Work Teams and Groups - Northern Virginia Community...

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9Work Teams and


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2Copyright ©2017 Cengage Learning. Al l Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or dupl icated, or posted to a publ icly acce ssible website, in whole or in part. ORBG5 | CH9

1 Define group and work team

2 Explain the benefits organizations and individuals derive from working in teams

3 Identify factors that influence group behavior

4 Describe how groups form and develop

5 Explain how task and maintenance functions influence group performance

6 Discuss the factors that influence group effectiveness

7 Describe how empowerment relates to self-managed teams

8 Explain the importance of upper echelons and top management teams

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Define Group and Work Team

LO - 9.1

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Groups and Teams

• Two or more people with common interests, objectives, and continuing interaction


• Group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common:

• Mission

• Performance goal

• Approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable

Work team

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Explain the Benefits Organizations and

Individuals Derive From Working in Teams

LO - 9.2

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Why Teams?

• Joint action by a team in which individual interests are subordinated to team unity


• Encourages collaboration

Benefit for organizations

• Psychological intimacy: Emotional and psychological closeness to other team or group members

• Integrated involvement: Closeness achieved through tasks and activities

Benefits for individuals

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Beyond the Book: Two CEOs?

• Apparel retailer Aeropostale is challenging convential wisdom by appointing co-CEOs

• The move is risky, given the recession

• Other companies have made this structure work –California Pizza Kitchen, Chipotle, Motorola, Research in Motion, and Twitter

• The most successful teams are those with complimentary talents, composed of the organization’s veterans who worked together for some time

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Identify Factors That Influence Group


LO - 9.3

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Group Behavior

• Group standards used to evaluate member’s behaviors

Norms of behavior

• Interpersonal glue that makes group members stick together

Group cohesion

• Failure of a member to contribute personal time, effort, thoughts, or other resources

Social loafing

• Individual group members' loss of self-awareness, sense of accountability, inhibition, and responsibility for individual behavior

Loss of individuality

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Describe how Groups Form and Develop

LO - 9.4

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Types of Groups

• Formal groups • Official or assigned groups gathered to perform

various tasks

• Informal groups • Groups that evolve in the work setting to meet

needs not met by formal groups

• Ethnic, gender, cultural and interpersonal diversity is critical to all types of groups



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9.1 Tuckman’s Five-Stage Model of Group


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Mature Groups Characteristics

Purpose and Mission

Behavioral Norms

Groups Cohesion

Status Structure

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Beyond the Book: ‘What You Don’t Want in a


• In his new book How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In, Jim Collins identifies a number of characteristics of ineffective teams:• People shield those in power from unpleasant


• People assert strong facts without data

• Team members don’t unify to make a decision

• Team members try to take as much credit as possible

• Team members blame others for failures

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Explain how Task and Maintenance

Functions Influence Group Performance

LO - 9.5



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9.2 Task and Maintenance Functions in

Teams or Groups

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Discuss Factors That Influence Group


LO - 9.6

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Factors Influencing Group Effectiveness

• Goals and objectives, guidelines, performance measures, and role specification

Work team structure

• Managing cooperative and competitive behaviors

Work team process

• Enhances group effectiveness

• Types of member contribution - Contributor, collaborator, communicator, and challenger


• Enhanced through encouraging greater diversity within the team


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Describe how Empowerment Relates to

Self-managed Teams

LO - 9.7

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Empowerment Skills

Competence skills Process skills

Cooperative and helping behaviors

Communication skills

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Self-Managed Teams

Self-directed teams or autonomous work groups

Make decisions that are otherwise reserved for managers

Help implement empowerment in organizations

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Explain the Importance of Upper Echelons

and Top Management Teams

LO - 9.8

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Upper Echelons

• Self-managed teams at the top-level of an organization

• Upper echelon theory• Background characteristics of top management

team predict organizational characteristics

• Set standards for values, competence, ethics, and unique characteristics in the organization

• Key to the strategic success of the organization

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Upper Echelons (continued)

• Help sustain high levels of organizational performance at the peak

• Help maintain the CEO’s vitality

Diversity at the top

• Diversity increases uncertainty, complexity, and inherent confusion in group processes

• Culturally diverse groups generate more and better ideas and limit groupthink

Multicultural top teams

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Friends with Money

• This chapter defined group as “two or more people who have common interests, objectives, and continuing interaction.” Does this film sequence have examples of each part of that definition? Identify specific moments that fit the definition

• Review the section “Stages of Group Development.” Apply that discussion to both film sequences. You should see examples of each stage

• Does the small group in these film sequences appear cohesive? Cite some specific moments from the film sequences to support your conclusion

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Holden Outerwear

• Is design manager Nikki Brush a part of a group or part of a work team? Explain the difference

• What changes in technology made it possible for designer Nikki Brush to be a member of Holden’s work teams while she was an outside freelancer?

• What are the potential disadvantages of teams for Holden’s apparel designers? What can managers do to help minimize these downsides?


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• Group

• Group cohesion

• Integrated involvement

• Loss of individuality

• Maintenance function

• Norms of behaviour

• Psychological intimacy

• Self-managed teams

• Social loafing

• Status structure

• Task function

• Teamwork

• Upper echelon

• Work team


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• A group consists of two or more people who share interests, objectives, and continuing interaction• Work team is a group of people with

complementary skills with similar commitments

• Working in teams encourages collaborations within the organization and encourages bonding between people

• Factors affecting group behavior are norms of behavior, group cohesion, social loafing, and loss of individuality


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• Groups can be formal or informal and have five stages of development• Forming, storming, norming, performing, and


• Effective task and maintenance functionsensure social benefits of psychological intimacy and integrated involvement

• Factors influencing group effectiveness• Work team structure, work team process,

diversity, and creativity


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• Good competence, process and communication skills, and cooperative and empathetic behavior allow teams to be self-directed and effective

• Upper echelons sets standards for the firm • Diversity and multiculturism at the top level

betters performance and increases innovation

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