Words with no sound clues

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Here is my awesome spelling project for this week. I used Iconscrabble and pictures to show what that word means. You can learn a lot from these words because they have definitions I also put in there. I hope you learn some more words and have fun using them in your everyday life.


Words with No Sound Clues

by: Elise O’Shaughnessy

Sentence: Mathematics is my sister’s favorite


Definition: study of numbers

Sentence: I really want to become a doctor.

Definition: used to emphasize the extent of


Sentence: Do you recognize me?

Definition: To remember someone by


Sentence: The audience clapped at my


Definition: A group of people watching a show or


Sentence: I usually go to Subway for lunch.

Definition: normally as a habit

Sentence: The crystal diamond it $1,000,000.

Definition: Very expensive jewelry

Sentence: My favorite subject is science.

Definition: Like the most

Sentence: My memory is very good.

Definition: To remember something

Sentence: The restaurant was very beautiful

Definition: A place to have dinner

Sentence: I was disgusted by her behavior.

Definition: grossed out

Sentence: The secretary is writing a document.

Definition: Person who writes documents

Sentence: The miniature girl looked like a baby.

Definition: Tiny toy

Sentence: The tournament was great.

Definition: Is a competition with a large amount of


Sentence: Suddenly the vacuum went crazy.

Definition: Machine to clean up

Sentence: My friends live in Delaware.

Definition: State in America

Sentence: I go to elementary school.

Definition: Kindergarten - 5 grade

Sentence:Her gratitude was awesome.

Definition: To be thankful or to display thanks

Sentence: An adult crying like a child is juvenile.

Definition: acting childish

Sentence: I am the victim of the bully.

Definition: Centre of a fight

Sentence: The dog belongs in the mammals


Definition: group of animals

Sentence: We stayed in a luxurious hotel.

Definition: Extremely comfortable place

Sentence: My school had a auxiliary building.

Definition: Extra building

Sentence: Badminton is my favorite sport.

Definition: Sport with racket and birdie (ball).

Sentence: I drove down a New York boulevard.

Definition: A big street with a lot of trees

Sentence: A penitentiary is where they keep the

bad people.

Definition: Place where they hold bad people.

Some people call it a prison