Woodhall Lane & Free Church Magazine: March 2010

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Woodhall Lane & Welwyn Garden City Free Church Magazine: March 2010


Welwyn Garden City

United Reformed Churches March 2010 Magazine




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Hatfield Tai Chi Chuan Club Tel Pat 01707 331526

6:30 to 10:00 pm Not in August Chinese Health Exercise Classes

Puppy Training Classes Tel Gill 07967226796 7:00 to 9:00 pm


* Dinky Dancers Tel Lorry 01438 831281 9:15 to 11:00 am Activity classes for children under 4 years.

Mind Drop-In Coffee Morning Tel Rhoda 01707 654633 10:00 to 12 noon Drop in coffee morning for those with

mental health issues, but open to all.

*Pat Reid School of Scottish Dancing Tel Pat 01707 338478

5:15 to 8:30 pm Scottish Dance classes ages 3½ & above.

TangoWGC e-mail John at tangowgc@yahoo.co.uk 8:15 to 9:45 Improvers Argentine Tango classes.

New beginners classes available on demand.


NCT Bumps and Bundles Tel 01707 320422 2:00 to 4:00 pm Drop in sessions for pregnant mums and

babes in arms.

* Girls and Boys Brigade Tel Glenys 01707 336433 6:15 to 8:00 pm For children aged 4+

Page 3


*Chatter N Tots Tel Ann 01707 327277

9:45 to 11:15 am Parent/ Carer and child group. Play, arts and crafts, music and refreshments.

New Thursday Club Tel Rosemary 01707 330660 2:30 to 4:00 pm Alternate Thursdays but not in August.

Activities, Trips etc for the over 50’s.

The Cellar 4:15 to 6:30 pm Drop in centre for vulnerable people.

Providing snacks, tea and social contact.

English Country Dancers Tel Terry 01707 320299

8:00 to 10:00 pm Not in August Folk Dancing.

Trefoil Guild

8:00 to 10:00 pm 2nd Thursday in the month.

Not in August.


Welwyn Archaeological Society Tel Daphne 01707 335729 8:00 to 10:00 pm Sept. to April. 2nd & 4th Friday in the month.

Talks, slide shows etc.

WGC Art Club Tel Bryan 01438 714528

8:00 to 10:00 pm September to May 3rd Friday in the month

Meetings, Talks etc

* Denotes term time only.

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Rev Jane Weedon

01707 375133

Freechurch Woodhall Lane


Mrs Joyce Nicolson

Tel 01707 326829 TBA

email :-secretary@freechurchwgc.org.uk


John Meers

12 Brockswood Lane Welwyn Garden City


Tel 01707 327277 e mail :-treasurer@freechurchwgc.org.uk


Mr Alan Tyler

23 Harmer Green Lane



Youth Worker

TBA email :-

Page 5

Letter from the Manse At our evening Pancake Party on Shrove Tuesday, after we had

eaten the very tasty pancakes, we were talking about prayer as an

introduction to our Lent Course. We asked ourselves what prayer

is and there were a number of suggestions including · Prayer is our way of communicating with God and

· Prayer is a spiritual check up on our lives.

In many ways this is what Lent is all about. Tradition was that on Shrove Tuesday people were given a half day holiday from work

to go to church to be ‘shriven’ or forgiven for their wrong doings.

It was also a day to have a party – in France and elsewhere Shrove Tuesday is called Mardi Gras and is a real celebration with a

carnival atmosphere. Carnival means ‘farewell to meat’ so

whichever way we celebrate our forgiveness it was also the time to

use up all the rich food in the house in preparation for the Lent fast.

This has gone out of fashion now and we have really lost the

concept of fasting as a way to remind ourselves of our need for God. The Lent Fast enabled people to remember Jesus 40 days of

fasting in the wilderness and during this frugal time people were

encouraged to take stock and examine their lives.

It is not good for us to be constantly taking our spiritual pulse but

it is good to do once a year. A spiritual check up is helpful because

it is very easy for us to become discouraged and find that negative ways of looking at things have become the norm for us. We might

discover we have begun to put our hope and trust in a person or

some material things or got into the habit of thinking ‘When so and so happens everything will be alright.’ By doing this we rob

ourselves of the joy of living in the present moment and enjoying

the place and the people we find ourselves with.

