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Report to Sponsors & Partners, 2011

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Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation

Thank You to Our Sponsors





Alberta LearningAlberta Science Fair FoundationFort McMurray Catholic SchoolsFort McMurray Public SchoolsFort McMurray TodayGenome AlbertaHealth Tech Mobility Inc.Oil Sands Discovery CentreSparksman Transportation Ltd.

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Report to Sponsors & Partners

Dear Sponsors and Partners

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation (WBYSF), it is once again my privilege to thank our many sponsors and supporters. This is an important year for us as we plan for our 5th Annual Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair (WBRSF). In the short period of time since our inception, the Fair and the Foundation have experienced remarkable growth. This of course would not have been possible were it not for the generousity of local companies and the dedication of our community’s teachers and scientists. In addition to financial support, local industries and School Boards supplied the 2011 Regional Fair with an astonishing ninety-five judges. We were also fortunate to have Dr. Jan Ciborowski from the University of Windsor, Ontario join us to chat with the students and discuss his research on local wetlands at our Opening Talks. We are indebted to all of these individuals and hope that the creativity and enthusiasm exhibited by our participants made the Fair a rewarding endeavour for everyone involved.

The first WBRSF in 2008 was attended by just over seventy students from ten different schools. Led byimpassioned science teachers, the majority of schools in our region now organize their own science fairs, which then feed into our Regional Fair. It’s difficult to believe, but since 2007, participation in school science fairs has risen from approximately 250 students in a handful of schools to nearly 3,000 students in over twenty schools. Participation should continue to increase this year as we look forward to the affiliation of at least three additional school fairs. In particular, we are very pleased to be welcoming stu-dents from École Boréal in Fort McMurray and Athabasca Delta Community School in Fort Chipewyan.

Perhaps the best gauge of the Fair’s success is the predominance of students that return each year. Thequality of the research and the creativity exhibited by these students continues to evolve. This past yearwe were proud to send four students to the Canada-Wide Science Fair in Toronto, Ontario. These rep-resentatives of Wood Buffalo competed with over five hundred of their peers from across the country.Mathew Forward from Timberlea School returned home with our Region’s first medal from the NationalFair.

The WBRSF represents a unique opportunity for our community to come together and support curiositythrough a hands-on approach to learning in our children and young adults. We look forward to continuing this relationship and very much hope you’ll join us again at Keyano College on Friday, March 30th for the 2012 Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair.

Andrew Taylor

WBYSF President


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Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation


Our mission is to promote science education within the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo by providing unique opportunities for students to participate in hands-on learning exercises while interacting with local educators, researchers and industry scientists.


• To promote, organize, and operate an annual regional science fair for students in grades four through twelve within the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.

• To recognize and reward scientific achievement and to provide students with an opportunity to participate in the Canada-Wide Science Fair.

• To assist local schools in establishing their own science fairs.• To provide local schools and teachers with opportunities to attend field trips, workshops, scientific

talks, and other activities aimed at enhancing school science curricula. • To foster curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in students by providing them with

an opportunity to engage in experiment-based science.• To encourage students to pursue careers in science.• To build ties between students, educators, local industry and local scientists.

For more information and to view the Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation’s Constitution, Bylaws and Policies, please consult our website: www.wbrsf.ca/WBYSF.php

Dr. Jan Ciborowski from the University of Windsor presents a talk to over four hundredlocal students on his research into thebehaviour, distribution and ecology of aquatic invertebrates.

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Report to Sponsors & Partners

The History of the WBYSF

The WBYSF Board of Directors (2010-2011)

Brian Harper, Secretary(Vice Principal, Dr. Clark School)

VVincella Thompson, Treasurer(Chair, University Studies Arts and Humanities, Keyano College)

Madonna MacIsaac(Engineer, Suncor Energy Inc.)

Donna McCullough(Teacher, Westview School)

David Smith(University Studies Environmental Science Instructor, Keyano College)

Robert van Thiel(Teacher, Father Patrick Mercredi Community High School)

The Board of Directors consists entirely of volunteers and includes local industry scientists, elementary and high school science teachers, university instructors, and other science enthusiasts.

The notion of founding a new Regional Science Fair in Wood Buffalo took shape nearly twenty years after the loss of the original “Fort McMurray Regional Science Fair”. Originally led by only three individuals, the “WBRSF Steering Committee” established an affiliation with Youth Science Canada in late 2006. The committee expanded to seven members as we prepared for our first Fair in the spring of 2008. With the success of the event, it was decided that the organization be rebranded the “Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation”. The name change reflected the desire of our organization to expand its efforts and fund and organize additional initiatives in hands-on science education within our community. The WBYSF became a registered non-profit organization (BN: 832360226RR0001) in the fall of 2008.

In the past three years the WBYSF has continued to grow. Our Board of Directors now includes fifteen dedicated science enthusiasts from a variety of backgrounds. With theWBRSF as our flagship event, the WBYSF is committed to providing unique educational opportunities for our region’s budding young scientists.

