Women in Defence CMMI

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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  • 8/13/2019 Women in Defence CMMI


    The Importance of Implementing

    CMMIPresented to:

    Women In Defense

    29 Feb 2010

    Presented by:Michele NealScientific Research CorporationSEI Certified Lead AppraiserSEI ID# 0500518-01

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    How many slides in presentation.

    How many orange highlighted words orphrases

    Listen for key points

  • 8/13/2019 Women in Defence CMMI


    Where did it Begin?

    Over 80% of all software projectsare late, over-budget, and/orincomplete. These projects: Are 222% over schedule

    estimates Are 189% over cost estimates

    Only 1 out of 11 projects iscompleted on time and withinbudget

    Over 30% of software projects arecancelled during development

    The Chaos Report, by the Standish Group

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  • 8/13/2019 Women in Defence CMMI


    DOD Reacts

    The CMMI Project:This project work is jointly sponsored by the Office of

    the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition,Technology, and Logistics (DUSD/AT&L) and theSystems Engineering Committee of the NationalDefense Industrial Association (NDIA )Discipline and process improvement experts fromindustry, government, and the Software EngineeringInstitute (SEI) joined together to develop the CMMI

    Framework, CMMI models, and supporting products.Comes from a framework that generates multipleintegrated models , courses, and an assessmentmethod.

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    Why Focus on Process?

    The quality of a system is highly influenced by thequality of the process used to acquire, develop,

    and maintain it.Process provides a constructive , high-leveragefocus as apposed to a focus on people or

    technology.Working smarter not harder . A workforce is as good as it is trained to be.

    Technology applied without a suitableroadmap will not result in a significantpayoff.

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    Design Goals

    Assure consistency with source modelsSW-CMM V2.0 Draft C (software)EIA/IS-731 (system engineering)IPD-CMM V0.98 (integrated product development)

    Integrate the models, eliminate inconsistencies, reduceduplicationIncrease clarity and understanding

    Common terminologyConsistent styleUniform construction rules

    Common componentsReduce the cost of implementing model-based processimprovement

    Be sensitive to impact on legacy efforts

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    What is CMMI?

    A process improvement method that provides a set ofbest practices that address productivity, performance,costs, and stakeholder satisfaction.

    A model that supports multipleparallel improvement strategiesCMMI provides a consistent , enduringframework that accommodates new initiatives.

    A guide for improvement of project and organizationalprocesses.

    A common language and shared vision. A baseline to which appraisal methods can be used todiagnose the state of improvement efforts.

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    So, who is using CMMI andwhy should I care ?

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    Organization Types and Sizes

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    2,464 Appraisals

    2,140 Organizations1,417 Participating Companies

    273 Reappraised Organizations10,338 Projects67.1% Non-USA Organizations

    *Data from Sept 2002 through Sept 2007

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    Lets take a look at this versatile businesspractice model!

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    PracticesThe fundamental building blocks of the CMMI.Practices are descriptions of actions needed to fulfillkey elements of a process.Specific Practices

    Required component of the model Applies to one process area Activities expected to result inachievement of a specific goal

    Generic PracticesRequired component of the model

    Are the same for all process areasContributes to process institutionalizationProvide for commitment and consistency throughoutthe organizations processes

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    Specific GoalRequired component of the model

    Applies to one process areaDescribes what must be implementedto satisfy the requirements of theprocess area.

    Generic GoalRequired component of the model

    Are the same for all process areas

    Signifies improved control in planning and implementing theprocessesIndicates effectiveness, repeatability, and lastingness .

  • 8/13/2019 Women in Defence CMMI


    Process Areas A process area is a cluster of relatedpractices in an area that, when performed

    collectively, satisfy a set of goals consideredimportant for making significant improvementin that area.

    All CMMI process areas are common for bothStaged and Continuous.In the Continuous representation process

    areas are organized by categories .In the staged representation process areasare organized by maturity level.