What about taking the spiritual temperature of our churches? It is

very tempting isn’t it to always think – if only we were more this or less that. Or even more likely – if only they were more this or

less that!

Page 6

The only person who we can measure spiritually is ourselves. The

Christian community is different from all other communities because what brings us together is not just on a human level but on

a spiritual one. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer suggests, we are bought

together ‘…by the Holy Spirit who puts Jesus Christ in our hearts as Lord and


Bonhoeffer continues ‘…the Christian community has not been given to us by God

for us to be constantly taking its

temperature. The more thankfully we daily receive what is given to us, the more surely

and steadily will fellowship increase and

grow from day to day as God pleases.’

What better way for us to prepare for the wonder of Easter when

Jesus rose from the tomb and greeted his friends with love and

joy? Let us be thankful every day for everyone in our fellowship- including those we find difficult, and greet each other with love

and joy as if we were greeting Jesus and just watch the

temperature rise!

Every blessing


Sunday Morning Prayers before Worship

Time: 9.45-10.05 am

Please come and join us in the church for 20 minutes of prayer together as we prepare for the service. You can say a prayer out

loud or not pray as the Spirit moves you. The important thing is to

share this intimate time with God together.

Page 7


Can you decorate a Windowsill?

I am sure you could with the help of your husband, family, a

friend or just on your own. Perhaps the Sunday School Children and the Brigade would like to join in. All we ask is that it depicts

something to do with Easter. It does not have to include any

flowers. I hope some of you will take up the challenge as the church looked lovely last year with all the windowsills decorated

by members of the congregation.

The Flower and Decor Team will be in Church on the morning of Saturday 3rd of April decorating the church for Easter Sunday. You

could set up your display then or we can arrange a time more

suitable to you. We would also welcome some volunteers to help us with our

decorating so don’t be shy there are lots of little jobs to do which

don’t involve artistic or floristry skills. Please come along and help.

Easter Sunday

An Invitation to all who attend Woodhall Lane and The Free


Do come and join us for Easter Breakfast at 9.00 followed by a

Joint Service at The Free Church at 10.30

Page 8

Free Church Secretary’s Notes

I am looking forward to seeing you all on the 6th March either at

the morning session or in the afternoon.

This is your opportunity to help shape the future of your Church. Come along and express your dreams for your Church. Then, with

the help of your dreams and the information from the Collecting

the Stones Conversations, we hope to create together a vision for

our future.

I truly believe we can find the way forward. We must work together, adopt a positive attitude, be courageous, and have faith in

God’s guidance. We can and will succeed. Look below and

decide which you would prefer to be in our quest to re-establish

our church as a vibrant place of worship and a valuable asset to our local community.

Are you a positive person or a negative person?

N No hope for the future P Prays for guidance E Easily discouraged O Open to new ideas

G Gives up S Seeks a way forward

A Always looks at the downside I Innovative

T Tired and lacking in motivation T Trusts in God’s guidance I Inward looking I Interested

V Very ready to accept defeat V Vivacious

E Expects the worst E Eager to succeed

I hope you are all positive and interested in our church’s future. If

you are you will be eager to join us on the 6th March.

See you then

Joyce Nicolson

Page 9

Moeder (Afrikaans)

Ahm (Arabic)

Mother (English)

Maman (French)

Mutter (German)

Makuahine (Hawaiian)

Maji (Hindi)

Mamma (Italian)

Okaasan (Japanese)

Mater (Latin)

Haakui (Maori)

Pabo (Punjabi)

Madre (Spanish)

Mzazi (Swahili)

Muter (Yiddish)

Don’t forget Mother’s

Day on the 14th March.

If you come to Sunday

School we will be making something


Pssst – Don’t tell

Mum !!

Page 10

A Believer's To-Be List

Steps to a fresh start with God

Written by Philip Yancey award winning writer on many of the mysteries and wonders of the spiritual life.

When I turned 50, I had a complete physical check-up… At the

same time, I scheduled a spiritual check-up, too…. a silent retreat

led by a wise spiritual director.

