Women And Mozilla

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Presentation on Mozilla Meetup III, SAP Falchha Kathmandu, Nepal November 9, 2013



Women And MOZilla A community composed of women

members from different Open Source projects.

Mainly dedicated in improving women's visibility and involvement in Free/Open Source and Mozilla, and Increase the number of women contributors.

Why is it formed?

Since it is believed that the Internet, FOSS projects and computing must remain open and participatory among women.

Believe that all individuals must have the ability to shape their own experiences on the Internet. So It is formed to give everyone the same opportunity to do so. Especially Women.

The problem: Behind least women participation in the

field of information technology??


Fewer women enjoy doing information technology work.


‘FEW’ Women join And Least are successful!!


Technical jobs are avoided by women since they are discriminated against when they enter them.


Most of the Women find Programming boring and tedious.


The society suppose women prefer “feminine” activities and careers, like nursing and other types of care giving


It has been seen many scenarios where a female developer is the strongest in a group, and can’t get an ounce of respect no matter what she does. May be due to male’s EGO!


The Cultural Biasness

Talking About Foss Communities:

Percentage of women working in FOSS communities: 2%

Percentage of women working in proprietary software: 25%

(Extracted from http://www.womoz.org )

What Is mozilla doing to increase women

Involvement in IT?

To increase women’s participation in Mozilla, Mozilla has a common umbrella of women contributors Named as WOMOZ. This women community calls and encourage women to participate in Mozilla!!!

Contribution in open source projects is not limited to development. It also involves a large variety of fields and subjects: community work, localization (translation), community marketing, organizing events,… and of course coding.

There is therefore no reason that women should not find their place in open source contribution.

Why a "women's project"?

The aim of this project and wiki is to promote women's involvement in the FOSS world in general - and in Mozilla's teams more particularly - as well as increase awareness around this issue. Anyone can participate - women, men, members of existing women's groups,… - united in this common goal.

Wanna Contribute to WoMoz?

Help us promote women's visibility and involvement in FOSS projects: submit ideas, suggestions, and feedback by creating your own account on wiki of mozilla.

Or Visit www.womoz.org There are lots of tasks waiting for you Choose a task and start! That's easy!

WoMoz Actions and Projects

Localization: this is the specific term used for translation. Programs, websites, community manifestos,… You can contribute efficiently to the progress of a project by helping out thanks to your translation skills

Graphic design Support: helping other users when they encounter

problems Event coordination: organizing community

events, like install-parties, conferences, evangelism talks,…

Documentation Bug reports, feature requests and testing (QA) Marketing Development (yeah, it could help  )

Visit the link below for the detailed list of projects!

We are geeks and we can do it


WOMOZ Nepal: Who we are and what be believe?

The aim of this project is to promote and involve more women in the FOSS Nepal in general - and in Mozilla's teams more particularly - as well as increase awareness around this issue. Anyone can participate : women, men, united in this common goal.

* We are a community composed of members from different Open Source projects. We are dedicated to improving women's visibility and involvement in FOSS and Mozilla.

* Anyone can participate in this project, regardless of sex, age, job, etc.

* We are united by the common goal of promoting women's visibility and involvement in open source communities.

* We believe that the Internet, FOSS projects and computing must remain open and participatory. This also means accessible in the same way to all - women and men alike.

* As the Mozilla Manifesto underlines, we believe that all individuals must have the ability to shape their own experiences on the Internet. Let's give everyone the same opportunity to do so.

* We believe solutions should continuously be proposed in order to improve the visibility of all minorities, who for various reasons might not have equal access to computers or the Internet. This project is an example of this, as it aims at ameliorating women's presence and participation in Mozilla and open source.

* We believe Open Source needs more women!

Last Words

Lets participate And Encourage all women to be a part of MOZILLA

Lets make IT sector comfortable to Women!!!

Thank You