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    Model Component Hierarchy

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    Implementation MethodsCONTINUOUS

    Grants explicit freedom to select theorder of improvement that meets

    business goals and mitigatesorganizational risksEnables increased visibility into thecapability achieved within each processarea

    Allows for generic practices from highercapability levels to be moreevenly/completely appliedReflects newer approach; data notavailable to determine ROIComparisons across organizations only

    through process area basis Affords easy comparison to ISO


    Introduces sequence of improvement,beginning with basic management of

    practices and progressing through apredefined proven path of successivelevels, each serving as the foundation forthe next

    Visibility is primarily at the maturity level,with limited visibility at the process arealevel

    Generic practices are grouped asinstitutionalization common features thatare applied to all process areas at allmaturity levels

    Permits easy comparison across andamong organizations because processimprovement results are summarized ata single maturity level

    Allows comparison to ISO, but does noteasily correspond in organization

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    Staged vs Continuous

    ML 1





    OrganizationPA PA


    C a p

    a b i l i t y









    PA PA PA

    PA PA

  • 8/13/2019 Women in Defence CMMI


    Process Categories (CMMI DEV)

    Process Management Process Areas

    Project Management Process Areas

    Engineering Process Areas

    Support Process Areas

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    Process CategoryProcess areas

    Specific goalsSpecific practices

    Typical Work ProductsSubpractices

    Generic goalsGeneric practices

    Elaboration per process areaSubpractices are common among all processareas

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    The Constellations

  • 8/13/2019 Women in Defence CMMI


    CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC)

    Contains 24 process areasCMMI for Development (CMMI-DEV)

    Contains 22 process areasCMMI for Acquisitions (CMMI-ACQ)

    Contains 22 process areas

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    The Approach

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    Ok Now what?

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    Where did it go wrong?

    So many companies are viewingCMMI with a Checklist mentality.

    Project Management PlanProject schedulePosters of production processon wall

    As for raise to create moresupport creation of moredocuments

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    If a process does not add value yourbusiness


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    Ok then,How do we fix it?

  • 8/13/2019 Women in Defence CMMI


    What CMMI is and is not

    CMMI is a model for process improvement, not astandard and not a process.Mature organizations use CMMI models as bestpractices to assess their process weaknesses , toidentify necessary process improvements, and tomanage progress toward achievement of theirbusiness objectives in a disciplined way that producesmeasurable value and tangible benefits. CMMI, by itsvery structure, is designed to be flexibly interpretedand implemented by diverse organizations in a widevariety of application domains to help fit their businessstrategies and environments.

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    What is CMMI?

    A process improvement method that provides a set ofbest practices that address productivity, performance,costs, and stakeholder satisfaction.

    A model that supports multipleparallel improvement strategiesCMMI provides a consistent , enduringframework that accommodates new initiatives.

    A guide for improvement of project and organizationalprocesses.

    A common language and shared vision. A baseline to which appraisal methods can be used todiagnose the state of improvement efforts.

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    Involve the Right Stakeholders

    Prominent executive sponsorship of CMMIManagement commitment is crucial

    Set and communicate the strategic visionProvide adequate resources (staff, funding, tools)Model and reinforce desired behaviors

    Hold people accountable for improvementprogress

    Set objectivesGet the organization involvedRecognize and reward achievements

    Understand and communicate CMMI commitmentSet the tone on why CMMI is importantThe workforce will follow cues from management

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    Implementation Strategy

    PlanEstablish CMMI as a Project not a TaskingChoose and train the CMMI Project LeadChoose a Model based on your organizationsbusiness products, goals and objectives.Establish an Implementation Team.Partner with an SEI Certified consulting company

    early in the implementation process to reducerework and false starts.Conduct a Class C Appraisal for Benchmarking.

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    Process Change MethodConduct an Organizational\Project ScanBudget, schedule milestones, project reviewsDocument current processRedesign process

    Communication and TrainPilot & Evaluate

    Implementation Strategy (2)

  • 8/13/2019 Women in Defence CMMI


    Conduct SEI CMMI Class A AppraisalMeet with your SEI Certified Lead Assessor Identify Appraisal scopeGather objective evidence and map to model

    Identify Appraisal Team membersConduct Readiness Review

    Implementation Strategy (3)

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    CMMI Project Lifecycle

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  • 8/13/2019 Women in Defence CMMI



    36 Slides Including this one.36-26 = 1025-15 = 514-5 = 1Below 5 = You can wake up now its over.

    62 single words or phrases highlighted62-42 = 10

    41-21 = 520-10 = 2

  • 8/13/2019 Women in Defence CMMI



    How many Constellations does CMMI

    offer? (5)CMMI is a set of standards to which little

    tailoring should be done forimplementation? (10)How much money was showingdisplayed as a graphic on the 3 rd slide?(15)