In those days of solitude, I pondered what I needed to change to

keep my soul in shape. The more I listened, the longer grew the

list. Here is a mere sampling, a portion of a spiritual action plan

for my next 50 years.

Question your doubts as much as your faith. By personality, or

perhaps as a reaction to a fundamentalist past, I brood on doubts and experience faith in occasional flashes. Isn't it about time for

me to reverse the pattern?

Do not attempt this journey alone. Like many Protestants, I easily

assume the posture of one person alone with God, a stance that more and more I see as unbiblical. The Old Testament tells the

story of the people of God; Jesus' parables unveil the kingdom; the

epistles went primarily to communities of faith. We have little guidance on how to live as a follower alone because God never

intended it.

Allow the good natural beauty, your health, encouraging words to penetrate as deeply as the bad. Why does it take about 17

encouraging letters from readers to overcome the effect of one that

is caustic and critical? If I awoke every morning, and fell asleep

each night, bathed in a sense of gratitude and not self-doubt, the in

-between hours would doubtless take on a different cast.

For your own sake, simplify. Eliminate whatever distracts you

from God. Toss catalogues, junk mail, and book club notices in the

trash. If I ever get the nerve, my television set should probably

land there as well.

Page 11

Find what Eric Liddell found: something that allows you to feel

God's pleasure. When the sprinter's sister worried that his

participation in the Olympics might derail his missionary career,

Eric responded, "God made me fast. And when I run, I feel his pleasure." What makes me feel God's pleasure? I must identify it,

and then run.

Always "err," as God does, on the side of freedom, mercy, and compassion. I continue to marvel at the humility of a sovereign

God who descends to live inside us, his flawed creatures. "Quench

not the Spirit," Paul says in one place, and in another "grieve not the holy Spirit of God." In so many words, the God of all power

asks us not to hurt him. Do I show that same humble, noncoercive

attitude toward people of whom I disapprove?

Don't be ashamed. "I am not ashamed of the gospel," Paul told the

Romans. Why do I speak in generalities when strangers ask me

what I do for a living and then try to pin down what kind of books

I write? Why do I mention the secular schools I attended before

the Christian ones?

Remember, those Christians who peeve you so much God chose

them too. For some reason, I find it much easier to show grace and

acceptance toward immoral unbelievers than toward uptight,

judgmental Christians. Which, of course, turns me into a different

kind of uptight, judgmental Christian.

Forgive, daily, those who caused the wounds that keep you from wholeness. Increasingly, I find God uses our wounds in his

service. By harbouring blame for those who caused them, I slow

the act of redemption that can bring healing.

My spiritual check-up offers one clear advantage over my physical

check-up. No matter what I do my body will continue to

deteriorate, but, spiritually I can look forward to growth and renewed vigour as long as I listen and then act on what I hear God

saying. Condensed from Christianity Today (4/3/00), © 2000

Page 12

Church ‘At Home’ Day

Saturday March 6th Exploring our Vision for the future

It was suggested at Church Meeting in January

that we had an ‘At Home’ day to discuss our future.

This day is a particularly important in the life of

the Free Church as we take the results of our Collecting the Stones conversations one step


There will be 2 sessions.

10.30 am to 12.30 will include optional extras

for children.

2pm – 4.30 no children’s activities.

Please stay or come early and bring your own lunch.

We especially hope that parents will be able to stay to discuss our plans for youth work provision.

We are looking for a good turnout to gather as

many peoples ideas and opinions as possible.

Please sign up at the back of the church to let us

know you are coming.

Page 13

Today's Verse

"Don't be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will

always harvest what you plant. Those who live only to satisfy their

own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest

everlasting life from the Spirit. So let's not get tired of doing what

is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity,

we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family

of faith."

Galatians 6:7–10

encouragement for today

To keep from getting discouraged, we need to take the long view. What we sow, we will eventually reap. Eventually. The harvest of

blessing will come at the appropriate time—and God determines

what that time is. So keep on doing good to everyone, especially

other Christians, and never give up.

—Diane Eble, author of Abundant Gifts: A Daybook of Grace-

Filled Devotions ==============================

Women’s World Day of Prayer Service

Friday March 5th 2pm

At The Salvation Army Hall

Cole Green Lane The service this year has been prepared by the women of


The speaker has first hand knowledge of the country. This is always an excellent service. If anyone would like a lift

please let Jane know.

