Women in games ppt

Post on 10-Jul-2015

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This is a personal account of mine and other women's experiences while working and engaging with the games industry.


Women in GamesA journey from sexism to acceptance?

Who am I?Published titles:

The Kore Gang - Level designerJust Cause 2 - World designer

Oriboo and games for the platform - Producer

Game designerGraphic artistUX designerCopywriter

Nyckelringsrollspelet - Game designer

Currently working on:Mad Max - UX designer

Level designerGame designer

ProducerUX designer


Game critic


Images and text are collected from the internetgraphic descriptions of sexual and other violence

remain unchanged in this presentation

What’s this about?

• Experiences in game development

•Why we stay

•Why the game industry should want us to

•What YOU can do RIGHT NOW

•What your company can do, long term

First of all

Don’t take it personally


If you want change,be open to it

The Horror

Sources:How to Play a Feminist - Shira Chesshttp://storify.com/mcdaldno/1-reason-why

The Horror

Sources:Some Effects of Proportions on Group Life: Skewed Sex Ratios and Responses to Token Women - Rosabeth Moss Kanterhttp://xkcd.com/385/http://storify.com/mcdaldno/1-reason-why

The Horror

Sources:Some Effects of Proportions on Group Life: Skewed Sex Ratios and Responses to Token Women - Rosabeth Moss KanterDelusions of Gender - Cordelia Finehttp://storify.com/mcdaldno/1-reason-why

The Horror


The Horror


The Horror


The HorrorIt’s not restricted to the workplace


So are you fat?Ugly?

or slutty?

The Horror


So are you fat?

The Horror

Sources:http://fatuglyorslutty.comSkrivbordskrigarna - Lisa Bjurwaldhttp://truecenterpublishing.com/psycyber/psycyber.html

There is no end to the entries, and no end to the hatred

What does this tell women?

Why do we stay?

The Joy


The Joy


The Joy


The Joy


The Joy


The Joy


The Joy


Why we should stay

•There are studies showing that an equal work place

• Is more profitable

• Is healthier

• Is more creative


Why we should stay

• Because gaming is a human “right”

•There are no “girl” or “boy” games. There are only good and bad games

What you can do

• If you encounter sexism - shut it down

•Don’t be silent

•Don’t participate

•Take experiences seriously

•Respect your co-workers and co-gamers

What your company can do

•Decide - do we want to be sexist or not?

•Get help! Being an expert on games and being an expert on equality are two different things!

•Make sure there is an equality plan and that it is practical

•Make sure equality work is tailored to the company - not all companies are the same

Thank you!Questions?