Words Count! … Change YOUR Words and Change Your World! Say This… and Not This! eYeFacilitate /...

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Words Count! … Change YOUR Words and Change Your World!

Say This… and Not This!

eYeFacilitate /Mark Hinton / mark@eyefacilitate.com / www.eyefacilitate.com/video / 828-215-5510

© eYeFacilitate 2012 Confidential / NO Reproduction or Distribution

© eYeFacilitate 2012 Confidential / NO Reproduction or Distribution

Innovate and Adapt to Thrive!

Do Your words Influence?

When did you last evaluate and refine the words you use with patients to describe actions, products, insurance allowances, doctor recommendation, add-ons, etc.? How long have you been using the same words with patients and still get objections and pushback from them?

You May Be Insane?

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

Make it ALL Sound Wonderful!Think about your last visit to your favorite department store. The marketing was positive and appealed to human emotion of want. Think about it! The messaging expresses beauty, image, style, feel, and more; all positive. The messaging in the department stores don’t express what you can’t have or that you can get it but it’s more money, or you’ll have to do this or that; instead, the messaging is positive and inviting!

We’ve Been Conditioned!

Often we become conditioned by the words we read and use on the Vision Plan ‘service authorization’ printout


Most of the words and language we’ve learned and use originated from co-workers, and we use the Vision Care Plan Service Authorization Record, which has taught us to express negative messaging to consumers; for example “outta pocket”, “coverage”,

“allowance”, “overage”

People only recall very little!

It’s of value to you and your consumer to choose your words carefully. Remember people buy with emotion and they justify with logic or relevant need. If it sounds good for them, they more often buy it… even if they didn’t know

they wanted it to start with.

Help them buy!Make it sound wonderful and tell the WHY your patients love the advantages and they’ll more likely buy…. But focus on money like ‘outta pocket’ or “That’s an add-on!” or “That isn’t covered!” and they’ll focus more on money and what it’s all going to cost!

How do you change?

Focus your dialog on WHY they would want it, and not why they wouldn’t want it, whatever it is!

How do you change?

Let’s look at examples:

Does This Sound Good?

“I recommend with your strong prescription that you get the 1.67 high index lenses, they’re only a little bit more!”

OR, would this sound better, while directing them?

“I’ll be sure your lenses are thin and light-weight so they look attractive and feel comfortable!”• Who wouldn’t want these



Features don’t express the benefit or advantage!... Features simply describe the product or service!“What’s in it for me?”


People buy the benefit or advantage of what the product will do for them.Attractive & Comfortable are advantages anyone would want!

Enlist Resources.

Use an online thesaurus to choose better synonyms and adjectives in order to make an impactful emotional impression for your patient/consumer

Help Them Buy from you!

Make Your Story Count!

People don’t often remember bullet points or “information dumps”; they more often remember a good story!

Make your story count!

Tell them how your advice has been a benefit for your other patients and tell them why your product will help them gain an advantage or avoid a loss and then close

Help Them Buy from you!

Make your story count!

Tell them how your advice has been a benefit for your other patients and tell them WHY your product will help them gain an advantage or avoid a loss and then close; BUT keep your benefit story short because modern research indicates people only recall roughly 3%-6% of what they hear you say! Less Is More

ABC = Always Be Closing

Don’t leave it ‘hanging’ after you express the benefits of how and why!Close with a question: “Do those benefits {Or Advantages} make sense for you, too?” • The ‘Close’ helps direct your

consumer, with respect, while maintaining control.

Words & PhrasesSay:

Your Benefit…The Doctor Prescribed…

Courtesy callAR UltraClear

Other patients love…Your Co-Payment…

Your SightIncluded

Wide-Field of SightWhat I can do for you…

Don’t Say:Your Allowance…

The Doctor Recommended…Just callingNon-glare

You should get…Your Outta Pocket…

Your VisionAdd-on

Wider CorridorUnfortunately…

eYeFacilitate Thank You!

• Designed For you and Your Team!

• Invite us to your office; you’ll be as thrilled as your colleagues!

Mark Hintonmark@eyefacilitate.com

www.eyefacilitate.com 828-215-5510

© eYeFacilitate 2012 Confidential / NO Reproduction or Distribution