Page 14

You are invited to attend

a Free Church Service

in The Lady Chapel on:

Wednesday 3rd. March 2010 at 11a.m.

Preacher: The Reverend Canon Stephen

Lake, Sub Dean.

The Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban.

– At Noon join a Fellowship Lunch in the Abbey Café.

Wednesday 7th. April 2010 at 11a.m.

Preacher: The Reverend Stephen Copson, BA, M. Litt.

Central Baptist Association General & Company Secretary.

– At Noon join a Fellowship Lunch in the Abbey Café.

Wednesday 5th. May 2010 at 11a.m.

Preacher: The Reverend Dr. Kevin Walton,

Canon Chancellor, St Albans Cathedral.

– At Noon join a Fellowship Lunch in the Abbey Café. Special Services in the Cathedral:

Sunday 21st. February 2010 at 6-30p.m. Taize Service.

A candlelit service of music and meditation.

Sunday 21st. March 2010 at 6-30p.m.

A Passiontide Service of music, poetry and prayer.

Good Friday 2nd. April at 8p.m. ‘Unity at the Cross’.

An Ecumenical Service led by The United Reformed Church,

Trinity St Albans and Bricket Wood.

Wednesday 26th May 7pm–9-30pm Ecumenical Pilgrimage

Come and rediscover the Cathedral with an Evening Pilgrimage.

7p.m Refreshments. 7-45p.m. Guided Prayer Tour

9p.m.Prayers in the Quire followed by a procession to the Shrine

of St Alban. The cost will be £5 each. Contact: Revd. Peter Hudson.

All ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP Reverend Peter Hudson Free Church Ecumenical Chaplain

Email:<peter.hudson@uwclub.net >Phone: St Albans: 812076

Page 15

Lent Course

This years Lent Course is entitled ‘Building up our relationship

with Christ’. It was prepared by the Nationwide Christian Trust together with the URC’s Vision4Life team and is on the subject of


This was launched at our Pancake Party on Shrove Tuesday.

There are opportunities to meet on Tuesday afternoons with

Robert at 18 Mount Way 2:30 pm, Thursday evenings at the

Manse 8:00 pm and Fridays mornings with Jim at 114 Parkway 10

am. Please see the sign up sheet in church for further details or speak to Jane or Robert.

If you haven’t tried one of these groups before I would encourage

you to come along. Why not ask a friend and come together?

It is an opportunity to look at the subject of prayer in more depth

than we are able to do in worship. No one will expect you to

answer a question directed only at you and as the discussion often relates to our own experience there are no wrong answers- we all

learn something new and have some fun!

Instead of giving something up for Lent why not take this up


Page 16

February Money Free

Church Woodhall

Income £4,815 £1,229

Expense £5,974 £1,880

FC is quite good since we paid a £1,300

electric bill and £1,000 manse insurance

WHL paid £864 for electricity.

Visit us on the web at:


For updated and exciting content and the latest

information about the Free Church

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Page 17


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Please, please, please can we have some more

volunteers for the Sunday

coffee rota. The more

people on the rota the less often your turn comes

round. Any volunteers ring

Kathleen Muir on 01438 880382 as soon as

possible. Many thanks in


Page 18

All Hands Together informal

Praise Café

First Sunday every


4 -5pm

Come and see if it

tickles your


Page 19


We have had a pleasant month enlivened by a visit from our

friend Dorothy Tulloch who kindly offered to do for us a

demonstration of flower arranging. This was a delightful

afternoon and we all learned something as Dorothy kept up

a constant flow of flower related conversation which was

both educational and extremely interesting. As she talked

she worked which shows a remarkable degree of skill and

professionalism. We had a raffle and 3 lucky people won

one of her beautiful arrangements. She also supplied us with

a quiz to keep us amused and many people enjoyed this too.

Thank you very much for this lovely afternoon, Dorothy.

One of the other delights which we have enjoyed

throughout the past year was the company of another person

who joined us on quite a few occasions. This bundle of fun

is Jessica who with her mother Joanne, her grandmother

Sandra and her great-grandmother Daphne make up a great

team. Please keep coming, Jessica: you give us a

tremendous lot of pleasure .