Representative of Wood Buffalo, our logo depicts a fusion of science and nature.

Andrew Taylor, President(University Studies Biology Instructor, Keyano College)

Louis Dingley, VVice President (Academics)(Chair, University Studies Science and Environ. Tech., Keyano College)

Adrian Revington Vice President (Industry)(Chemical Specialist, Suncor Energy Inc.)

VVicki Dawe(Teacher, Westwood Community High School)

Daron Dix(Teacher, Father Patrick Mercredi Community High School)

Connie Farrell(Fort McMurray Catholic School Consultant)

Michelle Kulmatycky(Teacher, Timberlea School)

Raffi Kouyoumdjian(Teacher, Dr. Clark School)

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Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation

Financial Summary

Revenue 2010 2011Contributions 62,280 59,500

ExpensesAdvertising & promotion 1,300 306

Awards to participants 9,075 12,200

Bank charges 272 341

Delegate expenses 1,000 -

Entertainment 1,000 -

Hospitality room 650 -

Medals & Awards 589 -

Office supplies 120 433

Participant meals 3,400 901

Photography fees 1,658 2,261

Printing 278 206

Professional fees



Reception costs 5,189 3,378School grants 7,400 8,500

Speaker Fees 2,000Event Set-up and Rentals 14,546 15,253Theatre rental 270 378

Travel 3,541 3,704Website 700 798

Youth Science Foundation 8,411 8,411

78,659 70,570

NET SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (16,739) (11,070)



Promotional Items1,260


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Report to Sponsors & Partners

Your Dollars at Work

The majority of the WBYSF budget is usedfor Fair Day Logistics and Awards, School Grants to support School Science Fairs, and Affiliation Fees to Youth Science Canada which allow us to represent our region at the Canada-Wide Science Fair. Finances are strongly focused on programming and materials for engaging students in science at the school, regional and national levels. As with any event, incidental costs are incurred in order to meet the greater objectives. Our primary goal is fiscal responsibility and theassurance that your funding reaches ourtarget, the students.

Participation TrendsRapid growth is common with new fairs as they gain a footing in the community and students and parents recognize the opportunities and benefits of participating in project-based science. Over the past four years we have seen healthy growth across all categories as the reputation and popularity of the Fair has continued to build. The number of participating schools has more than doubled since our first Fair in 2008, while the number of participating students has more than tripled.

Although most area schools arenow sending finalists to theWBRSF, we predict an additional10-15% increase in school science fair participation over the comingseason as the student populationof Fort McMurray continues togrow.

Additional funding and re-sources need to be secured ifwe are to sustain this rate of growth.


2008 2009 2010 2011

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Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation

WBRSF Participant Breakdown

Participants by School - 2011

School FinalistsBeacon Hill School 9

Bill Woodward School 5

Composite High School 21

Dr. K. A. Clark School 14

École St. Paul School 13

École Dickinsfield School 5

École Fr. Beauregard School 10

Father J.A. Turcotte School 8

Fr. Patrick Mercredi High School 16

Fort McMurray Islamic School 7

Good Shepherd School 6

Greely Road School 9

Sister Mary Phillips School 15

St. Martha School 12

St. Anne School 11

St. Gabriel School 15

Thickwood Heights School 7

Timberlea School 13

Westview School 17

Westwood High School 24

Total 237

The number of students participating at each grade level hassteadily increased each year. The proportion of male and female students participating in each category has remainedapproximately equal (averaging 55% female).

At our 2011 Fair, we received students from 21 of the re-gion’s 28 schools. Nearly all of these schools held their own School Science Fairs and selected finalists to be sent to the Regional level. The number of participating schools is expected to increase to 23 over the coming year, with the addition of new fairs at École Boréal, Athabasca Delta Community School, and other local schools.

Participants by Grade - 2011

2009 2010 2011

A Composite High School student presents her project to Dr. Ciborowski during Public View-ing.

Participants by Age Category

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Report to Sponsors & Partners

Special Award Recipients

Shell Excellence in Engineering AwardWhat Type & Colour of Roof is the Most Thermally Efficient?

Student: Matthew Forward

School: Timberlea School

Suncor Ingenuity AwardEnergy Superstar

Student: Sagarika Joshi

School: Westwood Community High School

Nexen Environmental Science AwardBanana Fuels

Student: Bilal Ali

School: Westview School

Suncor Alternative Energy AwardBanana Fuels

Student: Bilal Ali

School: Westview School

Suncor Creativity AwardMagnetic Moods

Students: Vanessa Glass , Fatima Dhooma

School: Composite High School

WBYSF Forensics AwardWho Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?

Student: Momin Syed

School: Thickwood Heights School

WBYSF Dr. Peter Brown Space Science AwardWithout Earth, Where Would We Be?

Students: Zainab Ali , Emma Lewis

School: Westview School

CNRL Mathematics and Computing AwardThe Golden Arch

Student: Clara Pavillet

School: Westwood Community High School

Alberta Learning Consumer AwardWhich Laundry Detergent is the Most Effective Stain Remover?

