SEATO and CENTO. Pakistan criticized British invasion of Suez Canal in 1956. British suspended military aid to Pakistan and India in 1965. Military aid was resumed during Afghan war. In 1981, Pakistan readmitted into Commonwealth. The Commonwealth helped Pakistan to develop its own Industry, communications and irrigation programs.

Pakistan and UN

On 30 September 1947, Pakistan joined UNO to seek help in the Matters of Kashmir and Canal water dispute. UNO failed to solve the problem of Jammu and Kashmir but helped the two countries to sign the Indus water treaty. Pakistan was Forceful in arguing for

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rights of the states to be Independent of colonial rule, particularly in the case of Muslim countries such as Palestine and Libya. Pakistan had also contributed to UN’s Peace keeping Missions and has been elected to serve on the security council thrice. Despite the fact, Kashmir and Hyderbad issue are still not solved Pakistan remain a keen and active member of UN. Pakistan would like to see UN Strengthened so that I can serve as effective force to uphold international law and protect weaker states.

Pakistan, Iran and Turkey

In 1964, with the help of Ayub Khan “Regional Cooperation for development (RCD” was formed between Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. The Initiative Of this was to bind the three countries and help each other in every possible way they could. It also affirmed Islamic Solidarity. Both Turkey and Iran helped Pakistan in 1965 war. Today The trade between Pakistan and Iran consist mostly of

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Iranian Oil exports and the two government are working hard on it to make it even better.