We would love to see any of you, or any of your friends at

any of our meetings. It is not necessary to commit to

coming to every one - you can come when you wish. There

is no membership fee, only a charge of 40p for tea and

biscuits or cakes. The meetings this month are on 11 and 25


Rosemary Craig (330660)

Page 20

Freechurch Family Corner

Congratulations to Iris Waite and her husband on their 60th Wedding Anniversary on April Ist. Wow! What a wonderful

achievement! When asked why they chose such an inauspicious

date, Iris explained that if you got married before the end of the tax year which falls in early April, you were able to get a tax

rebate for the whole of the previous year. I don’t think this

happens any more!

Congratulations to Jessie Lunt on the birth in December of her

5th Great grandchild. Nickolas Callum was born in Norway

where Jessie’s grandson Ian and his wife live. Is this a record? Let me know if you can do better!!!

Please let us know if you are celebrating an anniversary, birthday

or other happy event so that we can share your joy.

We are pleased to hear that Alan Tyler has had his ‘scaffolding’

removed successfully from his back and is now home and

recovering well. Hurray!

Our love and prayers go to Margaret Taylor who is now home

following her hip replacement operation. The new hip is settling

well but her leg and foot are very painful which is making life difficult at present. We hope things will improve very soon.

We are sorry to hear that Gwillam Walker has been suffering from

shingles and we hope he will be feeling better soon.

Please remember those mentioned in our sick register which is on

display at our Sunday service and add any names, situations or

places in the world you would like included in our prayers of intercession to the sheet provided. Margaret Ansell keeps the list

updated and organizes the distribution of flowers so please let her

know of anyone who needs our prayers and support. We rely on

you all to keep us informed so no one gets forgotten. Thank you

Ann Meers (Tel:327277)

Page 21

Inter Faith Matters

The Inter Faith Group has been using a lull in his public activities

to regenerate itself and improve its meetings in readiness for spending the £12,000 grant that it is to receive in April. It is

selecting from a good list of applicants a part-time administrator to

be funded from this grant. The programme for the coming year is being shaped with some key objectives in mind, such as the need

to involve more members of our faith communities than just the

‘old faithfuls’. Small task groups have been formed to work up the

various initiatives. I am leading one aimed at getting an inter-faith perspective embedded in religious education and am helping

Christine Novelli to develop work with school sixth forms. Other

topics include a road show, an input into the general election campaigns, activities for a 2010 Inter Faith Week, a major public

meeting with a prominent speaker and a series of visits to major

places of worship in the locality. The inter faith library is also being rejuvenated.

The political climate for inter faith work is set fair; for example, the government has appointed 13 new faith advisers as part of its

attempt to promote social cohesion and encouraging noises are

coming from the Conservative and Lib-Dem parties too. However, local government is rather slow to follow this lead.

Meanwhile, IFG members have been engaging with various local and regional consultations and events, such as Holocaust

Memorial Day. In view of local concerns about hospital provision,

the Group invited Lynda Dent of NHS Herts to update us. It is planned that the Local General Hospital in Welwyn Garden City,

to replace the QE2, will provide a 24/7 Urgent Care Centre, full

Outpatient Services (including Mental Health), Diagnostic

Services such as X-rays, GP-led Out-of-Hours Services, Therapy Services and Ante/post-natal Care – all becoming operational by

late 2013, by which time emergency medical care (heart attacks,

strokes etc. will have been transferred to the Lister Hospital. Faith

Page 22

communities are being encouraged to keep their members up-to-

date with what is happening and to provide contact details for

anyone with questions and concerns (eg lynda.dent@herts-pcts.nhs.uk).

Reassuringly, Lynda, who is married to a hospital consultant, said

that if she herself were to require emergency treatment, she would

rather it were administered by a paramedic in an ambulance ( her

son is a paramedic) in the first instance than by someone such as her husband, because paramedics are well trained to care for and

stabilise patients prior to transfer for specialist treatment at a


Bertie Everard


The venue is: Christchurch Baptist Church

10 Parkway, Welwyn Garden City AL8 6HN

The dates are: Monday 15th February Monday 22nd February

Monday 1st March

Monday 8th March Monday 15th March

Monday 22nd March

Monday 29th March

The times are: 7.00 pm to 9.45 pm

We need help with promotion, cooking, washing up, setting up, helping to run the evening. If anyone is interested please let

Jane know.