Student: Daisy Medhora

School: Father Patrick Mercredi Community High School

Total E & P Innovation AwardEnergy Superstar

Student: Sagarika Joshi

School: Westwood Community High School

Keyano College Behavioural Sciences AwardSubliminal Messaging

Student: Cassie Zhao

School: Westwood Community High School

Keyano College Earth Sciences AwardIs it Possible to Design an Earthquake-Proof Building?

Student: Akshaya Lakshmi

School: École Dickinsfield School

Imperial Oil Material Sciences AwardWhich Metal Absorbs the Most Heat?

Students: Alex Wenaus, Jessica Sumbera

School: St. Anne School

Shell Young Scientist AwardBanana Fuels

Student: Bilal Ali

School: Westview School

WBEA Crystal Clean AwardEfficent Methds Of Cleaning up Crude Oil In Seawater

Student: Aaditya Patel

School: Thickwood Heights School

Getting the Yuck Out

Student: Dawson Power

School: Ecole St. Paul

Iron Levels

Student: Tricia Robinson

School: Composite High School

Health Tech Mobility Health Sciences AwardWhich Handwashing Technique is the Best?

Student: Gregory VanDerVoort, Eric Greene

School: St. Gabriel School

This list represents only a small number of the awards presented at the WBRSF. For

a complete list of all medal winners, please consult: https:// secure.ysf-fsj.ca/sfiab/


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Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation

Canada-Wide Science Fair Finalists

What Type & Colour of Roof is the Most Thermally Efficient for Fort McMurray?*

Student: Matthew Forward School: Timberlea SchoolAbstract: “I wanted to find out if the colour and type of roof affects the thermal efficiency of a house in Fort McMurray, where I live. I constructed an insulated model house with different roof types and colours and tested (1) the refl ectivity of the roof and (2) the internal and external temperature of the house to determine thermal effi ciency.”Awards: Junior Bronze Medal $1000 Entrance Scholarship - University of Western Ontario

Electric Colours

Student: Lorena Villoria School: Father Patrick Mercredi Community High SchoolAbstract: “This experiment was conducted to see if it was possible to alter the colour of metals, and then reverse the change. Gold, silver, copper and galvanized-steel were put in an anodizing solution to see which would change colour. Results showed the silver was the most affected. It was then treated to reverse the change. The process was successful, and therefore so was the experiment.”

Homegrown Snow Flakes

Students: Tristan Legare-Matte , Usman Kamran School: Westwood Community High SchoolAbstract: “The Science Behind Snowflakes was a project designed to discover how various factors affect the growth of snowfl akes. Atmospheric conditions were modeled to reproduce the creation of snowfl akes inside a container. Collected data was used to determine the molecular and physical means through which water particles are able to converge upon a nucleus and form the intricacy that is a typical snowfl ake.”

For more information on these students’ projects please visit:

https://secure.ysf-fsj.ca/virtualcwsf/ (Year:2011, Province: Alberta, Region: Wood Buffalo)

* Matthew was the fi rst CWSF Finalist from the Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair to win a medal at the National Level

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Report to Sponsors & Partners

Looking Forward to 2012

This year, the Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair sets the stage to celebrate its 5th anniversary. With such an important milestone for a young organization, our commitment to promoting science education in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo has not diminished; instead we look to redouble our efforts to ensure that the next 5 years are just as successful as the last. To achieve this, we look to...

Increase stakeholder engagement and participation at the Board level and to have representation from more industry partners.We have been very fortunate to have positive working relationships with many industry partners in the region; we look to continue to foster and build these relationships and see them become more permanent by giving our partners a voice on the Board and a chance to be involved in the process at the grass-roots level.

To make the Fair truly Regional by encouraging participation from rural schools in the region.This year, the WBYSF will seek partnerships with industry and other organizations to secure funding and resources to support project-based science in remote communities where it is currently impossible for students to attend a science fair. We will attempt to reduce financial and resource barriers with the support of our partners so that these students may have the same opportunities as other students in the region.

To improve opportunities for research partnerships between scientists and students, especially at the high school level.It has been shown that providing meaningful opportunities for engagement fosters an interest in Science Programs at the post-secondary level which in turn increases the number of students en-tering science-based careers. Providing an opportunity to take part in meaningful research, and theprovision of mentorships with practicing scientists, will hopefully have a similar effect in our region.

To increase our funding base so that we can expand our Fair and the number of participants by a further10-15%.As a non-profit organization, we rely on donations from sponsors and partners in order to run the Fair year to year. Securing committed partners and sponsors provides long term security for the Foundation so that we can continue to focus on providing opportunities for youth to engage in science.


Report to Sponsors & Partners 2011

Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundationc/o Andrew Taylor, Keyano CollegeBox 24, 8115 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB, T9H 2H7

phone: (780) 791-8957fax: (780) 791-4991email: Andrew.Taylor@keyano.ca