Page 23


Please note that we meet in the Minister’s Vestry from

9.45 am -10.10 am every Sunday for Prayers. Please come and join us and help us achieve our target in this years

Vision4life Prayer Challenge. ALL WELCOME. . NB Girls and Boys Brigade meet every Wednesday at 6.15

Date Day Time Led By Event

6th Saturday 10.30-12.30

14.00 - 16.00

7th Sunday 10:30 am Jane Communion


04:00 pm Jane Praise Cafe

9th Tuesday 07:30 pm Elders Meeting

11th Thursday 02:30 pm Thursday Club

14th Sunday 10:30 am Robert Harvey Mothering


21st Sunday 10:30 am Jane Morning Service

25th Thursday 02:30 pm Thursday Club

28th Sunday 10:30 am Jane All Age Service

Palm Sunday

12:00 AGM Lunch &

Children’s Activities

04:00 pm Robert Harvey Afternoon


Vision for the future both sessions to

meet together for lunch at 1: pm

Page 24

Woodhall Lane Corner


This was held on Shrove Tuesday and we were joined by the

Free Church for an enjoyable evening of a quiz followed by a pancake supper. Jane gave a talk on prayer which is to be

the topic of this year’s Lent Groups. Donations received

amount to £60.- and this will go to The Good News Children’s Home.


It is sad to report that Kath McKelleget had recently died.

Kath attended our church for many years and had spent her last years in Hyde Valley House. Her funeral was held on 11

February at Harwood Park Crematorium.

Visit us on the web at


For updated content and information about Woodhall Lane

If you have a problem or need to discuss something that

requires pastoral attention please contact one of the Elders

Page 25

Woodhall Lane March 2010



7 March - Ian Matthews 14 March - Rev Jane Weedon (Communion)

21 March - Rev Roy Eames

28 March - Robert Harvey (Palm Sunday)


14 February - Linda

Door Stewards and Vestry duties will be covered by those



7 March - Carole

14 March - Barbara

21 March - Margaret

28 March - Carole


These will be held as part of the Lent Groups on Fridays

at 10 am at 114 Parkway WGC led by Jim Butler.

FELLOWSHIP CLUB - Alternate Thursdays 2 - 3.30 pm.

11 March - Town and Country Quiz 25 March - Beetle Drive


Thursday 11 March 9.30 am at the church

Page 26


This will be held on 13 March at 7pm. Tickets available from Linda at £7.- each including supper. Ring 01707 394045. Profits

for Woodhall Lane Fabric Fund.


With a donation from Mabel Phillip’s family the new carpet has

been fitted by Joe Palacio. Appreciation to Joe for doing this work and to him and Barbara in the choice of shade of blue which

looks very nice. Joe has also planted an orange rose tree in the

Church Memorial Garden in memory of Mabel.


Appreciation to Hilda Jackson for a donation in memory of her

husband Bob.


The sum of £87.- was raised for the Haiti Appeal. A tidy sum for

our small congregation.


If you are a senior you will understand this one, if you deal with seniors this should help you understand them a little better, and if you are not a

senior yet.........God willing, someday you will be...... .The £2.99 Special

.We went to breakfast at a restaurant where the 'seniors' special' was two eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for £2.99.

'Sounds good,' my wife said. 'But I don't want the eggs.'

'Then, I'll have to charge you £3.49 because you're ordering a la carte,' the waitress warned her. 'You mean I'd have to pay for not

taking the eggs?' my wife asked incredulously. 'YES!!' stated the


'I'll take the special then,' my wife said.. 'How do you want your eggs?' the waitress asked.

'Raw and in the shell,' my wife replied. She took the two eggs

home and baked a cake.

Page 27


. 13th March Old Time Music Hall at Woodhall lane7-9pm tickets £7 with supper.

14th March NB new date for Team Leaders Breakfast Meeting.

28th March AGM 12.00 with Lunch (Team Reports to Joyce by 7th March



11th May at 7.30 pm

25th July after the morning service 14th September 7.30pm

28th November after the morning service

Prayer Days

Saturday 5th or 12th June (date to be confirmed) Saturday 11th September

Harvest Celebrations

Saturday 2nd October Talents Day (displays, demonstrations and workshops ) Sunday 3rd October Communion and Harvest Thanksgiving

Christmas Fayre

Saturday 20th November 10.30 -3pm

Carols by Candlelight Sunday 19th December


Page 28

New smokefree website helps

Hertfordshire smokers to quit

When the clock struck twelve on

New Year’s Eve many smokers decided to quit. For those people

who are struggling to quit - don’t give up giving up! Help is on

hand as NHS Hertfordshire launches a new smokefree website.

Liz Fisher from Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service says "In my

job as an NHS Stop Smoking Specialist I have helped hundreds of

people successfully stop smoking. The new website is one more

way that people can get help and support to quit. Once registered,

users can gain access to interactive tools and information to

support them quit smoking. There is also an option to enter group

sessions which are a simulation of the real thing, well almost the

real thing and we have injected a little “fun factor” into the

experience: www.smokefreehertfordshire.nhs.uk


A few people have mentioned how quickly areas suffering from

natural disasters go from our news reports leaving us with little up

to date information about how things are progressing. The only

stories we are likely to hear are negative ones.

Page 29

I couldn’t even find much on the internet except for stories of

hope, of local people doing all they can to help one another.

One report written by Elneus had said, "I believe this is God's way

of saying to the world, 'I want to see your humanity.'" After seeing

the unbelievable support for Haiti ever since, Elneus says, "People

answered God's call. God is now saying, ‘You have shown me

your humanity.' Now he's asking the leaders in Haiti, 'What are

you going to do with all you've been given? Are you going to do

nothing or are you going to make Haiti a more hopeful place for its

children? There's no reason to have so much suffering there.'"

This is one persons interpretation of the situation there but as we

continue to pray for the people let us also pray that it becomes a

more hopeful place with less daily suffering once this crisis is past ===========================================================================

Page 30

Free Church Rotas for March 10 Coffee

7 Mr. and Mrs. P. Read 14 Mrs. A. and Miss K. Onasile

21 Mr. and Mrs. A. Tyler

28 Mrs. S. Chamberlin and Mrs. K. Muir

FLOWER ROTA 7th March Mr and Mrs A Tyler

14th March Mrs Mary Sartin

21st March Mr and Mrs P Read 28th March Mrs Mary Dickenson

The 2010 Flower Rota is now in the Rota’s Folder at the back of the Church. We still have 11 spaces to fill. If you would like to choose one of the blank dates please fill in your name on the rota or talk to me. If you cannot afford to provide for all the flowers on a specific date but would like to make a small contribution to the Flower Fund this is also very welcome. It helps us provide flowers on the blank dates and after the service they give pleasure to the sick and elderly when they are delivered to their homes.

Joyce Nicolson On behalf of the Flower and Decor Team.

Creche It’s great if all the family can come to church together. If your

child is too young to attend Junior Church, we

have a warm, safe and comfy room where parents can take their babies and toddlers.

Hey and there are loads of toys!

Page 31

Apologies this should have been in last months magazine

Letter from Isabel Hospice

Dear Friends

Thank you so much for the donation of £l,276.42. What a splendid amount to have raised from your Christmas Fayre, it really is very

generous of you to think of us and to support us so loyally.

We rely very heavily on donations made in this way and can

assure you your support really does make a difference.

Thank you all once again, we would like to take this opportunity

of wishing you all a happy and healthy 2010.

Yours sincerely

Val Robinson

Fundraising Administrator

Deadline for April 10 Magazine

Articles requiring typing Sunday 14th Mar

Articles sent via email Thursday 18th Mar

e-mail documents to magazine@freechurchwgc.org.k , hand

your articles to Chris Ewer the Magazine Secretary or leave them in the magazine pigeon hole at the back of the church for

the Freechurch or hand to Linda Sutton for Woodhall Lane, and

if they can be with us before or as near to the deadline date as possible that will be much appreciated.

Please note that it is essential that these dates are respected if

the magazine is be printed on time. Magazine will be printed for Sunday 28th March

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